Day of concert

Wait! Did I cry in front of Jungkook? Me? The savage SUGA!? , Reality hit him and he tried to contain his tears. He turned around to meet Jungkook's gaze and failed miserably.

"You know what he is a bad guy. He gave me a new life, promising me that he would come back to meet me but it's been 5 years; I am still waiting", Jungkook said while crying silently. Yoongi didn't know what to say. He was also waiting to see his brother.

From that day onward Jungkook and Yoongi started to get close with each other. Namjoon was shocked after seeing their progress. Days passed quickly as they spent their time together near the lake. It was a day of departure. Jungkook and his crew members were leaving for Canada for the concert.

On the other hand

"Tae! Don't forget your promise. " Jimin commented.

"Yes, yes, Mother I won't, stop nagging," Taehyung replied annoyingly. "Finally it's the day of the concert. I will see him today. Hurry!." Taehyung exclaimed. The excitement and joy were evident in his behaviour as he was dancing and jumping around the house. Jimin signed, he could only see that man, not his caring best friend, Jimin thought and signed again. "Well, Jin is coming too. He called me"

Kim Seok-Jin is the owner of Heartbreak Cafe. He is 5'10" feet tall and has a pale skin tone. He is handsome and very kind-hearted with a mischievous personality. His life hit him when his parents went missing but everyone said that they died. After that, his grandma opened the cafe and she died some years later. So now Jin was the one who was looking after his precious cafe. He was like a big brother to Jimin and Taehyung as they used to work at his cafe before leaving the country. He is kind-hearted and a very good cook.

"Really! That's great ", Taehyung exclaimed joyfully. His excitement was at its peak. He was so happy that Jimin felt like a hurricane was coming. Jin arrived the night before the concert. Due to excitement Taehyung couldn't able to sleep.

Next morning

At Taehyung and Jimin's place

"Jin! I will wake him up", Jimin stated. He was about to go, but Jin stopped him. "Let him sleep for a while. I will wake him up after breakfast is ready".

"Okay then. ", Jimin agreed with Jin. After a while, he went into Taehyung's room to ask him to come for breakfast. "Tae, wake up", Jin said gently while stroking his heirs. But Taehyung doesn't even move a bit. Jin frowns and smirks. With an evil plan, he tries to wake up Tae hurriedly. "Tae! Tae! You are late for the show. Concert already started", Jin said. "What? Why didn't you wake me up?", Taehyung woke up in one go. Jin chuckled and left the room. Taehyung got to know it was his prank and he smiled sheepishly. They had their breakfast.

On the other hand

Jungkook was feeling very uncomfortable since he landed, but he kept his feelings aside and got ready for the concert. Both Namjoon and Yoongi were there to accompany him. As soon as he reached the venue he started to feel more uncomfortable. The stadium was filled with all of his fans and they were cheering for him by chanting his name loudly.

As soon as Jungkook went on stage his mark started to glow.

Why now? Jungkook thought but he knew Namjoon would handle the situation. Within a minute, the full stadium was filled with purple light. No matter what his mark didn't stop glowing. On the other hand, Taehyung was looking at him while sitting in the first row right in front of him. Jungkook gracefully performed all of the songs.

"Here comes the last song", He announces and looks straight toward the crowd. Both of their gazes meet.

He is here!

"It's a song I wrote for someone as a reminder of his promise", he said while gazing straight into Taehyung's eyes. Yoongi saw Jungkook's gaze and he followed his gaze. He was in the CCTV chamber with Namjoon. He zoomed in to confirm. "Tae!", he exclaimed and burst into tears. Namjoon was watching him quietly.

Soon Jungkook started his song.

On the verge of death!

On the verge of death,

a vocal reached as a hope

I thought I was listening to stuff

But again I saw the glint of hope 

The mere concern made me realize I was wrong 

But I was so reluctant and he signed 

He tugged me out from that hell to this world

I was not happy, but it didn't become the worst

I am glad I stand on that cliff 

Which made him huddle all his vitality

soon that vocal started to fade

I was so reluctant so I looked around crazily 

The promises were fake, which made my world hell again

Should I stand there again 

Just to see him 

Should I give up so

he will huddle his vitality to meet me

once again at that same spot

which I called

on the verge of death