Chapter 17: Raindrops Crashing

“Really? That’s what you came up with?” Meusor questioned Donnera’s odd gift she added to the contest.

“Why, of course! Is there an issue?” Donnera said while leaning over the edge of the balcony wall with both of her arms raised elegantly in the air.

“Sister, I hardly see how precipitation is going to separate our worthy champion from the rest of our kingdom…” Montiria criticized Donnera with an irritated look on her face. “I swear by all the wrath that exists in the Cosmos that if a single one of your wicked raindrops ruins one of my curls…”

“Oh hush that barking,” Donnera slashed her sister’s threat in half. “I have the rain under control and it’ll only pour over those who remain down there,” she explained while swirling her hands.