Her Beauty Was Arousing His Burning Desires

Sarah finished the last bite, wiped the corners of her mouth, stood up slowly, and walked towards him. "Hello, Uncle Lee." Sarah followed him obediently to say hello.

The woman straightened her back, but she didn't expect to be ignored by Sarah again.

"I know the rules of your Quinn family. You can't eat half of breakfast in the middle. I didn't call you. How about it? It's a habit of living here with Shawn. He didn't bully you, right?" When Mr Lee saw Sarah, His eyes were narrowed to slits, and he spoke with a smile on his face, instantly becoming a loving father.

"He takes good care of me. Everything is fine here." She answered generously and politely.

"By the way, I came here especially to invite you today." His words made her slightly stunned. After looking at each other and Shawn, his eyes turned to Lee.

"I guess you have also heard about the Gao family. After all, the news and newspapers reported that the Nanwei Hotel was acquired by a mysterious person, and there will be a banquet tonight." When Lee said this, he paused. After a moment, it seemed to give her time to think about it.

Sarah understood what he meant. She glanced at Shawn who was sitting next to her but did not speak. She smiled at him and said, "Uncle Lee, you may not know that I am going to go back to work today."

"I just gave you an order at the hospital. No matter what, the Nanwei Hotel is still the hard work of your parents. Although it's a pity that it didn't come back to you, I still have to go and have a look. After all, I have made friends with this person. There's no harm in it, my friend," Lee said clearly, fearing that she would pretend not to understand and slip away.

"That's true. We don't have to worry about having too many friends in our business. Seeing that this person has such great strength and can quietly acquire the Nanwei Hotel, we really should get to know him." Shawn looked at it. At the right time, while Sarah was hesitant, she supplemented it from the side.

Unable to stand up, the two of them analyzed and finalized. She also had thoughts in her heart and finally nodded.

"At night, you and Shawn go there together, and I won't come to pick you up." After Lee finished speaking, he took the woman and left.

Sarah sat on the sofa, dumbfounded without saying a word. Shawn sat next to her, brought a cup of tea, and handed it to her.

"That woman doesn't look like someone's daughter." She, who took the tea, looked at him and said as if she was talking.

"I don't care about the affairs of the romantic court." He leaned back and looked at the ceiling lazily as if he didn't have anything to worry about.

"Men are all about making fun of themselves."

"Women can also pretend to be affectionate." He seemed to be very dissatisfied with her words and directly replied.

"Fake affection? Haha, anyone can pretend to be this kind of thing. It's like there was a scene in the restaurant when I first met you. Did you do it for me?"

"No." When he mentioned what happened that day, he sat up straight and clarified the matter decisively, because the scene that day was for his elder brother James's subordinates. It was a coincidence. Just then he met Sarah who was buying food.

"No matter who you give it to, it only shows that your acting skills are top-notch. It would be a pity not to enter the entertainment industry."

"The entertainment industry? Those are all dirty things. They are not as clean as those in the entertainment industry!" In one sentence, he expressed his attitude.

Sarah just liked his straightforward and decisive attitude. He can explain things clearly in one sentence and is never sloppy.

"The entertainment industry… may not be what you think!"



Throwing the lipstick on the dressing table, Sarah looked at herself in the mirror. She was very satisfied with the dress that Shawn carefully selected. Those who didn't know it might have thought that he secretly made it tailor-made.

Looking at the mirror, she turned left and right twice, and the scent of her body spread around her. It was elegant and noble, and she smiled sweetly.

Shawn understands his thoughts, even the choice of perfume was so just right.

Dong dong dong...

"Come in," Sarah said calmly, still staring at the mirror.

The moment Shawn came in and saw her, although he had already expected the effect, it was still beyond his imagination and his eyes lit up. Her beauty was arousing his burning desires

"It's still early, there's no rush." He was afraid that she would think he was here to urge her, so he took the lead in explaining before she could speak.

"Then what are you doing here?" she looked at him in the mirror and asked.

"I..." he was speechless for a moment. He couldn't take his eyes away from her. When he looked at her in the mirror, a trace of embarrassment flashed through him.

"You are a real person. Just for saying this, you came to me and said, What do you think? Is your female companion worthy of you?" she resolved the situation with one sentence, she pursed his lips and smiled, turned around, and opened her arms in a circle towards him.

Shawn, who was already fascinated, couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart. His throat tightened and he didn't dare to speak out. He just nodded, for fear that she would tell that something was wrong.

"I've packed up. After all, it's such a big banquet, so it's better to arrive early. Let's go." She walked to his side. The fragrance was refreshing. Although it was the perfume she chose, it made her so intoxicated.

"Let's go, what are you doing standing around?" Seeing his dazed look, she suppressed her laughter and said pretending to be indifferent.