The Price of Pleasure

Next morning, David woke up with a splitting headache, and a parched mouth. 

The sunlight pierced through the curtain slit was like a sharp knife; forcing him to groan and roll over to the other side of the bed, before falling back asleep, oblivious to the figure watching him. 

"You seem to be enjoying your sleep," the sultry voice of a woman filled the room. 

The sudden intrusion jolted him awake, making him spring out of bed with his heart racing. 

The redhead's hair was a mess, her sheets tangled around her. A strand fell across her mouth, hinting at a sly smile. 

Her curves were accentuated by the rumpled sheets, and her partial undress hinted at a night of unbridled passion.

The air was thick with the promise of pleasure, and her presence beckoned temptation.

"What are you doing here?" David asked with a tinge of curiosity and caution in his tone. 

"What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my room, darling!" The lady laughed confidently. 

As David's gaze swept the room, familiarity dawned on him, but it wasn't his own space that he recognized. 

His eyes then dropped to his own body, and his face flushed with embarrassment as he realized he was barely clothed, his briefs the only garment covering his half-naked form.

David's mind raced as he tried to retrace his steps, "how did I get here?" he wondered aloud, his memories of the previous night hazy.

He vaguely recalled being at the nightclub with Vincent, downing numerous shot towers, and things getting increasingly fuzzy from there. 

The alcohol-induced haze had erased all memories of how he ended up with the redhead in front of him. 

"Did that guy bring me here," David thought to himself, then shook it off as it could not be possible. 

"You should come to bed and stop asking questions. It has been a while since I've seen you my dear," the woman said in a gentle and seductive tone. 

"I told you I never wanted to see you again!" David said in annoyance in his voice, his voice slightly raised. 

Her face darkened as she replied, "You're indebted to me, you ingrate!" The woman's voice rose, her words dripping with indignation. 

"After all I've done for you, you think you can just abandon me for that little girl?"

Her anger boiled over, the venom in her tone palpable. "You're not going anywhere! I won't let you!"

The woman's anger dissipated as quickly as it had flared, replaced by a saccharine sweetness that was equally unsettling. 

Her voice dripped with condescension as she purred, "poor thing, you look absolutely exhausted. Go clean up, you'll feel better." 

David was familiar with the hotel room, so he walked into the bathroom. He flicked on the light, wincing at the brightness as he approached the sink. 

The mirror's reflection revealed a disheveled stranger, puffy and worn, and tired eyes. 

While David was still a middle school kid, before his mother's accident, he had resorted to working questionable jobs, so as to earn money for himself and school. 

He pleasured different middle aged women in secret for money and even worked as a server in an underground club for women. 

When he finally turned seventeen, he worked as a gigolo at the same underground club, the woman was a regular so she was interested in him. 

He had cut off contact with the other women except Lilian, the redhead on the bed. 

She has saved David from a lot of precarious situations, and gave David money in exchange for pleasure. 

It kept going on until last year, when David got a girlfriend and Lilian set them up out of jealousy, making his ex girlfriend break up with him in less than a week of dating—

David emerged from the bathroom, and Lilian's sultry tone enveloped him like a warm embrace. 

"You still look so troubled, darling. Come, tell Momma all about it," she said softly, her voice dripping with concern and intimacy. 

She patted the bed beside her, inviting him to sit and share his secrets.

The air in the room grew tense as David sat on the edge of the bed, and replied, his voice filled with pain, as he buried his head in his hands; "it's my mom, she's dead." 

"Oh, don't be so downcast. Your mother didn't deserve you anyway," Lilian's eyes narrowed slightly as she drew closer to David, her voice taking on a soothing tone. 

She continued, "That woman never did anything for you! I was always there for you, I gave you everything you wished for." 

She slowly grabbed him from behind and pushed her huge bosoms against his back. 

There was only a very thin layer of clothing on her, so her adorns were very visible. 

Lilian's fingers traced gentle circles in David's hair, as she whispered softly, "from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You're the only one who matters to me." 

Her gaze intensified, as her finger traced his neck, "I want all of your attention, David. Only me. Forget about those who don't appreciate you. You have so much potential, and I want to be the one to help you unlock it."

Her nipples grazed his back and she kissed his neck lightly. 

David sat motionless, enveloped in Lilian's embrace, her arms wrapped around him from behind. 

Her whispered words caressed his ear, her breath dancing across his skin, as he relaxed into her hold, seemingly entranced by her sweet nothings

"Why don't you forget about her and move on. Please me, I will give you everything you want like always, and even more. Do it like you used to. 

Be submissive to me, I'll help you rise up to the highest level. It doesn't matter if you didn't attend college, I could also help you with that, just make me feel loved." 

Lilian sat astride David's leg, her warm breath tickling his ear as she whispered sweet, meaningless phrases, her voice a gentle caress that sent shivers down his spine. 

She then placed one of his hands on her buttocks and the other on her bosom. 

She helped him fondle her bosom, asking softly, "do you not miss this?" 

David's eyes snapped back into focus, and with a sudden surge of anger, he grasped Lilian's arms and pinned her against the bed.

"It's always about you!" he hissed, his voice trembling with resentment. 

"You've ruined my life, Lilian. My relationships, my friendships, everything's a mess because of you. You poison everything you touch, an…"

Lilian's hand cracked against David's cheek, the slap echoing through the room. 

Then, in a stunning reversal, she enveloped him in a tender embrace.

"Oh, David, my love, I'm so sorry! I couldn't help myself, you drive me mad with your indifference! I've never struck you before, but you push me to the brink. 

I adore you, can't you see? You make me feel alive, youthful, and cherished. Please, my love, just this once, reciprocate my love. I beg of you, don't abandon me!"

"I'm not one to beg for things like this, but I'm making an exception for you. Just this once, and I'll never ask anything of you again. 

I'll disappear from your life completely if that's what you desire. You make me go crazy with everything you do, please...," she whispered, her lips inches from his, her eyes pleading.

Before David could even process what was happening, Lilian's lips were pressed against his, her kiss urgent and demanding. 

Then, she pulled back, her eyes gleaming with a mix of passion and desperation, as if she was willing him to surrender to her desires, then she buried his face in between her bosom after kissing him. 

With a gentle but insistent pressure, Lilian nudged him backwards, her hands on his chest, until he felt the softness of the bed behind him. 

She leaned in closer, her body almost touching his, her eyes locked on his with an unmistakable intent.

She pressed her body against his, her hips grinding against him in a sensual rhythm, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered sweet nothings.

David's primal desires had taken over, his masculine instincts surrendering to her seduction. 

He knew that if he succumbed to her desires, she would be his to command, a tantalizing prospect that made his surrender a small price to pay. 

As Lilian's hands traced his chest, his eyes darkened, his breathing quickening, his fingers twitching with restraint. 

"You want me to give in, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and husky. 

Lilian's smile was her only response, her eyes gleaming with triumph as she leaned in closer, her lips inches from his. 

David's arms enveloped Lilian, his body weight shifting to pin her against the bed. 

His lips crashed down on hers, their mouths melding together in a fierce, unrelenting kiss. 

The air around them seemed to vibrate with tension, their bodies straining together as if trying to merge into one. 

Lilian's fingers clawed at his back, her body arching up to meet his, their passion consuming them whole, while he fondled her bosoms. 


Lilian's soft sighs filled the air, her body relaxed and sated. 

David's passion finally spent, he collapsed beside her, his chest heaving with exhaustion. 

In the silence that followed, Lilian's gentle breathing was the only sound, her body limp and surrendered to the pleasure they had shared. 

She was lost in a deep slumber, a soft smile still playing on her lips. David stepped into the warm shower, washing away the sweat and tension.

He closed his eyes, feeling the relaxation spread through his muscles. After a refreshing rinse, he dressed in the same clothes he had worn the night before, the ones that reeked of alcohol and memories. 

He scribbled a tender note on a piece of paper and placed it on the bedside table, his handwriting messy but his words sincere. 

With a soft smile, he slipped out of the room, leaving Lilian to sleep peacefully, surrounded by the lingering scent of their passion.