Chapter 27: Step Up

Guiding his daughter around the palace with the Gospels right behind them, Meusor strolled through his ancient home with Siren at his side.

“It’s so beautiful…” she said to herself as she looked over to Meusor. “I’ve never seen the inside of the palace before,” she continued while looking around in awe of the vast interior designs, Wintara’s handcrafted artwork near every window, and Tuloc’s treasures scattered along the wall.

“I’m pleased our home is to your liking, my child,” Meusor said with a friendly smile on his face.

It was unreal. Just yesterday, she was considered an abomination amongst her heavenly kind. And now here she was chatting it up with the God of Life himself! Her previous burdens had been flipped completely like an hourglass with an emptied top. Unfortunately, her thrills came to a screeching halt as Meusor showed her the grand mural on the wall before them.

“Tell me what you see here,” he instructed her while pointing at the work of art.