She Felt A Tightness Around Her Waist

Shawn shook his head helplessly and gave her clothes to wear. He felt that the cool breeze was getting into his pores and he couldn't help but shiver.

"You're not pretending to be anything like it. It made me act with you and suffer the cold with you." He muttered, still following Sarah, looking at her as happy as a child, also laughed.

"You two came up wearing so few clothes, so you don't have to worry about getting cold."

The person who spoke was Mr Lee's female companion. Later, Shawn said that her name was Ning and that she was a nightclub person. Later, she met Dad and never went back. She stayed with him all the time.

Sarah pointed to the clothes on her body: "I'm not cold."

"Hey, let me tell you, he is considerate of others. Look at it, it's not because I'm afraid you'll freeze." Ning looked at Sarah with envy in her eyes.

Mr Lee next to her took off his clothes angrily and reluctantly put them on her. At this moment, Sarah knew that Shawn was in trouble.

She looked at the clothes on her body, quickly took them off, and put them on Lee: "The wind is cold at night, how can your body withstand it?" He had a dark look on his face after hearing this.

Hah, ho, ho, she's in trouble too.

Sarah snickered secretly in her heart. The implication of her words was, Lee, you are old and can't stand the cool breeze, but I'm young and I'm fine.

He once again said with a black line on his face: "Wear what you are told to wear, there is so much nonsense!"

Sarah looked at her frightened look and sighed in her heart. She stayed with a bad old man for money. Is money so important compared to sincerity?

"Let's go." Just as Sarah was lost in thought, she felt a tightness around her waist, and Shawn took her away.

The two of them went down to the top floor and returned to the rest area on the second floor. Sarah wanted to return the coat to Shawn, but he refused because he would not wear the clothes worn by women again.

What a lame reason!

Sarah saw through it without saying anything, so she deliberately took off her coat and put it aside.

Shawn stood up quickly and put his coat back on her: "You are not allowed to throw my clothes around!"

"You don't wear any, and I feel redundant..."

"If you want to get acquainted with that mysterious person, just dress up and I'll figure it out." Hearing Shawn say this, her eyes lit up, and she put her clothes back on consciously before he could do anything.

Shawn snickered in his heart: He finally stopped showing off her figure.

"Let's go." She put on her clothes looked at him and said.

 "Where to?"

"Meet the mysterious man!"

"You have to give me time to think of a solution." Shawn sat on the sofa opposite and spoke lightly.

She looked at the end of the spiral staircase on the third floor. Although she knew that the mysterious man was on the third floor, she had no reason to approach him, and they might not be able to give her this face.

"What a coincidence." James followed Shawn and greeted Sarah face to face.

Shawn's face suddenly turned cold.

"This room doesn't seem that cold." James looked at the suit jacket she was wearing.

"I feel cold!" Shawn came over directly at this time and replied directly before Sarah could speak.

"Shawn...Miss Quinn is so beautiful, but this dress of yours doesn't match." James's words sounded strange. She didn't know if Sarah was thinking too much. She heard two meanings in this sentence.

"Clothes are for keeping warm. As for whether they match or not, I don't have to worry about it." After Shawn said this, he pulled Sarah to his side. The two men looked at each other and looked tit-for-tat. If it weren't for their clothes, Different colors, she thought he was looking in the mirror here.

"Okay, I don't have time to argue with you. The old man is waiting for you on the top floor." After Shawn finished speaking, he drank the wine in his hand, put down the glass, and left with Sarah.

The two of them left the Nanwei Hotel. Sarah broke free and shook off Shawn's hand.

"The banquet is not over yet, why are we leaving? The mysterious man hasn't come out yet." The purpose of her coming here was to get acquainted with the mysterious man, and she felt a little unwilling to be brought out by him like this.

"He won't come tonight."

"ah?" Seeing him blurting out, she was stunned.

He also realized that he was talking too fast. He hesitated and looked at her and continued: "I heard someone on the phone when I was in the elevator just now."

"Why didn't I hear it?" she was with him the whole time and didn't hear anyone calling at all.

"You were busy looking at handsome guys at that time. Didn't you say that the man in the tuxedo was a gentleman?"

"Uh-huh...he's...very handsome...ah" she admitted that she was deeply attracted by that man. His mixed-race and deep facial features made people's eyes light up.

Raising her eyes to meet Shawn's cannibalistic expression, she closed her mouth angrily.

"go home!"

"I'm not your wife, why should I listen to you!"

"It's just this car, are you going to walk back?" Sitting in the car, Shawn lowered the window and looked at her with pride, and asked.

"I..." she pursed her lips helplessly. Just as she was about to get in the car, she was pulled back.

"Since Shawn is so reluctant, let me send Miss Quinn back." James appeared out of nowhere, and now Sarah was looking at him and said.

Shawn's eyes instantly turned frosty.

"Who wants to go back with you?" Sarah shook off James's hand and got into Shawn's car without saying a word.