Chapter 53: Mooreville

The Friday sun made its presence known in the sky, which meant an eventful day was beginning for both the innocent and the wicked.

King Jermaine and Queen Maduma were taking their weekly stroll through the royal garden while updating each other on their plans for the coming days.

“How nice of the gardeners to plant those purple roses around your prized possession,” the Queen commented as she and the King walked by a large bush carved into the shape of his head and face. “I do hope they’ll be ready for the ball,” she continued before noticing her husband’s distracted nature. “Jermaine… is something to matter?” she asked with a tap to his shoulder.

Snapping out of his self-pitying trance, the King looked over at his wife with disappointment written completely on his face. “Maduma, I’ve failed our people…” he said before plopping down on a nearby bench with his head to the ground.