Chapter 11: A Secret Glimpse

Chapter 11: A Secret Glimpse

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you take off your clothes and come in?" Mei Fei stood up from the water and circled around Liu Hairui, "Do you feel helpless now? You can only admire my beauty but cannot touch me. His Majesty is accustomed to the beauties of flowers and the moon, and he doesn't care about me at all. I really don't know when His Majesty will favor me again."

"His Majesty not favoring you or appreciating you does not mean others won't appreciate you, with your figure and appearance. You are more than enough to captivate everyone under heaven," Liu Hairui said with his head down.

"You're the one who knows how to speak. Captivate everyone under heaven? I'm afraid I don't have that fortune or that chance," Mei Fei sighed, "I wonder if I could even captivate a eunuch like you."

"As Your Majesty said, I am a eunuch, but I also have the heart of a man, and I naturally crave your beauty," Liu Hairui looked at Mei Fei and said, "Which man would not be moved by a beauty before his eyes? At least I can't do it."

"Is that so? Then why don't you take off your clothes and come down to bathe? You're not really a eunuch, are you?" Mei Fei seemed to be in a good mood and joked with Liu Hairui.

But Liu Hairui was scared. After all, he was a real fake eunuch. If Mei Fei found out, it would be terrible. He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat: "Your Majesty is joking. I am really a eunuch."

"Really? Let me feel and see if you are a real eunuch," Mei Fei said with a smile, walking in front of Liu Hairui, looking at his face, about to reach down.

"Your Majesty, I am dirty here, how could I let you touch it," Liu Hairui quickly covered his lower body with his own hands. This place is not for everyone to touch, especially his master. Once she really touches it, his identity would be exposed. "Your Majesty really knows how to joke."

"Don't move, or I will kill you. I want to see what a eunuch looks like," Mei Fei's eyes straightened, she has always been curious about what a eunuch looks like.

"But I am really dirty, I dare not let Your Majesty touch," Liu Hairui's back was sweating, and he said with a wry smile, "Don't dirty Your Majesty's hands."

"It's okay, if you dare to move again, I will kill you," as she spoke, Mei Fei's hand touched Liu Hairui's lower body through his pants, and she was shocked by the touch, her eyes widened. According to common sense, a eunuch should not be so strong, Mei Fei frowned and said, "Take off your pants."

"Ah? Your Majesty, this is not very good," Liu Hairui knew it was over, this matter must be exposed: "Can we not do this?"

"I said take off your pants, can't you understand what I'm saying?" Mei Fei's eyes straightened again.

"Yes." Liu Hairui reluctantly took off his pants, and his significant member stood upright.

"You, you are really a fake eunuch, come on, drag him out and beheaded," Mei Fei's face was full of anger, such a thing in the harem would only harm more people.

"Your Majesty, mercy, Your Majesty, let me explain," Liu Hairui turned to look, fortunately, those people were driven away: "If Your Majesty really kills me now, saying that I am not a real eunuch, it will cause His Majesty and the Empress to suspect, since I am not a real eunuch and have been working here for so long, who can guarantee that I have not had a relationship with Your Majesty? At that time, I'm afraid you will be implicated."

"Nonsense, would I do that with a dog like you? It's preposterous," Mei Fei said.

"Do you say there is no, and there will be none? His Majesty has not favored you for several years, right? In that case, it is inevitable that you will think about men, and they will definitely think that you want a man and brought me into the attack," Liu Hairui's eyes turned and he came up with a plan: "Think about it, all eunuchs have to be castrated before entering the palace, which is the business of the Jing Shi Fang, and the one who manages Jing Shi Fang is the big favorite in front of His Majesty, Gao Gonggong, if such a thing happens, there will be a fake eunuch in the palace, this matter will definitely involve him, how do you think he will say, he will definitely insist that Your Majesty can't stand the loneliness between men and women and brought me into the palace. So I am also for the sake of Mei Fei's good."

"This, this, this." Mei Fei sat on the ground, Liu Hairui was right, if this matter is really investigated, she is definitely hard to escape, this is equivalent to her hiding a man, and then Gao Gonggong adds frost to the snow, she will die for sure. "What should I do?"

"Isn't it simple? Your Majesty keeps me in your palace," Liu Hairui walked over and pounced on Mei Fei, holding her big white rabbits with both hands and said with a smile, "I can serve Your Majesty and solve the problem of not having a man, and I can also help Your Majesty ascend to the throne of the Empress in the future, why not be happy?"