Chapter 13: It's Her Life

The entire arena jumped and gasped as the bullet came launching out of Tuloc’s gun and shot down to the center of the arena. The startled competitors flinched in their respective positions once it made impact with the ground.

Siren and her fellow opposition stood still in their tracks, unsure of the purpose of the God of Riches opening fire before their battle began. “Um… does that mean we’re supposed to start?” she heard the soldier next to her ask aloud.

The other Gospel’s sat still in their seats with unimpressed looks on their faces. “So… that’s it?” Meusor questioned his brother.

“I knew this fool would louse this up,” Wintara said in a judgmental brother.

A worried Donnera leaned forward in her seat and whispered to Tuloc. “Brother, any time now would be great.”

“Just be patient…” a confident Tuloc said with his arms folded.

The observing angels murmured amongst themselves while the soldiers all continued to stare at the spot that the bullet landed in.