Chapter 14: Coming Prepared

Chapter 14: Coming Prepared

"How dare I deceive the Empress on such a matter?" Liu Hairui said earnestly, "Tonight at midnight, they are planning to enter the palace. I dare not tell Your Majesty for fear that the Grand Commandant will kill me."

"Don't worry, I will take charge of this matter. I will go to His Majesty right away," the Empress understood the gravity of the situation and the need for discretion.

"No, Your Majesty, if we inform His Majesty now without any evidence, even if he believes us, he can't do much. But if he doesn't, your position might be at risk," Liu Hairui was proactive in offering strategies, "So, in my humble opinion, it's better for us to take the initiative."

"Take the initiative? What do you mean?" the Empress asked.

"What we can do now is contact the generals stationed outside the palace and have them ready. If the Chancellor really enters the palace at midnight, then it will be confirmed. We can then have the general lead his troops in, and by exposing the Grand Commandant's conspiracy, we will have accomplished a great deed."

"You're right, you're absolutely right. I will summon the general of the capital immediately, no, I should send him a secret decree," the Empress fully trusted Liu Hairui's words, "Uncle Hai, you go back to Consort Mei first. We must keep this matter absolutely confidential. This time, I will catch all those eunuchs led by the Grand Commandant."

"I take my leave, then."

Liu Hairui wasn't sure if he had chosen the right side this time, but he believed he couldn't be wrong, especially with the Empress now fully trusting him. It wouldn't be long before she turned against him, and he could use this opportunity to elevate Consort Mei.

"Uncle Hai, Consort Mei has sent for you twice," a young eunuch approached Liu Hairui with flattery as soon as he returned.

"Alright, I know," Liu Hairui went straight to Consort Mei's chambers and dismissed the attendants.

"Did you miss me?" After driving away the servants, Liu Hairui embraced Consort Mei, "I've been busy with other matters these past few days and haven't had the chance to play with you properly. Are you feeling restless again?"

"You wretched servant, daring to speak to me like that," Consort Mei scolded with a smile, "Are you looking for death?"

"Looking for death? Really? Then kill me. If you do, you'll have no one to serve you in bed anymore. Would the taste of lonely sleep be pleasant?" Liu Hairui chuckled nonchalantly, "Ever since I came into your life, your complexion has improved significantly. You look even more beautiful."

"Is that so? It's all thanks to you. Every time we're in bed, you're so vigorous. After a session, I feel like my body is falling apart. How could I not look beautiful?" Consort Mei also embraced Liu Hairui, truly wanting to play with him. After all, she was a woman neglected by the Emperor for three years, meaning she hadn't tasted a man's touch for three years. The first time she was with Liu Hairui, she truly felt the fulfillment and the joy of impact a man brings to a woman. She reached down to Liu Hairui's lower body and smiled lightly, "You dog of a servant, tell me, why does this become big when you see me?"

"It's because Consort Mei is just too beautiful. Your beauty makes my lower body stand up involuntarily," Liu Hairui held Consort Mei's hand and slowly guided it inside his pants. When her hand touched his steel-like member, it stood up completely: "Consort Mei, your little hand is getting softer and softer, stroking me until I can't bear it anymore."

"Is that so? If you can't bear it, what do you want to do?" Consort Mei's body pressed closely against Liu Hairui, lifting one leg for him to hold: "I see that thing of yours is always so useful. I wonder if it will be the same this time?"

"Of course, my thing is amazing. Every time it brings Consort Mei to the peak," Liu Hairui held her leg, his hand sliding up her leg to her waist, gently untying her constraints, pulling down her pants, and carrying Consort Mei to the bed. He immediately pressed his body down: "Consort Mei, today I came prepared."