Chapter 20: All the Things the Angels Said

The time had finally arrived. A winner was about to be determined. The Mother Globe’s champion was about to fulfill their destiny. And the first phase of the Gospel’s plan was about to be complete.

All of Anthemella looked on as their brethren were laid out across the arena by one sister of destruction. Well, all except one…

“I’ve had just about enough of this crap,” Logan said while holding Siren’s guitar in his hands. “You’ve got one chance, girl. Either throw yourself over the edge or I promise you I won’t hesitate to cripple you physically AND mentally!”

A testy Siren drowned out the sea of angels ridiculing her violent nature and began to crack her knuckles one by one as a more important matter was presented in front of her. The tournament, her reputation, and even her own safety no longer mattered. The only concern she had in this moment was retrieving the heirloom that served as the key to her own heart.