Chapter 37: Are You Gonna Train My Way?

It was as if the Gods themselves personally gift wrapped this twist of fate for Siren. Despite her troubles making it to the Mother Globe, somehow the sonic screaming angel managed to end up in her designated city and at the doorstep of her new master.

After settling in at her new place of residence, the Stray Vacay Orphanage, Siren finally got the chance to recuperate from yesterday’s madness. With Lavender’s help, she got a fresh pair of clothes, a hot meal, and a comfortable bed to crash in.

Upon her awakening, she eagerly rolled out of bed due to her anxiety of being in a brand new environment. She couldn’t wait to get out of the dark basement she spent the night in and hurried herself upstairs. As she reached the top of the creaking stairway, she pushed the kitchen door open and came across a table filled with ravenous children feasting on their plates of pancakes the way the Wretched feasted on human flesh the previous day.