Chapter 29: Goodbye Heaven, Hello World

Standing before the Grand Gates as a unit, the Gospels watched as their champion made her way through the crowd of angels fawning over her. She looked beautiful beyond comprehension as she smiled and waved at her audience.

“She seems very happy,” Wintara whispered to Meusor.

“Good,” the God of Life responded. “She’ll need a positive attitude going into this.”

As Siren got closer to the Gods, they quickly ended their conversation and began her holy sendoff!

“How ya feeling, sweetie?” Donnera asked.

“I’m OK,” Siren answered as she looked back at the other angels. “It’s just a lot to take in.”

“I’m sure it is,” Tuloc said. “Your things have been loaded into the carriage along with all the weapons, literature on demons, wellness aids, and tools you’re going to need. So Siren… are you ready?”