Double or Nothing

As the lights flickered to life, a figure emerged from the shadows, clad in a black uniform that seemed to absorb the light around him. Black glasses masked his eyes, making his gaze feel like a cold, hard stare. 

"Get down from the truck," he barked, his voice firm and commanding, his eyes fixed intently on Luis.

Luis's eyes widened in surprise as he blurted out a startled "Eh!" The guard's abrupt command had caught him off guard, but he hesitated for only a moment before climbing down from the truck. 

He stood before the guard, his shoulders slumped in a submissive posture, his eyes cast downward in a mixture of confusion and compliance.

Then, the man methodically scanned Luis with a metal detector, causing Luis's anxiety to spike as he stood bewildered, uncertain about the reason behind the sudden search.

Luis's journey had been proceeding smoothly until his GPS abruptly went off, plunging him into a disorienting silence. 

And now, without warning, this stern-faced stranger was subjecting him to a thorough search, as if he were a suspected felon.

The guard's curt tone cut through the air as he declared, "Alright, you're clean." But before Luis could breathe a sigh of relief, the guard's hand shot out, palm up, demanding, "Entrance card." 

Luis's mind went blank, his thoughts scrambling like a jolted puzzle. Then, like a flickering spark, memory ignited, George's parting words, the card pressed into his palm. 

Luis's hand instinctively darted to his pocket, fingers closing around the smooth plastic like a lifeline.

Luis's hand shot out of his pocket, the entrance card clutched tightly between his fingers, as if it might slip away. 

The guard marched over to a sleek, silver console at the cave's entrance, its surface gleaming like polished steel. 

With a swift, practiced motion, he swiped the card through a narrow reader, the machine's soft hum filling the air as it devoured the information, followed by a small flashing green light. 

The man handed the card back to Luis with a curt gesture, his expression unchanging as he uttered a dismissive, "You're cleared to enter."

Luis climbed back into his truck and drove into the tunnel, now bathed in bright, fluorescent light. The sudden illumination made the space feel vast and airy, a stark contrast to the ominous gloom that had shrouded it moments before.

Meanwhile, David approached the entrance, his footsteps echoing off the walls. Just as he reached out to touch the tunnel's threshold, a sudden jolt stopped him in his tracks, his fingers hovering mere inches from the entrance.

A deep, commanding voice boomed from the shadows, making David's heart skip a beat. "Who are you? This is private property! Head back!"

The words echoed off the tunnel's walls, seeming to come from all directions at once. 

David's initial fear gave way to curiosity as he hesitated, his mind racing with the possibility that the place he sought might lie just beyond the tunnel's depths. 

'What if...?' he thought, his eyes straining to pierce the darkness beyond the reach of the lights.

"I'm just a delivery guy," David explained, his voice steady and calm. "My GPS led me here, but then it malfunctioned. I was hoping to find a way through to the other side." 

He gestured back towards the truck, where the GPS unit was installed, as if to emphasize his point.

A towering figure emerged from the tunnel's shadows, his muscular build evident even beneath the tailored black suit. 

An earpiece glinted in his ear, hinting at a connection to a larger network. His eyes, narrowed into a piercing gaze, swept over David before locking onto his face. 

"Do you have a card?" he asked, his deep voice firm and authoritative.

David hesitated, feeling the weight of the man's gaze, before slowly reaching into his pocket and producing the dark blue card. 

The man's eyes flicked to the card, his expression unreadable. "This card?"David asked, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, as he held out the card like a tentative offering.

The man took the card and scanned it with a small device at the tunnel entrance. The machine beeped then he handed the card back to David and nodded. "You can go in," he said, his expression serious but no longer suspicious.

David returned to his truck, the engine roaring to life as he started it. With a smooth motion, he eased the vehicle forward, entering the tunnel's darkness. 

The man stood watch, his eyes fixed on the truck's receding tail-lights, his expression unreadable in the fading light.

As David emerged from the tunnel, his eyes widened in awe at the breathtaking sight before him. A majestic mansion unfolded, its modern architecture a masterclass in luxury and sophistication. 

Unlike any he had ever seen, its grandeur was simply stunning, leaving him momentarily speechless. 

The mansion stood radiant, bathed in the bright sunlight, its sleek lines, expansive windows, and impeccable design exuding an aura of refinement and elegance that left David utterly captivated.

David brought the truck to a stop at the grand entrance where four security guards stood watch, he said to the security guards, "delivery from Stevo Steels." 

"Good afternoon, sir. I'll need to perform a routine check on the truck before you enter the property. Could you please open up the tailgate for inspection?" One of the security guards asked firmly. 

"Oh, of course, no problem," he hopped down from the truck and strode to the rear, unlocking the tailgate with a metallic clang. "Here you go," he said, stepping aside to let the security guard inspect the contents

The guard nodded in appreciation and began his inspection. "Standard procedure, sir. Can you tell me what you're delivering today?" David hesitated, his smile tinged with awkwardness. 

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I'm just the driver. The paperwork says it's a confidential delivery to a warehouse on the property."

The guard nodded understandingly. "You're delivering to a high-security location, so discretion is key. Everything needs to be thoroughly vetted, no exceptions." He spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, his expression serious but courteous.

"I completely respect that. It's not my place to know the specifics, just to safely transport the goods," David continued. 

The guard nodded in approval. "We appreciate your cooperation. Better safe than sorry, as they say. Security is our top priority here!" 

He called out to his colleague, "Max!" A second guard appeared, accompanied by a massive German shepherd, its fur standing on end as it barked menacingly, its eyes fixed intently on David.

The guard led the German shepherd into the rear of the truck, where the dog began sniffing around diligently. Normally, they would have used a metal detector, but since David was delivering steel, it would have triggered a false positive, making it unnecessary.

After a thorough three-minute inspection, the guard and the German shepherd emerged from the rear of the truck. 

The guard nodded to his colleague beside David and gave a curt confirmation, "All clear," before turning to leave.

The guard gave David a thumbs-up. "You're all set. Head down the third path, and you'll find the warehouse. Be careful, and have a good one." David thanked him sincerely. 

"Appreciate the diligence. Will do, and you have a great day too!" With that, he hopped back into the truck and prepared to complete his delivery.

With a roar of the engine, David put the truck in gear and began to move forward. 

The security guards swung open the imposing gate, allowing him to pass through. He drove cautiously, his speed deliberate and measured, as he made his way down the path until he finally arrived at the warehouse.

The offloading process was a breeze, as a team of waiting workers quickly took charge. David's role was reduced to mere observation, watching as they efficiently unloaded the cargo.

 Once the task was complete, he simply collected the signatures of the receiving team as proof of delivery, and his job was done.

Just as David was about to climb back into the truck, one of the workers called out to him, "Hey, don't forget your payment!" David turned back, and the man handed him a sleek black briefcase. 

"Thanks," he said, stowing the briefcase away before climbing into the truck.

David placed the briefcase on the passenger seat, his curiosity getting the better of him. He opened it, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, that's a lot of cash!" he exclaimed, staring at the neatly stacked bundles of dollars.

"Everything okay, buddy?" a voice called out from outside the truck.

David quickly closed the briefcase, his heart rate ticking up slightly. "Yeah, all good! Just...uh, making sure everything's in order," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite his surprise.

With a final glance around, David put the truck in gear and pulled away from the warehouse, the briefcase secure beside him. "Company's definitely doing well," he thought to himself, still trying to process the sight of so much money.

The return journey to Stevo Steels factory took longer than expected, with David spending five hours on the road due to unexpected traffic congestion. Despite the delay, he still managed to arrive second, pulling into the factory grounds shortly after the first driver.

David walked into the warehouse, briefcase in hand, and approached George, "Hi, George. I'm David, the temporary driver hired for the special delivery. I've completed the job and brought this briefcase back."

George looked up from his paperwork, nodding in acknowledgement. "Ah, David. Good work. Hand over the briefcase and let's take a look."

David handed over the briefcase, and George inspected its contents before nodding in approval. "Everything looks good. Here's your pay for the job – $900."

David took the envelope, slightly surprised. "Thanks, George. I appreciate it."

George smiled briefly. "Good job, David. We'll be in touch if we need you for another delivery."

As David walked away after dropping off the protective gear, Jared's voice rang out across the room. "Hey, new guy! Come here for a sec!" David feigned ignorance, pretending not to hear Jared's call. 

But Jared wasn't deterred. He strode over to David, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "I know you heard me, new guy," Jared said with a grin.

"Listen, new guy, I've got a side job that needs doing, and I think you're the perfect man for the task," Jared said, his grin growing wider. "It's a delivery, but this one pays double what you got paid earlier. You in?"