Chapter 10: The Woman Behind the Shattered Mirror

A month’s passing created quite the stir for every angel residing above the mortal world. For several weeks, all of the Gospels’ children were preparing to watch one of their own battle for the opportunity of a lifetime. All of the young male angels enlisted in the Anthemella army had their hearts set on being crowned the winner of the upcoming tournament. Every day for them involved nonstop combat training, weapon crafting, and endurance building in order to become the new Champion of the Mother Globe. Even though the majority of the entrants consisted of the angelic soldiers, other regular citizens decided to take a leap of faith and enter the competition, including a particular sonic screamer…

“Come on, Cleelor, I don’t want to be late!” Arina nagged her husband for his sluggishness.

“Hold on, hon! I’m almost ready!” he responded from the other room.