
Winston strode towards the ringing telephone on the polished table, his footsteps echoing through the grand hall.

He lifted the receiver, his deep voice firm and composed. "Raye's mansion, this is Winston speaking." A brief pause followed before he continued, "Young Master David?" His tone remained neutral, but a hint of worry crept in.

The caller's response was brief, and Winston's expression remained impassive as he replied, "Thank you, sir. You too, have a pleasant evening."

With a subtle nod, he replaced the receiver, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pondered the brief conversation.

Winston entered Martin's study, his footsteps quiet on the plush carpet. "Sir, I have grave news," he announced, his voice steady but laced with a hint of solemnity.

"Young Master David has been hospitalized in Kingston." Martin's face drained of color, his eyes locking onto Winston's as if desperate for more information.