Chapter 48: Born to be a Blessing

“Ow! D*mmit Sensei!” Siren said in pain while bandages were being wrapped around her leg.

“It won’t hurt as much if you’d hold still,” Sensei Leonard said as he gently tended to Siren’s wounds while balancing a blunt in his mouth. After finishing up covering Siren’s scratches and applying healing ointments to her bruises, he removed the blunt from his mouth and recapped the day’s events with her.

“So, you’re saying that at the derby contest a bunch of those Wretched creatures showed up along with that mysterious masked man and launched another attack?” he asked.

“Well, they tried. I stepped in before they could hurt anyone and led them away from the crowd. After I got rid of them, that’s when d*ckhead beat me up,” she explained.

“That was quite the risk you took,” Leonard said as he handed her a towel for her forehead. “And I must say… very impressive.”