Chapter 28: Ambush

Chapter 28: Ambush

Neither of them liked wasting time, so after making their decision, they set off immediately. Led by the ominously named knight, they headed towards Blood Beach.

Along the way, Alex engaged in some conversation with his companion. His main goal was to gather intelligence and understand how much the search teams knew about his previous identity.

In response to Alex's inquiries, Knight Conan answered every question with utmost respect.

To him, even though Alex appeared to be just an apprentice knight, his previously demonstrated combat skills and healing abilities promised a bright future in the Holy Temple, as long as he didn't stray from the right path.

Conan naturally didn't want to offend such a promising young man.

Given the circumstances, there was no chance of conflict between them. Knight Conan shared everything he knew without reservation.

After all, his rank didn't grant him access to any temple secrets, so there was nothing to worry about.

This created a rather intriguing situation—a fugitive having a pleasant conversation with the very person who was supposed to capture him, with the latter completely oblivious to Alex's true identity. This was quite amusing.

However, Alex found this perfectly normal. He wouldn't have come here if he wasn't confident and prepared.

It wasn't that he had learned some mystical Eastern technique to change his appearance or gender; rather, it was because their auras were entirely different.

The original Conrad, according to Alex's merged memories, was like the young noblemen in martial arts novels—always idle, wandering around with birds, flirting with beauties, followed by sycophants, frequenting brothels, and indulging in debauchery.

Alex, on the other hand, was completely different. He had meticulously trimmed his previously disheveled long hair, and their temperaments and personalities were worlds apart.

Compared to the sneaky, shady Conrad, Alex was much more dignified.

In his original world, Alex was a top-level manager overseeing many subordinates, far from the playboy young master character who existed only to provide the protagonist with experience points.

Moreover, after Stone's training, Alex's previously weak body had become much stronger. Although he hadn't developed a six-pack, he looked fit and robust, unlike the frail Conrad who could be blown over by the wind.

These knights likely still remembered Conrad as the suspicious-looking man in a black robe. Naturally, they wouldn't suspect Alex, who was entirely different in every aspect.

Of course, their journey wasn't without challenges. On the way to Blood Beach, they encountered several undead creatures that blocked and attacked them.

However, Alex and the ominously named knight managed to overcome these obstacles without much trouble.

"It's just ahead," Knight Conan panted, wiping his face, and spoke loudly. "Once we cross this, we'll reach Blood Beach!"

As he spoke, he turned and climbed the hill in front of them in a few swift steps. But as he peered ahead, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly retreated.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Alex, seeing the knight's pale face, was taken aback and approached him to ask softly. Knight Conan nodded, drew his sword from his waist, and said, "I saw the commander. They are surrounded! It's a dire situation!"

"Oh?" Alex frowned upon hearing this, then peeked over. Sure enough, he saw several knights fighting desperately near the riverbank not far from the hillside. However, they were in bad shape.

Surrounding the knights were giant creatures, standing two to three meters tall with iron-grey skin.

They wielded massive wooden clubs and fought alongside skeletal warriors against the temple knights.

Behind these giants were several skeletal archers, who raised their bows and crossbows to attack the knights through the gaps.

On either side, three robed skeletal mages chanted evil spells, forming a large dark barrier that enveloped the knights.

It was clearly a well-executed ambush.

"That's a weakening barrier!" Knight Conan said grimly as he watched the scene unfold.

"That's one of the necromancers' most powerful spells. It continuously absorbs the life force of anyone within the barrier, weakening them until they die... Damn it, this is bad news!"

Alex squinted and carefully examined the battlefield, noticing that neither Grand Knight Stone nor the girl was in sight.

He frowned. Was he the first to find these knights? Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

It didn't matter now; there was no point in overthinking.

"I'll deal with the necromancers."

After quickly assessing the situation, Alex made a decision and turned to Knight Conan.

"There are three of them. I can handle two at once. The third one is yours. Can you manage that?"

"No problem. If it's just one necromancer, I can handle it."

In response to Alex's question, Knight Conan drew his sword and made a quick gesture. After getting his confirmation, Alex gave further instructions.

"Alright, I'll take on these two. You circle around to the other side and wait for my signal before you move. Got it?"

"Leave it to me."

Knight Conan moved swiftly, not wasting time arguing over who should be in command. He had seen Alex's combat prowess on their journey, so he nodded and quietly moved to the other side.


After Conan's figure disappeared from view, Alex took a deep breath and turned to carefully observe the battlefield.

As Conan had mentioned, the temple knights were clearly exhausted. They tried to break through, but the undead giants blocked them like moving walls, while other undead soldiers surrounded them, giving them no chance to escape. If this continued, the knights would be doomed.

But Alex didn't act immediately. From his experience in the free world, he had learned to observe the battlefield carefully.

Though it seemed the undead were focused on their prey, Alex noticed a few skeletal archers near the necromancers, not participating in the attack but standing guard, occasionally looking around. If he attacked the necromancers now, these archers would surely retaliate instantly.

He needed to wait for the right moment...

Lowering his body, Alex moved slowly forward, keeping his eyes fixed on the chaotic battlefield. He believed an opportunity would come.

The temple knights wouldn't go down without a fight, and when they made their move, it would be his chance to strike.


Sure enough, one of the knights, perhaps realizing their dire situation, let out a furious roar and swung his sword at the undead giant before him.

His sword shone with pure white light, striking the giant and causing it to stagger and fall. The giant's massive body hit the ground with a thud, drawing the attention of the other undead creatures.


Seeing the skeletal archers turn their heads, Alex leaped forward. In the next instant, a pure white warhorse appeared beneath him.

Mounted, Alex charged down the hill like a whirlwind, heading straight for the necromancers!

(End of Chapter)

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