Chapter 82: Keep Rolling

The disgusted royal glared down at her vandalized courtyard and scoffed at the peasants forcing their way into her home. Though irritated, the devourer of the innocent remained calm. “How comical for such weak beings to actually believe they stand a chance against me when they look so much better on their knees worshipping me,” Maduma spoke to herself. “No matter! They’ll fall in line soon enough.”

“Watch out!” Leo yelled at Roman in hopes of warning him of the incoming projectiles.

Roman swerved the truck back and forth as several lasers shot down towards the vehicle and came close to destroying it upon near impact. “The f*ck was all that?”

“The canons,” Siren answered while hanging on to her chair. “The b*tch is literally pulling out the big guns,” she said as she watched the canons connected to the castle walls continue to fire at them.

The nervous DJ continued to yank his steering wheel back and forth while keeping his precious ‘Shalissa’ out of harm’s way.