The Raye Estate

Betty's feet felt heavy and cold, as if rooted to the spot, as she struggled to process the shock.

The body showed signs of severe trauma, with multiple broken ribs, his skin was torn off from his nose to his neck, and his head seemed to have taken a lot of damage. 

His pale skin was marred by purplish discoloration, a clear indication of severe bruising, and his nose appeared slightly crooked, suggesting a possible fracture.

"The bruises are from a confrontation he had with some gang members earlier, not from the accident itself," the nurse clarified , her voice gentle. 

The nurse's voice was gentle, but her eyes seemed to hold deep grief, as if she had seen too many tragedies like this.

"Does he look familiar to you?" The nurse asked as she turned to look at the still shocked Betty. 

"N-no," she answered, her voice shaking, the nurse then covered the body with the cloth. 

"Alright, let's go," the nurse said, Betty followed closely behind the nurse. 

As the Land Rover Velar sped through the streets, David's mind raced with questions. He gazed out the window, watching the city give way to rolling hills and lush greenery. 

The butler's silence was unnerving, and David's thoughts grew more turbulent with each passing mile. Suddenly, the driver turned onto a winding driveway, and a grand estate came into view. 

David's heart raced as the car pulled up to the entrance, and the butler turned to him with an enigmatic smile. "Welcome to the Raye Estate, David. Your father awaits."

The car came to a gentle halt before a towering, dark-hued gate.

 As the grand entrance swung open, its wrought iron hinges emitted a soft, melodic creak, unfolding fully in a span of ten seconds. 

The car glided through, and the gate closed behind it with a soft thud. 

The driver pulled up to an opulent mansion, and the butler, with a graceful gesture, opened the rear door, inviting David to alight.

As the driver departed, David trailed behind the butler, who led him to the main entrance. 

"This way, young master David," the butler said, his voice low and courteous. David just stood blankly. 

There, the butler underwent a security scan, his fingers and eyes verified by the system. "Clear," a soft voice confirmed. 

The grand double doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a warmly lit interior that beckoned David inside. "Welcome to the Raye Mansion, young master David," the butler said, stepping aside to let him enter.

The butler entered, his footsteps echoing through the hallway, and David followed closely behind, his gaze fixed on the floor. "Young master David, please, this way," the butler murmured, his voice soft and reassuring. 

David nodded absently, his mind still racing. They ascended a spiral staircase, the butler's footsteps leading the way, and David trailed behind, his eyes downcast. 

He barely registered the opulent decorations, his gaze glazing over the grand chandeliers, paintings, and moldings. 

The butler stopped before a massive wooden door, and David halted beside him, still lost in thought. "We're here, young master David," the butler said gently. 

The butler knocked three times, the raps echoing through the hallway, before a deep, commanding voice from inside boomed, "Enter." 

The butler slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open, its heavy wooden frame creaking as it swung wide. 

The door's hinges groaned softly, like an old sigh, as the grand study beyond was revealed. The butler stepped back, his eyes deferential, and gestured for David to enter first, his gloved hand extending in a graceful arc. 

As they entered the study, a subtle yet unmistakable fragrance wafted through the air, enveloping them in its warm embrace. 

The scent of fine whiskey, expertly crafted, filled the room, its rich, complex aroma unfolding like a sensory tapestry. 

Hints of vanilla, oak, and honey danced on the palate, weaving a heady bouquet that was both soothing and intoxicating.

Inside the study, a man in his late fifties, with a distinguished air and a hint of silver in his hair, carefully poured a rich, amber-hued liquor into his glencairn glass. 

The glass seemed to glow in the soft light, like a miniature sun. Nearby, a young man, likely a few years younger than David, sat on a plush couch, David's eyes fixed on the older man with a mix of curiosity and wariness. 

The couch was positioned near a majestic mahogany desk, its surface polished to a high sheen, and adorned with a few carefully chosen objects: a leather-bound book, a silver paperweight, and a elegant fountain pen.

The room was a symphony of warm, muted tones, with the scent of whiskey and old books hanging in the air like a promise.

The butler bowed respectfully to the man sitting in front of the mahogany desk, his voice low and deferential. "Good evening, Sir Martin. I have brought him, as requested." 

Sir Martin's eyes never left David's face, his gaze piercing and intense. 

The man sitting at the center of the room, Martin Raye - David's alleged father - gestured curtly to the young man sitting on the couch. 

"Vincent, you may leave us. This is a private matter." "Hm," Vincent nodded before he went out of the room, leaving a gloomy atmosphere. 

The door closed behind him with a soft click, and Martin's gaze remained fixed on David. Martin dropped his glass on the table, the crystal shattering on the wood, the sound echoing through the tense silence.

David's eyes remained glazed, his mind struggling to process the revelation, as Martin's solemn voice filled the room. "I am so glad I have finally found you!" Martin's eyes welled up with tears, his voice cracking with emotion. 

"I have searched for you and Laura for seventeen long years, scouring every corner, every lead, every hint. The silence was deafening, and I was consumed by worry and fear. 

I prayed every day for your safety, for your well-being, and for your return." Martin's hand trembled as he retrieved a small picture frame from the drawer, his fingers tracing the edges with a tender touch. 

The frame held a faded photo of a woman, her features familiar yet distant, and a young boy, his eyes sparkling with laughter. 

Martin's eyes lingered on the image, his gaze a mix of longing and nostalgia, before he extended the frame to David. "This was taken just before... everything changed." 

The room seemed to hold its breath, the only sound Martin's labored breathing and the ticking clock in the background

The picture frame trembled in David's hand, his eyes fixed on the faded image. 

Laura's bright smile and Martin's proud gaze surrounded a tiny, chubby-cheeked boy, his eyes sparkling with laughter. 

David's mind reeled, his thoughts racing to connect the dots. 

"We took that picture on your second birthday," Martin's voice was laced with nostalgia, his eyes misty with memories. 

David's confusion was palpable, his voice barely above a whisper. "Eh?" The single syllable conveyed the turmoil in his mind, the intense headache pounding in his temple like a drumbeat. 

His eyes darted between Martin and the picture, searching for answers, seeking to reconcile the stranger in front of him with the father he never knew.

The room seemed to spin, the shadows cast by the flickering lamp dancing on the walls like mocking specters.

And now, in this moment, David's world is being turned upside down. 

The lies he's been told, the beliefs he's held dear, are all being shattered by Martin's words. 

The truth is shattering the illusion, leaving him with a mix of emotions: shock, anger, confusion, and a deep sense of betrayal. 

The question echoes in his mind: "What else has she lied to me about?"

Martin's words spilled out in a desperate bid for connection. "I might have been a bad husband, but I never stopped searching for you!" 

David's body remained rigid, his eyes boring into Martin's with an unyielding intensity. Martin's voice faltered, but he pressed on. 

"By the way, how is Lau—" David's sharp interruption cut him off, his voice trembling with rage. "Don't you dare say her name!" 

The words exploded from his lips, his jaw clenched and his eyes flashing with a fierce warning. The air seemed to vibrate with tension, the silence that followed heavy with unspoken emotions.

Martin pressed on, his voice laced with a quiet desperation. "I know I can't undo the harm I've caused, but I want to try to make amends. I want to find a way to heal the wounds I've inflicted on you and Laura."

David's voice was icy, his eyes flashing with anger. "Your words are empty, too little, too late." 

Martin's face contorted in a mix of confusion and desperation. "What do you mean?" David's gaze never wavered, his words delivered with a deadly calm. "She's gone. You're too late to make a difference. You're too late to apologize, to explain, to make it right." 

Martin's eyes widened, his face pale, as the truth dawned on him. "No...oh God, no..." he stammered, his voice cracking with anguish. 

Martin's words trailed off, his eyes wide with shock. "I only knew she was in the hospital and…" 

David's face turned beet red, a vein bulging on his forehead, his eyes blazing with anger. 

"You knew she was in the hospital and couldn't even be bothered to visit her?" he snarled, his fists clenched. He lunged forward, grabbing Martin's collar, his grip like a vice. 

The butler instinctively moved to intervene, but Martin raised a hand, palm outwards, signaling him to stay back. Martin's eyes remained fixed on David's, his expression a mix of guilt and pleading.

Martin's voice was laced with a mix of regret and resignation. "I always feared this day would come, when I'd have to confront the consequences of my actions, and face the man I've wronged the most." 

His gaze locked onto David's, his eyes filled with a deep sorrow. "I knew I'd have to face your anger, your hatred... and your pain." 

Martin's words hung in the air, heavy with remorse, as he braced himself for the storm that was to come.

David's voice cracked with emotion, his words pouring out in a torrent of grief and anger. 

"You knew about her condition, and you couldn't even be bothered to offer a helping hand! Do you have any idea how much I've suffered, how much she's suffered? Do you know what she went through, lying in that hospital bed, fighting for her life? And you, you were nowhere to be found!" 

David's eyes blazed with fury, his face contorted in pain.

"She's been trapped in that room, alone and helpless, for so long. And now, you suddenly appear out of nowhere, expecting what? Forgiveness? Acceptance? You want to claim us, after all you've done?" David's words ended in a choked sob, his body shaking with anguish.

David's voice cracked, his words dissolving into sobs. "I'm drowning in debt, barely scraping by to pay her bills... and you knew it all along! You knew how desperate I was, how I was struggling to keep her alive... and you did nothing. Nothing at all." 

David's hands fell away from Martin's collar, his arms dropping limp at his sides. His eyes, red-rimmed and puffy, stared at Martin in disbelief. 

"And now she's gone... and you... you have the audacity to bring me up here... wanting... wanting…"

David's words trailed off, his grief and anger rendering him speechless. He shook his head, his eyes welling up with fresh tears, as he struggled to comprehend the depth of Martin's betrayal.