Chapter 94: Keep on Surviving

Failure was not an option. Quitting the battle was not even considered. Not even when the monster began to show off her actual talents…

Maduma felt her blood gushing from her wounds and capitalized on the instant rage that came with them. She quickly sucked all the air around her into her lungs. Due to her large figure, this simple action caused the violent currents to pull Siren forward.

“Ow! Agh!” the Wretched slasher said while rolling around the ground. Once she recomposed herself, she looked to the sky and saw nothing but the Queen’s manic red eyes darted directly at her. Surely the Goliathea had a new trick being pulled from her sleeve.

The huffing came to an end and the puffing followed. Unfortunately for Siren, the gust of wind Maduma unleased came in the form of a giant blast of fire!