6. War


What is war?

Leo should have known considering that his grandfather had fought in a war, however, is it really possible to describe something that even oneself wishes to forget?

But even if it really possible, does that mean others can understand? Does that mean that others can feel the pain and emotions of war?

No! They can't! And they will without experiencing it themselves.

For leo, war was like a battle, just of a large scale, he never understood the look of his grandfather when he talked about war, after all, it was because of lucious ironheart 's efforts (Leo's grandfather) and achievements during the war known as old awakening that the ironheart chamber of commerce is so famous and has such great business.

They should be greatful to war as it has afterall helped them indirectly, as for the people who died in the war, please! This is cruel and bloody world! Survival of the fittest still prevails here and everywhere! They should be grateful that they are least died in something 'Great'.

Therefore , leo never understood why his grandfather was so scared of war, after all his grandfater was already lvl 68 (I resisted the urge to increase the number) , it would be great if he could gain some more achievements during the war, after all, no matter how terrifying war is, how worse can it be?

That's what leo thought.....until today (reality slap incoming)

"Somebody help me!!"

"It hurts...It hurts... please....someone ....ma...ke...it...st..o..p.."

"We will die! We are all gonna die hahahh,I knew it, hahhha we are done for hahhah "

"Keep it together everyone!!! Fight with courage and die with-" (get killed, a sword in mouth)

The beach was covered in blood, deaths were happening every minute, every second.

"Is...is.. this.....wa-ar?"

Leo asked himself, it was terrifying, horrifying, so..so scary.

Human nature was fully revealed at this moment, with people killing just for the sake of killing while some with low level minds directly breaking.

Leo has not even killed a single person (Weakling!), currently, he had no time to care about the fact that this was nothing but a test of a powerful magician so see whether he was fit enough to inherit his legacy. (That's what he thought at the beginning)

After all, this was too real, this couldn't be fake, so this meant that this was real, yes that's it since its real then it's not fake so its real (his mind is breaking from the pressure).

Since this is real then it is not a dream, so he should not sleep to confirm whether it is real, but is it worth it to be fake.

Since birth, he didn't have a talent in anything, everything he did was met with disappointment, first his father , upon leaning that he didn't have what it takes to be a leader or do business.

Then his grandfater, upon learning that his talent was medicore in magic arts, he only condensed 3 beads while all his classmates condensed 5.

But...but...he tried, he truly did, it wasn't his f-fault that he was born like this, it really w-wasn't, i-if possible, he wouldn't even want to be born, but, here he was, a worthless person with no talent in anything (not on my watch) , a person destined to be nothing but a burden, a coward who doesn't even dare to die.


Leo was snapped out of his daze by a lot shout as he saw a Samurai killing a few Mongols...with no arms as they were already chopped off in a previous fight.


Leo ran to that man who was now lying on the ground, and shouted half crazily,


Leo leaned closer to listen,

"Because I have something i want to protect" the man said before dying, still with a smile in his face

It was as if all the doubts clouding his hearts had been cleared away. Yes, why did he want to be a mage, why did he want to become stronger, why was he unwilling to be medicore, wasn't it because so that he could protect those he wanted to protect!?!

He may die today but he will die taking a few with him!!

"RRRRAAAAA" leo roared as he charged forward, slashing his katana with no proficiency, though through a lucky hit, he managed to kill one of the Mongols (the cannon fodder ones with white clothes), before dying.

[Ding! You have died]

[Ding! Your one hour time has expired! Logging you out]

Suddenly leo opened his eyes to a familiar yet unfamiliar environment, this, wasn't this the wierd shop which let others play games?

"Wait a minute, games!? I was playing a game!? That was a f**k*n game!?"

"Yes, that's right" he heard a voice coming over to see the mysterious boss with a smile,

However, just as he was about to say something, a wave of mana gushed inside him, making him subconsciously condense a mana bead.

Even his comprehension of Tier 1 normal fire has increased, (his affinity)

"This-this-is this the g-game"


He heard a answer,

"In this game, killing enemies will make you level up, though only the first kill will provide so much increase, the other times will be lessened, now then, do you want to play more?"

Was this even a question?

"Boss, take my crystals"

Joke! Such a good thing, if he isn't a idiot , he will definitely not refuse, as for taking these weird things that lead one to other worlds?, he didn't have the guts! If the boss dared to let others use it in public then it only means that he has enough strength to support it, beside it's always good to make more friends than enemies.

Thankfully, he was smart, after all , there were indeed a few idiots who tried to do it, though their end was pretty miserable, as now they are trapped in the game as Mongols, waiting for the players to come and kill them over and over again.