Chapter 78: Show Us the Meaning

After their heartfelt talk, Siren and her Sensei made the decision to rally the entire orphanage together the next morning in hopes of coming up with a plan to stop Maduma.

“Come on kids!” Lavender said while standing in the kitchen with the orphans, who were each nose deep into a different book from Leo’s demon encyclopedias. “Remember, we’re looking for monsters that dabble in hypnosis and Wretched conversion.”

Siren watched the children work through the backdoor and looked over at Leo. “I don’t know Sensei… I don’t feel comfortable with the kids doing all this to help us out.”

“They’ll be aight,” Leo said with a sip of his coffee. “I told them that they’d end up eaten by a bunch of bloodthirsty creatures if they didn’t contribute. They’re more than happy to help us with the research.”