Not today

In the depths of the laboratory, Chen Zhe, Lin Qifeng, and Yu Qiang braced themselves for the sudden onslaught of more mutants, tense and resolute. The growls at the end of the corridor grew louder, and with heavy footsteps, a horde of deformed and violent test subjects emerged from the darkness.

Chen Zhe raised his hand, "Dear friends! Chaotic Dance!"

Under his control, space and time began to distort, sending waves of temporal shockwaves through the corridor like fierce winds. These shockwaves surged toward the mutants, pushing some back several steps, though a few exceptionally strong ones resisted the impact.

Lin Qifeng seized the moment, his eyes flashing with cold determination. He swung his hand, "Heavy Whip Style: Six-Strike." Six black whips emerged around him, swiftly lashing toward the mutants. Each whip carved a black arc through the air, striking the mutants' vital points with precision, a symphony of snapping sounds and agonized screams. Several mutants were completely subdued, collapsing to the ground.

Yu Qiang stood to the side, his control more refined, launching metal shards like invisible arrows.

"Swift Meteor," Yu Qiang said softly.

The metal shards flew at incredible speed, each carrying lethal force, piercing through the mutants' bodies and pinning them to the ground, immobilizing them.

The battle was tense and swift, but the number of mutants far exceeded their expectations. While they managed to fend off some, more continued to surge toward them. From the shadows along the corridor walls, additional mutants crept closer, their eyes filled with ferocity and deformity.

"Damn it! They're multiplying!" Chen Zhe frowned deeply. Despite his powerful abilities, prolonged use was draining his stamina and mental strength.

Lin Qifeng calmly analyzed the situation, knowing they needed a breakthrough quickly. "We need to focus our attacks and find their weak points."

Yu Qiang continued to release metal shards, his expression growing anxious as the numbers overwhelmed them. But his movements remained resolute and powerful.

Suddenly, stronger growls echoed from deeper within the corridor as several particularly large and deformed mutants charged toward them. Their muscles bulged, appearing even more formidable and powerful than those before.

"Watch out!" Lin Qifeng shouted, his eyes fixed on the massive mutants.

Chen Zhe adjusted his strategy, his fingers glowing once more as he prepared to unleash stronger control. "Temporal Phantom Stream!" he yelled.

Stronger temporal shockwaves began warping the surrounding space, attempting to trap or at least weaken the massive mutants.

Lin Qifeng responded instantly, "Heavy Whip Style: Hundred-Strike!" His dozens of whips danced like black serpents, each one targeting the vital points of the giant mutants. The clash of whips and roars echoed in the narrow corridor, creating a terrifying symphony of battle.

"Swift Meteor: Ultimate!" Yu Qiang used all his strength to release a barrage of metal shards.

Yu Qiang focused his metal control power around the massive mutants, aiming to strike their joints and weak spots. Each shard, a crystallization of his concentrated power, flew with unmatched speed and precision.

The battle reached its peak, and the trio, through their synergy, began overcoming the overwhelming number of mutants, gradually gaining the upper hand. Each move utilized their abilities and combat experience, constantly suppressing and eliminating their enemies.

However, just as they thought they were nearing victory, a loud crash echoed from the end of the corridor. A tall shadow burst through the end, seemingly an even more powerful entity had arrived.

"This is..." Lin Qifeng's brow furrowed, sensing an unprecedentedly strong presence.

Chen Zhe also felt the unusualness, "Could it be... a higher-level esper?"

Yu Qiang remained silent, his eyes flashing with unease as the energy emanating from the shadow felt far stronger than any mutant they had encountered.

In this abandoned part of the gene research facility contaminated by nuclear pollution, the enemy they faced seemed far more formidable and terrifying than they had imagined. The three had to focus their strength again, ready to face this new challenge and uncover deeper truths.

At that moment, a figure swiftly approached, calling out, "Moonlight Slash." Blades of moonlight shot out, piercing through the remaining mutants in an instant. It was Bai Mo.

"Bai Mo, you finally made it!" Chen Zhe's face was a mix of relief and exasperation, thinking he had narrowly escaped death.

Before they could catch up, they sensed an invisible force of energy. Bai Mo's heart sank, realizing something had gone wrong. He had left Bai Yoon at the entrance, fearing the worst.

When they arrived, Bai Yoon's powers were out of control, releasing a powerful and uncontrollable energy wave. The sky over the wasteland darkened, thunder and lightning crashing as if the world was on the brink of collapse.

Bai Mo, Chen Zhe, Yu Qiang, and Lin Qifeng, as espers, immediately recognized the severity of the crisis. They quickly gathered around Bai Yoon, attempting to control her rampaging powers, but her energy repelled their approach.

"Bai Yoon, focus!" Bai Mo's voice cut through the storm, steady and firm, "You can control it. You won't hurt us!"

Chen Zhe anxiously surveyed the surroundings, "Any signs of mutation? The energy fluctuations are intensifying!"

"Silent End!" Chen Zhe tried to use his powers to control Bai Yoon's energy.

"Damn! It's not working!" he cursed as his ability was repelled.

Yu Qiang furrowed his brow, attempting to resonate his power with Bai Yoon's, "Bai Yoon, listen. We can regulate your energy together. Don't let it spiral out of control."

Lin Qifeng stood silently by, observing everything with both concern and determination. They had to overcome this crisis together.

In the desolate wasteland, the five surrounded Bai Yoon, their sole objective to prevent the rampaging power from destroying them.

At the critical moment, Bai Mo gripped his knife tightly, a plan forming. "Phantom Flash: Echoing Blade!" he shouted, the blade flying toward Bai Yoon.

The blade, charged with immense shadow energy, struck Bai Yoon, calming her powers.

"What is going on?" Lin Qifeng asked, puzzled.