Veer sat with Sonia on the living room couch, fidgeting slightly as they waited for their new tutor, Diya, to introduce herself. She stood before them, her posture perfectly straight, a calm and controlled expression on her face. Diya was in her mid-twenties, with sharp features and an aura of quiet confidence that demanded attention without her needing to say much.

"Good evening, Veer, Sonia," Diya began, her voice steady and composed. "I'm Diya, your new tutor. I will be responsible for guiding you in various subjects, focusing not just on academics but on sharpening your overall cognitive skills. Today, we'll start with something simple."

She placed two sheets of paper in front of them, each with a series of complex patterns, riddles, and logic puzzles.

"I'd like you both to take this test. It's designed to measure your IQ, but don't be too concerned about the results. Just do your best."

Veer and Sonia exchanged glances, a bit uncertain. An IQ test for their first lesson? This wasn't what they had expected. Still, they got to work, focusing on the challenging questions that ranged from spatial reasoning puzzles to math problems well beyond their current grade level. 

Veer worked quickly but carefully, his mind racing as he analyzed each question. Though some problems were difficult, he found himself enjoying the challenge, his mind eagerly trying to piece together the logic behind each answer. Sonia, on the other hand, was less enthused, but she pushed through, scribbling answers with furrowed brows.

After what felt like an eternity, they both handed the tests back to Diya, who glanced over them with an unreadable expression. She didn't give anything away—no smiles, no frowns, nothing to indicate how they had done. 

Diya looked up after skimming through the results. "Good effort from both of you," she said neutrally, not elaborating further, which made Veer slightly uncomfortable. *What did she mean by that?* He found himself wondering, a small pit of anxiety forming in his stomach. Diya's calm, almost detached demeanor kept him on edge. He couldn't read her, and that bothered him.

Veer exchanged another glance with Sonia, who seemed just as uneasy. It wasn't often that someone could make Veer feel out of his depth, but Diya managed to do just that with a simple neutral expression.

** The Lecture Begins**

"Let's move on," Diya said, setting the test results aside. She turned to the whiteboard and began her lecture, outlining various topics that ranged from math principles to the foundations of logic. Her teaching style was precise—efficient, without unnecessary small talk or pauses. Every word seemed chosen with purpose, and Veer found it both impressive and intimidating. He wasn't used to this kind of structure, and it challenged him in ways his regular school didn't.

Sonia, on the other hand, was struggling to keep up. Veer could see her frustration building, but Diya didn't seem to notice. She pressed on with the lesson, her expression remaining neutral, occasionally glancing at them to make sure they were following along.

By the time the lecture ended, Veer's mind was buzzing with information. He'd always been a quick learner, but today's session had pushed him. And still, that neutral expression from Diya left him feeling unsettled. What had she thought of their performance?

"That will be all for today," Diya concluded, packing up her materials. "I'll discuss your test results with your mother."

Veer and Sonia exchanged glances again. Neither of them knew what to expect from this tutor. Diya had given away nothing, and the mystery surrounding her only deepened.


Later that evening, after Diya had left, Veer found himself sitting at the dinner table with Sonia and Sheena. His mind kept wandering back to the IQ test. Diya had spoken privately with Sheena before leaving, and though his mother hadn't said anything yet, Veer couldn't shake the feeling that whatever Diya had shared would soon be revealed.

"So," Sonia began, her voice breaking the silence. "Any news from Diya?"

Sheena smiled faintly, cutting into her food. "She said you both did well."

Veer couldn't help but notice the lack of specifics. *'Well'? That's it?* It seemed vague, just like Diya's entire approach. The pit in his stomach hadn't gone away, and now he was even more curious—and nervous—about what she really thought.

After dinner, Veer excused himself, claiming he needed some time alone to focus. He headed up to his room, closing the door softly behind him.


In the quiet of his room, Veer sank onto his bed, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. He had been practicing meditation for a while now, a habit he'd developed in his previous life to calm his mind and center himself. It helped him process the overwhelming amount of information that came with navigating this strange, new world.

As he breathed in and out slowly, his mind drifted back over the day's events—the lunchroom fight with Jeet, the whispers of the other students, and the strange realization that the "star kids" he had seen, like Taimur Ali Khan, were much older here than they should have been. 

*Taimur wasn't even born in my past life… now he's 15?* Veer chuckled to himself. *This world's definitely different.*

It wasn't just the celebrity kids. Even in history class, he had seen images of historical figures who bore a striking resemblance to movie stars from his previous life. The world was both familiar and alien, a twisted reflection of the one he had once known.

But it wasn't the history or the students that really stuck with him that evening. It was Diya. Veer found his thoughts returning to her, unbidden. There had been something about her—the way she carried herself, the precision in her words, the calm authority she exuded—that had caught him off guard.

He opened his eyes, frowning slightly. *Get a hold of yourself. There's no such thing as love at first sight. It's just attraction.* But even as he tried to push the thought away, he couldn't shake the image of her from his mind. Diya's composed, no-nonsense attitude had left a mark on him, and despite his best efforts, he found himself drawn to her.

The fact that she hadn't engaged in any unnecessary conversation only deepened the mystery. He had learned nothing about her personally—nothing beyond the basics of her role as his tutor. And that was frustrating. Veer wasn't used to being intrigued like this, especially not by someone who seemed so out of reach.

He sighed, leaning back against his bed, closing his eyes once more. *This is ridiculous.* Yet, even as he tried to meditate, to focus on clearing his mind, thoughts of Diya kept creeping in.

Whatever the future held, one thing was clear: Diya was not going to be just another ordinary tutor in his life.