
Darkness. A void. Nothing. It was as if he had been suspended in a cosmic expanse, a solitary speck adrift in an infinite ocean.

No sound, no touch, no sensation. Just the cold, sterile emptiness. He was a ghost, a phantom, a mere echo of existence.

In this desolate place, time seemed to have lost all its meaning. Days, hours, minutes, they were irrelevant in this realm of nothingness.

There was no past, no future, only the present, a perpetual now that stretched into eternity. Or perhaps it was the absence of time altogether.

A faint flicker, like a distant star flickering to life, began to penetrate the darkness. It was a solitary point of light, growing larger, brighter until it consumed his vision.

Pain, sharp and unrelenting, exploded within him. A primal scream tore from his throat, but it was a silent cry, lost in the void.