The Monarch's Domain.

In the effect of the charm, tanishq begins walking towards lily.

Lily doesn't do anything, she just stands there, waiting for tanishq to approach her.

Tanishq gets closer, closer, and more closer to lily.

Tanishq felt as he got more closer to lily, the effect of the charm was increasing, as if, lily wanted him to come more closer,

Soon, the distance between their lips was only some air, if tanishq will take another step towards her direction, their lips will meet together.

Finally, for the both of them, the unthinkable happened, as their lips met and, after that,

Boom! Tanishq was sent flying, both of their faces were red from the, embarrassing thing just now.

You! Lily roared in anger, and she instantly increased her cultivation back to sixth auder.

As she increased her cultivation back to sixth auder, she starts to feal another presence their except for the two of them,

Lily turned around, and looked at the dark figure standing near a tree, and she jumped at the figure, while thinking how to make her pay for her actions.

Her single attack delt 500 damage to me, that means, I can only take two attacks before I die, tanishq thought as he stands up and dusted himself off.

There, he saw Muskaan tied to a chain, and was shouting for help.

Beside her, he saw an angry succubus was going to tear her apart. Seeing this seen Infront of him, tanishq thought that running away was the best option for now, so, he started using chi movement to get away as far as he could to escape from the two sixth auder cultivators.

But, as he was going to escape using chi movement, he heard an explogen behind him, where lily and Muskaan were standing.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

And when tanishq turned around, he saw a five-year-old-kid was standing there, holding a sword in his hands, and lily and Muskaan were tied to the same chain, with which, Muskaan was tied a few seconds ago.

I have to save them, tanishq thought in his mind. But upon realizing the fact that the two tied existences were sixth auder cultivators, his confidence dimmed, when even two sixth auder cultivators wasn't able to break the chain together, then what a lone person like him could do?

As tanishq was thinking of a way to save his friends, he saw in his peripheral vision, that the chain was growing longer, and was also Cumming to bind him with them, tanishq wasn't sure what to do now?

Suddenly, he gets an idea, and he tried to make a mental connection with lily using his mind.

The connection was successful, and he spoke in a hurry' lily! How to break this chain, tell me quick!

There is only one way to break this chain. And that is a seventh auder cultivator, lily screamed in his mind.

The chain was approaching faster and faster, but tanishq was not standing there for show, instead, he had an idea, he was veighting for the chain to come nearer, so, he can initiate his plan.

When the chain was just about to touch him, tanishq used his blood on the two captives, who then started their Drago transformation write there while trapped.

Congratulations! Lily, the DeVine succubus has now become your Drago.

Congratulations! Muskaan had now become your Drago.

Ding! Due to the passive effect of the gods power, both of their cultivation ranks have been increased by an auder.

Increase my cultivation using my experience points, tanishq told the system.

Ding! Your cultivation has been increased. You are now a peak third auder existence.

ding! You have reached level 150, and have gained 260 stat points to distribute among your stats.

Ding! Your total stat points are 296.

As the chain touched his body, crackling lightning sound was herd Cumming from the sky.

Ding! Due to the hinderer is three auders above you, the effect of the world lightning has been triggered.

The world lightning hits the chain, but to Tanishq's surprise, the chain didn't budge from its place at all.

Clank! As the chain was a few millimeters from touching Tanishq's body, out of a sudden, the wolf tooth sword appeared in his hands, with it, he tried to stop the chain, and the result was,

Clank! The sword was now rolling with the chain, stabbing everyone who was in range of the sword.

Thwac! The first one to get cut by the sword was the person it belonged to, tanishq afcorse,

Dammit! He cursed loudly, and then holds his ancle where the sword had stabbed.

I will melt you down, you stupid chain! Tanishq roared loudly.


As he was going to shout to use the crimson flames, he felt something off, and when he turned around to see it, he was shocked upon seeing another chain from his back was also Cumming to bind him!

Chi wall!

He tried to protect himself using the chi wall skill, but, when two sixth auder cultivators were not able to block the chain together, then what can a mere peak third auder cultivator can do alone?

Bang! The wall shattered into peace's upon contacting the chi wall made by tanishq, and started to advance more faster.

When tanishq thought that he couldn't do it alone, then he shouted, lily! Help me!

But the shout didn't reach her, because she and Muskaan was transforming into Dragos, and were experiencing a lot of pain in their body.

When the shout had no effect on lily, tanishq used a chi bolt to push the chain away. Or at least, he tried to push it away, but it had a totally different effect on the chain which, he did not expect at all,

Instead of getting pushed away, the chain became even more faster, and finally captured tanishq and started to absorb his mana at a very fast speed.

This, this chain absorb chi, and then, it absorbs my mana too, that is ridiculous!

He was losing 100-mana per second, and with his total mana, he could only survive for 30 seconds at most.

Victer, what is this! Tanishq shouted in his mind.

But, for some reason, victer didn't reply this time.

Rooaaaa! In anger, he started turning in his dragon form out of his will.

Ding! In this for

Tanishq ignored the messages from the system, and tries to think of an idea of getting out from his current situation.

Out of desperation, he begins examining his skills inside the system to see if he could do anything with them.

He was searching for a useful skill, when his gaze turned to a particular skill, which had evolved to second auder after his cultivation increased.

Monarch's body/monarch's domain passive/active skill. Due to having the monarch's body, all of your stats have been increased by 1000.

Monarch's domain active skill. For 15 seconds, all of your stats will be tripled, but as a consequence of that, you will be knocked unconscious for the next 24 hours.

Using this skill was very dangerous, because tanishq will be knocked unconscious for the next 24 hours, but if he didn't use this kill write now, he might die instantly.

Monarch's domain! As he activated the skill, tanishq was surrounded in a greenish aura, and he can feel his powers getting increased, and in his dragon form, the effect was more noticeable.

Roar! He roared loudly, and throws a huge 500-meter sun towards the chain which was binding him from his mouth.

Clank! The sun and the chain collided, and a clanking sound was made, the sun was destroyed, but the chain was still fine.

It's enough! An angry voice boomed in the sky.

Looking at the person flying in the sky, tanishq felt as his hope had arrived in time to save him from the mouth of death.

Then, a charm, which was not aimed at tanishq was released in the air, and the user of the chain, Arsh couldn't resist the charm, and thus, the chain disappeared out of a sudden.

Tanishq quickly swallowed some healing and mana recovery pills, and feels a sigh of release.

You will now die! Arsh! Lily's voice boomed in the sky.

Boom! Out of a sudden, the air around Arsh exploded, who was just standing near tanishq, planning to kill him with a singal strike of his sword.

Dozens of air bullets shot out, and hits Arsh chest, which then exploded into millions of little pieces instantly.