Chapter 15: Let the Bodies Hit

The conflict amongst the angels competing for the honor to serve as the Gospels’ champion continued as the group of gods continued to observe from their private balcony.

“By all grace… our children are behaving like animals down there,” a concerned Donnera said with her hand placed over her heart.

“Oh, relax Donn,” Tuloc said while slouched in his throne. “Nothing I’ve seen down there is nearly as beastly as Wintara clearing her plate at the grand feast.”

“Guard your tongue you brain dead peasant,” Wintara calmly responded as she remained focused on the battle below.

“Oh relax sister,” Tuloc said nonchalantly. “Besides, it’s not as if anyone witnessed you shoveling your meal down this year considering how the festivities were ruined by that one woman with the hellish vocals.”