Kaiju Apocalypse

Since the creation of Evolution, dimensions were ravaged by monstrous beings called

Kaijus, they brought devastation to the world destroying the technology humanity created, All hope seemed lost to humanity, that was until the first warrior awakened.

What are warriors, they are beings who were given powers by the evolution of a dimension, and then there were also the kaiju-lineage, beings who have become kaijus. Kaijus come in different shapes and appearance.

But warriors had one major flaw, they can't stay in the same world for more than

one year, after the time limit passed, they are brought to another world ruled

by different kaijus.

This world.. Earth is going to awaken the kaiju apocalypse, many lives will be lost

and many will betray their race.


"Hey Damien, want to go out with the boys today"Damien is a boy with Black hair and

brown eyes, he was average in looks, his friends asked him, Damien thought

about it and then refused.

"Nah I have something to do today" As he said that he stood up and left, Damien is an

eighteen year old boy who has a scholarship in the school of Neil, in this modern earth people aren't defined by their talents, no they are defined by their hard work.

Damien walked towards his dorm room as he was looking at his phone, there was

something about a meteor hitting the world in a few minutes, he wasn't worried

because it said it will fall into the ocean.

Currently he was waiting fort the countdown

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0" As the last words left his mouth, the world seemed to have froze, everything started becoming cold and then suddenly a deadly shockwave spread out

destroying the buildings. Damien tried to move but his body seemed to have

fallen limp. His consciousness was starting to fade…

Some hours later Damien woke up.

"Cough, cough, what the fuck just happened, why is everything so cold?!!" Damien said in outrage as he saw the snow falling down

from the sky.

He wondered was it because of the meteor, the trees were frozen solid, and his phone was frozen, he needed to find somewhere safe so he can figure out what is going on. After walking around for a bit he finally went into his dorm room, he then locked it.

"…What is happening"Damien was confused, while he was thinking, his mind blanked out for a moment. A message appeared in his hand in the form of a cube.

{ Hello Participant?!!, is this your first time experience a kaiju apocalypse, well worry not for you have become a warrior, Your first goal is to survive?!!!

Name:Damien Felix

Ability: Wonders of a cube: Who said cubes can't be used as weapons..liars I say?!!, this ability allows the user to summon cubes that lets you shrink items and store

them….thats all., btw you can only use about 5 cubes since your ability has not


Personal Talent:Unknown.}

"What?!" Damien was flabbergasted, what the fuck is this, what do you mean by survive and what do mean by kaiju apocalypse?!!. Damien calmed down and kept a cool head, no puns


The cube was small and didn't seem to disappear, so he put it into his pocket, it said survival so he needs something to protect himself, thankfully he had a knife in his drawer

given to him by his grandmother, she said it's a family heirloom or something

along those lines.

When he took it out, it was in a black sheath, he tried using his ability on it, and it worked,

suddenly he gained a bit of information in his mind.

{Special item:Widowsblade


Description:After countless generations of not being used, the widow yearns for a partner for all



Effect:Anyone related to the previous user gains more loyalty and fondness from the

weapon, to gain ownership, drop your blood on it, the blade will change

according to the users mindset}


'Special item' Damien didn't ask how it worked, but he realized in order to survive in

this world, he definitely needs weapons or special items. He removed the blade

from his cube and then unsheathed it, he realized the once white blade was now

pitch black, he didn't hesitate and cut his hand with it.

The blade glowed for a moment then it slowly transformed into a long sword, the hilt was

red but the sheathe became more longer, the weapon seemed to vibrate in

pleasure and happiness.

Damien then Sheathed it and then realize he can't put the blade back into his cube, he sighed and kept the blade in his bed, he then went to carry a sweater he could use, he

put two clothes into his cubes and one trouser.



Damien silently stood still, his heart thumped in his chest as he felt fear from

whatever or whoever was behind the door.

"Hello?!! Please let me in, there are giant monsters outside?!! Pleas let me in" The

voice of a girl said in panic. "And why should i?" Damien asked cautiously.

"A-ah my name is Li Xue, I am a first year, I don't want to die please" Damien thought

about it for a while and then he opened the door, he saw an asian girl who

seemed to be crying.

"Come inside" Damien moved, when she entered he closed the door and locked it. He

observed the girl, she seemed awfully familiar, that's when he realized this

girl was a famous you-tuber, she usually talks on about plant and animal care


"Also what do you mean by monsters?" Damien asked, his heart was still beating. "W-well when I woke up, a giant monster the size of buildings froze a large portion of

the area, it killed a few people that lay unconscious" Damiens eyes widened in

horror, he needs to leave this place right now?!!, if a monster the size of

that appeared, that means he isn't safe in this building.

"I have to leave" Damien said picking up the sword, he then opened the door. "Are you

coming?" he asked the girls, she shakes her head. "No I am safer inside here".

Damien didn't try to reason with her and left, if she wants to die she can, but Damian knew he had survive, he values his own life. When he looked at the sky, his heartbeat stop just for a still moment, the sun it was a pale chilly blue. There were no clouds but snow was still falling, he didn't feel it earlier but

now he could feel the freezing cold, it didn't effect him much because of his sweater.

He made up his mind and decided to leave the campus, he saw the corpses of people frozen on the ground, they were like statues. His grip on widow tightened. He walked

slowly and cautiously, he hid when he heard weird sounds, sometimes he would

hear screaming and other times he would here the ripping of flesh.

Damien was on constant edge, he could feel the blood in his body freezing, his eyes and

tongue were already dry, he has already gotten a bit of frostbite, but he could

feel something in his body adapting to this change, it's slow but it is taking



An ear deafening sound entered Damien's ear, it felt as if multiple televisions were

glitching mixed with the sound of metal. It shattered the glass and ice near him, Damien was out in the open, what he saw a wolf the size of a car, under its fur there was an eery blue color flashing like neon lights from a compute. The wolves eyes were blue, it looked at Damien as if he was prey. Damiens body told him to run, but his mind said it would be useless even if he did….there was no flight only fight.

Damiens hand shakes as he unsheathed widow. The Kaiju ran in unimaginable speed,

Damiens heart fluttered as he instinctively used widow as a shield. He was pinned down to the ground, the kaijus jaw was locked by the sword. "Shit!!" Damien suddenly said as he could feel his hands losing strength.

He suddenly made a gamble, he threw out one of his cubes into the kaiju's eyes, it expanded and the clothe covered, The kaiju stopped attacking him and tried to remove the cloth in its eye. Damien didn't waste the chance, he immediately shoved widow

straight into the kaijus eyes, it then started to howl in pain, the kaiju raised its head up bringing Damien to the sky's, widow was pulled out from it's eyes.

"Ahhhhh" Damien with a shout descended down with widow in his hand, when the kaiju

looked up, it was to light as the blade pierced through its brain. The kaiju stayed still for a moment then it fell limply to the ground.

Damien got down from the kaiju, he was holding his now broken arms. The kaiju dispersed into blue light and then the light started entering Damiens body rapidly.

"Cough…I think I broke a few bones" He said as he pulled widow from the snowy ground, he decided to find shelter in a nearby building. He didn't know what

The heck was going on, but he knew he had to survive.

"…I wonder if the rest are alive…The freezing seem to have subsided" Damien said, he

entered a small classroom, in there he found a mirror and was flabbergasted, in both his eyes, his pupils were replaced by blue cube like things.

Damien then remembered something important…he didn't bring any food with him. He felt tired. ' a little nap won't be too bad right?' he slowly closed his eyes


{10 hours late}

'It's freezing again' The weather was getting colder each second, Damiens body couldn't keep up from the increasing cold, in the last ten hours while he was asleep, everything was frozen solid. The moisture in the air almost felt non-existent.

The energy he absorbed from the kaiju earlier increased his resistance to the cold, Damien

realized that in order for him to survive, he has to 'evolve' by killing more kaijus.

He wasn't confident in himself and he was scared shitless, but he knew in this new world, he needs to survive and the only way to do that is by killing kaijus.

With a sigh, he stood up from the ground and slowly went out of the classroom, when he

went out the sun didn't seem to have gone down, a small blizzard was forming on

the horizon, he knew things were about to get much colder than this, Damien held the unsheathed widow in his hand, he then started walking north.

As he walked he saw many small blue eyes looking at him through the blizzard,

suddenly a small white rabbit appeared in front of him, under its skin it was glowing a blue like energy.

Damien eyes constricted, that wasn't a rabbit, it's definitely a kaiju?!!, no he remembered

there were multiple of them in the blizzard. As he was thinking, suddenly three more of the kaijus appeared, then another and another and another. They kept coming as if they were endless. Damiens hands were shaking in fear, he was completely surrounded.


All their eyes glowed a light blue color, their skin glowed unnaturally, and then one of

them jumped towards Damien's face, their paws transformed into a claw, it's teeth's

became more sharper.

Damien in a flash of adrenaline accidentally sliced it in half before it reached him, therabbit died and the. It transformed into blue energy entering both himself and widow….but this wasn't the end, all the rabbits got ready  and then they all simultaneously jumped towards Damien.

Damien didn't know what to do, only one word came into his mouth. "Yeah I am not dying to a bunch of monster rabbits" it abruptly came out from his mouth.

 Damien would have to do what a human was universally best at…Adapt and survive.