Chapter 6: The Dark Alley

"What nonsense are you talking about? Once Consort Li leaves, I'll tear you apart," Consort Mei stood up at this moment. The struggles among the harem are like this; they all have to protect their own servants. If you can't protect your own servants, who will follow you in the future? "I, Consort Li, am not like that. You wretched servant, if you have anything to say, speak up quickly."

"Yes," Liu Hai Rui said, "I think Consort Li only knows that I hit them but doesn't know why I did it. Usually, your servants, relying on their master's favor, don't even look at the servants of any other consort in the palace. They also say that you will definitely become the queen in the future. Although you are not now, if such words are spread to the queen's ears, I think Consort Li will not be easy to deal with." Liu Hai Rui looked up at Consort Li's expression and continued, "They attacked us today. If we talk about seniority, our Consort Mei entered the palace earlier than you, and even you should call our Consort Mei 'Your Highness.' Even beating a dog depends on its master. You and our Consort Mei are like sisters. If they provoke us, it's too much. I know they did this behind your back. If you knew, you would definitely kill them. In order to protect their little lives, I taught them a lesson for you."

"You? You, you, you." The person who was beaten by Liu Hai Rui uttered three 'you's and couldn't say a word after that.

"Well, Mei, you servant is really eloquent, which makes me reluctant to kill him." Consort Li said with a mirthless smile, "I'll spare you this time. You few dead servants, dare to cause trouble in the name of this palace, and I will flay your skin sooner or later."

"Master, we were wrong." A few people knelt down hurriedly and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Alright, alright, get up for me, and if you dare to cause trouble in my name again, I will take your heads." Consort Li glared at the crowd, waved her hand, and left with them.

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to be more eloquent than before, it seems the illness has made you smarter." Consort Mei looked at Liu Hai Rui with appreciation. "Since you have a brain, you should know how to deal with Consort Lan."

"Master, I haven't figured it out yet, you should give me a little more time." Liu Hai Rui said with a smiling face, "Master, if you kill this servant, you won't have such a considerate servant in the future."

"I have plenty of servants, you hurry up and come up with a plan for me, otherwise, you won't live tomorrow." Consort Mei said and left without another word.

Liu Hai Rui's forehead was once again covered in cold sweat. To save his own life, he really had to come up with a way to kill Consort Lan. He didn't know what Consort Lan looked like, but no matter what, he had entered the harem, and he had to enjoy it first. It's not too late to defile and then kill her after that.

Guided by a little eunuch of this palace, Liu Hai Rui found Consort Lan's bedroom, squatted outside her bedroom and observed that the situation inside was calm. Only the faint sound of singing and dancing was heard. Liu Hai Rui looked around, no one seemed to notice him, so he quietly sneaked into Consort Lan's bedroom. After a few turns, he saw a scene of singing and dancing not far ahead. He vaguely saw a fairy dancing among them, with beautiful dance moves and a delicate appearance. It was simply a dance that only heaven has, and it's rare to see it in the world.

Liu Hai Rui was fascinated. It seems that the emperor's favor is not shallow, and there are really thousands of beauties in the harem. Such a beautiful girl is actually ignored, and I really don't know what the emperor is thinking. Judging by this standard, the consorts in the harem should all be excellent beauties. Then, this time, this fake eunuch is really comfortable. He must get all these goods, and then defile them one by one. At this time, Consort Lan was still dancing among the crowd. After dancing a song, she sat down and drank a lot of wine, then got up and continued to dance, and drank again. In this way, in less than an hour, Consort Lan was already drunk and unconscious. Liu Hai Rui hurriedly ran over, dispersed the dancing girls, and then helped Consort Lan and said, "You're drunk."

"Who are you? I have never seen you before in this palace. Come and serve me." With a bit of wine, Consort Lan looked at Liu Hai Rui and said, "Get out of here."

"Consort, I am from Consort Li's palace." Liu Hai Rui turned his eyes and said with a smile, "Let me help Consort to rest. You are already drunk."

"You don't need to help me from your Li Xiang Palace." Consort Lan pushed away Liu Hai Rui, staggered a few steps, and still fell into his arms, then fell asleep. Usually, when she dances, she doesn't allow the palace maids and eunuchs to be around, which is one of her good habits and bad habits. This also gave Liu Hai Rui a good opportunity to make a move. Holding Consort Lan and smelling her fragrance, Liu Hai Rui really couldn't help it. It's rare to have such an opportunity to get close to her. Naturally, he wouldn't miss it. After walking a few steps, Liu Hai Rui really found a very hidden place. This is a place like a hidden passage, very hidden, and it won't be found at all. Liu Hai Rui didn't have to worry, holding her and shaking a few times, and Consort Lan didn't respond at all. I don't know how the ancient alcohol is so powerful that it directly made her unconscious after drinking. This is really good. In this state, even if she did it, she wouldn't know, or she wouldn't even know herself.

Thinking of these, Liu Hai Rui couldn't wait any longer, holding Consort Lan and directly falling into the dark alley.