Yes, the almighty GOD and not just any but THE GOD as in mention in religion that god created the universe from nothing than how god in to being. He also came in existence from nothing and when you die you also goes back to god.

"The one he who created will you be with him at last"

'hmm..i think its just feel like a last stop or a end of the universe where there is nothing, and I also found that there is a goddess in Hindu mythology, that even more powerful than lord shiva is the goddess of energy'


"Maybe your right, but this one feels like a energy which is nothing …"

'OR it's a part of a energy that has been extracted one or like a lost property which is no one claimed it yet???'



"don't you think we are taking too many pauses after talking??"

'we have to buddy, as this findings or the theories which is may or may not be true and we need some time to process it'

"yep you are correct partner. Than lets get this started ,I cant wait to get out of this place"

After lots of errors and trials veer made a move and removed the protection measurement around his a blank energy rushed in like a tsunami veer was overwhelmed by it and felt like constantly being pierced by unimaginable needles from every side.

'veer do not fight just keep your mind at peace and focus on one thing'

As veer got affected he was losing his rationality and as time passed he was forgetting little by little.

'veer your mother would been really feel sorry that you are giving up after surviving to till this time'

"mo.. ther..?"

'think about your father, how much he was working just to bring you food in your plate, did he gave up anytime??'


'you were so lazy that even your little sister had to tell you what you have to do in your life.dont you had a dream to become strong and independent enough to take care of your life'

"YES ….i w.anted…too..but now can I do it no.."

'why cant you do it now …veer don't you know even after..reading all those fan fictions.veer there is infinite possibalities veer just believe it'

In life people has dreams and they make that dream an obsession which is a part of reason which led to achieving their dream and make it impossible a possible.

AS veer found a light in darkness he gain a control of his thoughts and tried to calm himself down.

A day,A month,years,dacades even more as in blank time has no value or its not even exist but one thing never changed was battle between veer and blank.

Veer let his soul tempered with blank as he done it he became numb to the process but on a micro cosmic level veers soul was adapting and changing it .

After lot of process veer became one with blank and the blank space became quite once again, without any disturbance it soon return to quietness .