Chapter 70: Deep in the Heart

While Siren was investigating, King Jermaine was busy boasting to his loyal colleagues.

“Now I pride myself on remaining an honorable, respectable political figure for today’s youth to look up to… but when I was these kids’ age and the prince of the kingdom… BOOOOOOOOOY!” his highness exclaimed as roars of laughter exploded.

“Word of advice fellas; if you ever get to take a tour of the castle and end up in my old quarters in the west wing, never, AND I MEAN EVER, go in that b*tch with a black light!” he uttered while the other men around him cackled like a pack of untamed hyenas.

“Oh Gospels… strike me down now if you still can,” Leo mumbled under his breath while taking a sip of his whiskey. He loathed the obnoxious bragging from other males that involved their sexual escapades. Even for a self-proclaimed man whore like himself, Sensei found such topic of discussion to be tacky.