Three years later, the farmer and Chen Zhe, who had just returned, sat chatting in the courtyard.

The farmer frowned as he looked at Chen Zhe, then smiled with satisfaction. "Chen Zhe, three years have passed. You're not only about to come of age, but your abilities have also become more mature."

Chen Zhe smiled faintly, feeling the innate energy within him that had grown stronger over the past three years. He nodded to the farmer. "Yes, Old Liang. I've gone through a lot in these three years, but I've also learned to control my powers and make them stronger."

The farmer patted Chen Zhe's shoulder, his tone full of encouragement and trust. "You've done well, Chen Zhe. Thanks to your abilities, the bandits around here don't dare come near us. We can survive in this wasteland thanks to your help."

Chen Zhe felt the farmer's trust and praise, and a sense of responsibility and determination surged within him. He knew that future challenges might be even more difficult, but he was willing to work hard to survive. In this post-apocalyptic wasteland, they were alone but not lonely.

Three years ago...

One day, Chen Zhe and the farmer were sitting in the courtyard in front of the farmhouse, enjoying the evening breeze. The farmer looked at the distant mountains and suddenly said, "Xiao Zhe, do you know there's a place called You Sen in the mountains behind us?"

Chen Zhe shook his head in confusion, indicating for the farmer to continue.

"You Sen is a mysterious training ground where many ability users have undergone rigorous training. The training there is extremely intense, and many people can't break through the 30% energy limit. They either give up or die in training. Few can come out of there. You should go."

After hearing this, Chen Zhe felt a stir in his heart. He knew he needed to become stronger to face future challenges and the powerful Bai Mo. He made up his mind to go to You Sen for training.

In the first year in You Sen, Chen Zhe faced brutal training and high-intensity challenges. Initially, he felt both physical and mental pressure, but with the farmer's encouragement and guidance, he gradually adapted to the training rhythm.

"Upon arriving in You Sen, I felt an unprecedented pressure and unease. Every day of training was a test, not only a physical challenge but also a mental grind. At first, I often doubted whether my abilities were enough to handle it all, but with each day of training, I gradually learned to find strength in solitude. Every bit of progress felt like breaking through an invisible wall, deepening my confidence in my abilities."

As time passed, Chen Zhe entered his second year in You Sen, facing more complex and high-difficulty training and challenges. He began to integrate his time-control abilities with other aspects of his physical skills to enhance his overall combat performance.

"With time, I entered a more complex and challenging training phase. I started trying to combine my time-control skills with other physical enhancements to boost my combat capabilities."

In the third year in You Sen, Chen Zhe experienced a deep inner exploration and meditation. During this time, he felt a mysterious and powerful energy surge from within, activating his domain and elevating his combat abilities to an unprecedented level.

"During my third year in You Sen, I went through a profound inner awakening and exploration. In meditation, I suddenly felt a mysterious and powerful energy surge from deep within me, revealing my domain."

Chen Zhe stood in the center of an open field, the air around him seemingly frozen. His gaze was calm, but his heart raced uncontrollably. Despite usually wearing a humorous and joking demeanor, he knew he was about to unleash a highly complex and powerful force.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. His mental energy began to gather within him, gradually flowing to his hands. His fingertips trembled slightly, whether from excitement or nervousness, he couldn't tell. He couldn't help but marvel at the indescribable sensation, a blend of the joy of mastering his power and the anxiety of the unknown outcome.

"It's coming!" he said to himself.

Chen Zhe closed his eyes, focusing all his thoughts on shaping a place advantageous to him in his mind. It was a peculiar domain where time and space intertwined, filled with his unique abilities. As his mental energy gradually released, the surroundings started to warp and distort. The once tranquil sky turned into a grey mist, and the ground became an endless mirrored world.

He felt the joy of victory gradually overcoming his nervousness. Every time he opened his domain, he could sense an unparalleled thrill, as if the entire world was under his control. He opened his eyes, which now gleamed with confidence.

As his mental energy continued to release, the mirrored world became clearly visible. There were no enemies here, only Chen Zhe. He stepped lightly onto the mirror, which rippled like water under his feet, each wave seemingly proclaiming his boundless power.

His heart filled with the joy of victory while reminding himself not to let his guard down. Although opening his domain gave him a significant advantage, true mastery had just begun. He knew that only by staying calm could he fully control this domain and use it to its utmost potential.

"This is my domain," he said to himself with a smile, his voice tinged with pride. Facing this strange domain, he knew he had taken an important step. Victory and control were within reach.