Reflection and Future Plans(Revised)

At dawn, Li Wei rose early, the first light of day spreading a gentle glow over the Jade Valley Sect. The courtyard was a serene sanctuary, bordered by ancient, towering trees that swayed gently in the morning breeze. Stone paths, smoothed by countless steps over the centuries, wound through the peaceful scene, accompanied by the distant sound of a waterfall, a calm contrast to the awakening activity of the sect.

He began with a series of physical exercises to warm up his body: push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. He then moved on to practicing his martial arts techniques. The crisp air carried the subtle scent of pine and earth, mingling with the sounds of clashing metal and the rhythmic thudding of fists against training dummies, creating a symphony of dedication.

Li Wei focused on perfecting the "Basic Palm Strike," "Iron Fist," and "Mountain Crushing Fist." Each technique required precise movements and control over his Qi. As he practiced, he visualized his energy flowing through his body and channeling into his strikes. He repeated each move relentlessly, aiming for flawless execution.

After an hour of intense practice, Li Wei shifted his focus to Qi cultivation. He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to meditate. He focused on his breathing, drawing in the surrounding Qi and directing it into his dantian. The process required immense concentration and control.

Li Wei was currently in the Qi Refining Realm, with just over one year's worth of Qi cultivated. To reach the Martial Artist Realm, he needed to accumulate ten years of Qi. At his current pace, without external help from pills, medicinal herbs, or alchemical creations, it would take him roughly three more years to achieve this milestone. However, he was determined to find ways to accelerate his progress.

He used a low-tier Yellow Grade Qi cultivation technique called "Verdant Bloom Technique" to gather and refine Qi. This technique involved visualizing the Qi as a blooming flower, drawing energy from the surroundings and concentrating it in his dantian. The sensation of the Qi flowing through his meridians was both invigorating and challenging, requiring precise control and focus.

As he meditated, Li Wei reflected on the previous owner's memories. The former Li Wei had been diligent but lacked the strategic approach needed to excel. With his own knowledge and experience, Li Wei believed he could overcome these limitations.

"To progress in Qi cultivation, I need to gather as much Qi as possible and refine it efficiently," he thought. "I also need to find ways to enhance my Qi-gathering techniques. Perhaps I can create a hybrid method that incorporates elements from my previous life."

Li Wei continued to meditate, feeling the Qi within him grow stronger. He knew that cultivating Qi was a slow and arduous process, but he was determined to succeed. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, enhancing his strength and vitality.

Even with just one year of Qi, Li Wei's strength and agility were impressive compared to an average person on Earth. He could lift several hundred kilograms, move with the speed of a professional athlete, and endure much more physical stress. However, his Qi reserves were limited, allowing him to sustain high-energy techniques for only a short duration. He realized he needed to devise countermeasures for situations where his Qi might run low, such as relying on physical techniques or finding ways to conserve energy.

After his morning training and meditation, Li Wei decided to visit the sect library again. He wanted to delve deeper into the sect's techniques and history. The library was a vast repository of knowledge, containing ancient scrolls and texts that detailed the martial arts and cultivation methods of the Jade Valley Sect.

As he entered the library, he was greeted by a young librarian named Mei Ling. She was a petite girl with bright eyes and a friendly smile.

"Good morning, Li Wei. How can I assist you today?" she asked.

"Good morning, Mei Ling. I'm looking for texts on advanced Qi cultivation techniques and martial arts. I want to deepen my understanding and improve my skills," Li Wei replied.

Mei Ling nodded and led him to a section of the library filled with ancient scrolls and books. "These texts contain valuable information on Qi cultivation and martial arts. Some of them are quite complex, but I'm sure you'll find them useful."

Li Wei thanked her and began to browse through the texts. He found several scrolls that caught his interest, including one on advanced Qi gathering techniques and another on the history of the Jade Valley Sect's martial arts.

As he studied, he also came across information about various professions within the martial world that could aid his progress. Alchemists created powerful elixirs and pills to enhance cultivation, Array Masters crafted mystical formations for protection and attack, and Talisman Masters produced magical talismans with various effects. There were also Body Refiners who specialized in physical enhancement and Demonic Fighters who harnessed dark powers.

Li Wei paused when reading about the Demonic Fighters. The path of drawing power from demonic sources was a cruel and dangerous one, filled with temptation and corruption. Coming from a peaceful era on Earth, the idea of using such dark methods was abhorrent to him. "Their strength may be undeniable, but the price is too high," he thought, shaking his head. "I must stay true to a path that aligns with my values."

As Li Wei continued to delve into the texts, he came across detailed explanations of the various levels of martial arts mastery. He learned that each martial art had multiple levels of proficiency: basic, intermediate, minor achievement, major achievement, perfection, and finally subliminal mastery. Each level represented a percentage of mastery over the technique, starting from 20% at basic mastery to 100% at perfection, with subliminal mastery at 120%. The higher the grade of the martial art, the harder it was to progress in mastery, even for heaven-defying geniuses.

After spending the entire day in the library, Li Wei left with a wealth of new knowledge, determined to apply what he had learned to his training regimen. He knew that advancing in mastery required not just practice but a deep understanding of the principles behind each technique. He focused on the nuances of each move and how his Qi interacted with his physical movements.

Over the next few weeks, Li Wei's progress was substantial. He managed to cultivate an additional three months' worth of Qi, bringing his total to one year and three months. His martial arts techniques also improved; he reached basic mastery, utilizing 20% of the power in the "Basic Palm Strike" and "Iron Fist," and he was approaching the same level for the "Mountain Crushing Fist."

During this time, Li Wei noticed significant changes in his abilities. The Qi flowed more smoothly through his meridians, and his strikes felt more controlled and powerful. His understanding of the techniques deepened, and he began to integrate the principles he had learned from the library into his practice.

With his newfound mastery, Li Wei decided to test his strength again. He headed to an isolated part of the sect grounds, where large boulders and ancient trees provided ample targets. When he had initially tested his strength, he had managed to break off a chunk of a boulder with a "Basic Palm Strike," but he had only been at a rudimentary level of mastery, likely around 10%.

Now, with basic mastery at 20%, he felt a significant difference. The Qi flowed more smoothly through his meridians, and his strikes felt more controlled and powerful. With a swift "Basic Palm Strike," he shattered a boulder about a meter tall and half a meter thick into several pieces. The sensation of power was exhilarating, and he could feel the difference in his control and precision. He followed up with an "Iron Fist," creating deeper cracks in the ground compared to his previous attempts. Finally, he executed a "Mountain Crushing Fist," the force of which caused a tree about three meters tall and half a meter thick to tremble, its leaves falling in a shower.

"The destructive power of these techniques is considerable," he thought, marveling at the results. "But I need to be mindful of my Qi reserves. Each powerful strike drains my energy quickly."

He realized that his current strength was formidable compared to ordinary people on Earth. He could easily overpower a strong man, and his speed and agility were unparalleled. With the use of Qi and martial arts, he could amplify his power significantly. However, the limited Qi meant he could only sustain such power for short bursts.

"This is just a glimpse of what true power in this world can achieve," he thought. "The strongest cultivators must possess strength that defies imagination. They could probably withstand modern weapons with ease."

The realization of how powerful high-level cultivators were filled Li Wei with awe and determination. He needed to progress rapidly and understand the limits and possibilities of his abilities. His immediate goal was to double his current Qi to at least two years' worth, which would significantly enhance his combat capabilities and endurance. He knew that he was close to reaching his goal, with only a few months and days of cultivation left until he achieved two years of Qi.

As he walked back to his room, he reflected on his progress and future plans. He needed to continue building his foundation and improve his techniques. He also needed to be cautious and strategic in his interactions with other disciples. Cheng's animosity was a reminder that not everyone would be friendly or supportive.

"I need to stay focused and vigilant," Li Wei thought. "Every decision must be calculated. I can't afford to make mistakes."

That night, Li Wei lay in bed, his mind filled with thoughts and plans. He was determined to make the most of his second chance and achieve greatness in this new world. He knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face any challenges that came his way.

The next few days followed a similar pattern. Li Wei continued his rigorous training regimen, focusing on improving his Qi cultivation and martial arts techniques. He also spent time in the library, deepening his knowledge and understanding of the sect's methods.

He made a point to interact with other disciples, building alliances and gathering information. He carefully observed the dynamics within the sect, noting the influential figures and potential threats. He also kept an eye on Cheng, watching for any signs of retaliation or plotting.

One evening, as Li Wei was returning to his room, he noticed a group of disciples gathered in a corner of the courtyard. Curious, he approached them and overheard their conversation.

"Have you heard about the upcoming tournament? They say it's going to be the toughest one yet. The elders are expecting us to perform at our best," one disciple said.

"Yes, I've heard. This is our chance to prove ourselves and advance to the inner sect," another disciple replied.

Li Wei listened intently, absorbing the information. The tournament was indeed a significant event, and he needed to be at his best to succeed. He decided to intensify his training even further, pushing himself to his limits.

He practiced tirelessly, repeating each move until it was perfect. He focused on precision and control, ensuring that every strike and movement was executed flawlessly. He also continued to meditate and cultivate Qi, feeling the energy within him grow stronger with each passing day.

Li Wei knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face whatever obstacles came his way. He was determined to succeed in the sect tournament and prove himself as a formidable martial artist. With his knowledge, determination, and strategic thinking, he believed he could achieve greatness in this new world.

As the day of the tournament approached, Li Wei felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. He knew that this was his chance to make a name for himself and gain access to more advanced techniques and resources. He was ready to face the challenges and prove his worth.

Li Wei's mind was filled with plans and strategies as he prepared for the tournament. He knew that every move he made needed to be calculated and precise. He was determined to succeed and make the most of his second chance at life.

The night before the tournament, Li Wei sat in his room, reflecting on his journey so far. He felt a sense of pride in his progress and a renewed sense of determination for the future. He knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

As he drifted off to sleep, Li Wei's mind was filled with thoughts of the tournament and the challenges that lay ahead. He was ready to prove himself and achieve greatness in the world of martial arts.