Chapter 46: The Real Max Bullets

The demonic roar of the engine boomed throughout the city as the lowrider zoomed along the crowded streets. With no caution towards any innocent bystander, Maximus drove his prized possession with only one goal in mind; kill Siren Knight!

“What. The. F*ck?” a winded Siren said as the engine practically screeched from the top of the hill she just raced down. After getting hunted down by demons and nearly becoming roadkill, she was certainly in no mood to deal with anymore chaos.

Maximus kept his foot steady on the accelerator while the lowrider approached the toppled 18 wheeler. Once he got close enough to the truck’s trailer, he pressed a button on his dashboard that made the wheels of his car bounce off the street.

Siren’s soul leaped from her heart as she saw the vehicle soar into the air. “Look out!” she screamed out to anyone nearby who could hear her just before she jumped out of the car’s way. Her nerves jumped as the wheels harshly, yet skillfully, landed on the street.