chapter 4: cut hu qixing heroine

If a Practitioner has a good talent in saber, swords, guns, etc., then "Position" may be born.

The sword has the momentum of the sword, the saber has the momentum of the saber, and the spear has the momentum of the spear.


If you want to comprehend "Position", in addition to having Talent, you also need to practice hard.

And above the "potential", there is also the "will" in Legendary.

If you want to comprehend "meaning", it is even more difficult, there is no one in a million.

And now!

Xu Mo actually comprehended 10% of the saber in just a few days!

If people from the outside know that Xu Mo has mastered 10% of the saber movements in a few days just by relying on the Body Tempering realm Third Stage Cultivation Base, they will be so shocked that their jaws will not close together.

This is the power of the spiritual level Cultivation Technique!

At this time.


The saber in the ruined temple is becoming more and more powerful and domineering. Although it is only 10% of the saber's power, it is astonishingly powerful.

The bloody saber shadow was raging, as if it wanted to strangle everything around it into nothingness.

The floors, walls, and Buddha statues in the ruined temple were left with several inches deep saber marks under the terrifying saber aura.

Looking around, Xu Mo's whole body was covered by the blood-colored saber light, as if he had become a Great Master of the Dao of the Saber, practicing the supreme Saber Technique.


Xu Mo let out a low cry, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body burst out with saber energy.

A terrifying saber energy was instantly aroused from the Blood Saber, and it slashed towards the Buddha statue in an instant.

This is an extremely stunning and domineering knife!


The bronze and iron Buddha statue, which was three feet high, was instantly split in half by the bloody saber energy.

The Buddha statue collapsed.

"It's amazing power!


Xu Mo looked satisfied after seeing the Buddha statue collapsed, "It is indeed a spiritual-level Cultivation Technique that is more powerful than a heaven-level Cultivation Technique.

After the loopholes and flaws, the power has become much more terrifying."

He said with satisfaction in his heart.

"In just a few days, after practicing the Blood Drinking saber Art, my Cultivation Base has not only been upgraded to the Body Tempering realm Third Stage, but I have also comprehended 10% of the saber"

In the Body Tempering realm Third Stage, one can comprehend a complete saber posture, which is enough to make Xu Mo proud of many of his peers.

Xu Mo let out a mouthful of turbid air, and seriously felt the changes in his own breath.

Then he restrained his saber energy.

The whole person changed from a sharp-edged saberman who exuded a domineering aura, to a Common boy again.

The knife must be sheathed, and the person must be restrained.

There was a click.

at this time.

The blood saber in Xu Mo's hand shattered inch by inch, turning into pieces all over the place.

Although the Blood saber is a royal weapon, and it is contaminated with the King Grade breath of the ancestor of the Blood Knife, the Blood Knife has been severely damaged, and after thousands of years of baptism, there is only the slightest spirituality left.

During the past few days, Xu Mo used the blood knife to practice the blood-drinking maniacal saber art. The last spirituality of the blood knife was not enough to support such a powerful spiritual-level Saber Technique, and it finally collapsed inch by inch.

"The broken blood saber can no longer support my saber energy," Xu Mo smiled wryly looking at the blood knife with only the handle left.

"It's time to leave."

Xu Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes passed through the ruined temple, projecting towards the direction of Funiu City several miles away.

According to Chu Fan's recent fate, there is a female saint reincarnated in Funiu City!

With such a huge opportunity, Xu Mo naturally wanted to cut it off.

Just hours after Xu Mo left.

A man in a state of embarrassment and a vigilant expression hid in the ruined temple.

He is exactly Chu Fan who was hunted down by Qing Yunzong and hid in Tibet!

Today, he has lost the reputation of being a true disciple of Qingyun Sect. He looks very distressed, his face is pale, and it is obvious that he has suffered serious injuries.

Just stepped into the ruined temple

Chu Fan had a guess in his mind.


I don't know why, after Chu Fan sensed the terrifying saber energy, he was inexplicably lost and complicated, as if something extremely important had slipped away from him.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind, Chu Fan found a corner in the ruined temple, sat cross-legged, and began to comprehend these saber energy seriously.

Funiu City.

After Xu Mo entered Funiu City, he first used the Spirit Stones in the inheritance ring of the blood knife ancestor to buy a new storage ring.

You know, before a few thousand years, the ancestor of the blood saber had many enemies, and even offended a mysterious and terrifying figure.

In case he was wearing the blood saber ancestor's inheritance ring and was perceived by the blood saber ancestor's enemy or this mysterious big man, then he would belch straight away.

Even though Thousand Years have passed, maybe these enemies have forgotten the Blood saber Patriarch.

But just in case, Xu Mo bought a storage ring again.

It's always right to act in the right way.

The experience of the ancestor of the blood saber made Xu Mo even more obsessed.


Xu Mo bought another second rank sword.

He lost the blood saber, so he naturally wanted to find a treasured saber.

"[Red Blood Golden saber: second rank spiritual weapon, the power is astonishing.

Once it is used, the blade will be full of shadows, which is very scary, but the blade has sixteen weaknesses.

If it is refined again, it can be promoted to a third rank spiritual weapon.

The power is even more invincible.]"

Seeing the information from the Eye of Insight, Xu Mo knew that he hadn't been tricked. This is a genuine second rank saber.

In today's world, spiritual weapons are divided into sixth ranks, with first rank being the lowest and sixth rank being the highest.

Above the sixth rank, there are King Artifacts, Emperor Artifacts, and Holy Artifacts in Legendary.

Xu Mo's current Cultivation Base is just a Body Tempering realm, and it's pretty good to have a first rank spiritual weapon.

Second rank spiritual weapons, at least only Heavenly Cave Realm powerhouses are eligible to hold them.

After purchasing the storage ring and the red blood saber , only twenty pieces of the hundreds of Spirit Stones left by the ancestor of the blood knife remained.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Mo began to stroll together in Funiu City. He was using his eyes of insight to pay attention to everyone's information, for fear of missing the reincarnation of the female saint.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed, and Xu Mo still found nothing.

Could it be that the reincarnation of the female saint has already been picked up?" Xu Mo thought to himself, a little disappointed.

At this moment, his eyes glanced inadvertently, and he noticed a girl huddled in the corner.

Not so much a girl as a beggar.

The girl was dirty, about thirteen or fourteen years old, she walked with a limp, and also had a palm-sized purple birthmark on her face that looked like a spider web.

When Xu Mo saw the girl, he stopped in his tracks instantly.

without him.

It was only because Xu Mo saw the dazzling seven gold stars above the girl's head.

This is a heroine with seven-star luck! !Could it be that the reincarnation of the female saint has already been picked up?" Xu Mo thought to himself, a little disappointed.

At this moment, his eyes glanced inadvertently, and he noticed a girl huddled in the corner.

Not so much a girl as a beggar.

The girl was dirty, about thirteen or fourteen years old, she walked with a limp, and also had a palm-sized purple birthmark on her face that looked like a spider web.

When Xu Mo saw the girl, he stopped in his tracks instantly.

without him.

It was only because Xu Mo saw the dazzling seven gold stars above the girl's head.

This is a heroine with seven-star luck! !