Twilight Beneath The Waves

The man was none other than Daniel, seated alone with a relaxed posture, eyes focused on his phone. The restaurant's dim light cast a soft glow on his handsome features, highlighting his sharp jawline and deep, dark eyes. As we approached, he looked up and smiled warmly, instantly lighting up the room.

"Good evening, ladies. You look very exquisite tonight," he said, his voice smooth and warm, his gaze lingering on me.

Rachel responded, "As do you. You look very handsome tonight."

She wasn't exaggerating though. Daniel looked exceptional in his white tailored linen shirt, slim-fit navy chinos, and brown leather loafers. His sleek leather-strap watch and simple silver bracelet added a touch of sophistication, while his lightweight grey blazer over his broad shoulders completed the look.

He rose with fluid grace and led us to the table, pulling out our chairs with practiced ease. His impeccable manners exuded the charm of a true gentleman. Once we were seated, he moved to a chair closer to mine, a subtle shift that didn't go unnoticed by Kira and Rachel, who exchanged knowing glances.

"I'm really sorry, my friends are a bit tardy. They should be here any moment," he said apologetically.

"There's no problem, right, girls? We can wait for them," Rachel said, and Kira and I nodded in agreement.

"Can I get you ladies anything while you wait?" he offered, meeting each of our eyes briefly.

"I'm fine. What about you guys?" Rachel said, turning to Kira and me.

"I'm fine," Kira replied, followed by my own, "Me too."

Rachel looked around the restaurant. "The restaurant looks different today, doesn't it?"

Daniel nodded. "Yes, it does. Jake, one of my friends, booked it for tonight."

"For tonight?!" Kira exclaimed, her eyes widening.

I sat back, trying to grasp the cost of booking the entire restaurant. A table for four was already expensive, but to reserve the whole place... they weren't just stylish; they were wealthy.

I had barely spoken since we arrived, anxiety gnawing at me. Daniel seemed to notice my discomfort.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"Yes, I am. Just a little exhausted from our tour today," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had other plans today. You must be really tired," he said, his tone caring.

I shook my hands subtly to calm myself and signaled a waiter for water. As I did, Daniel leaned in close, his presence overwhelming. He inhaled deeply near my neck, and I froze.

"I've been meaning to ask, what fragrance do you wear? It's very sweet and soothing," he said, smirking as he returned to his seat.

I was stunned. When I finally spoke, my voice was shaky. "It's a mix of lavender and vanilla."

"No wonder I could smell so much sweetness from you," he said with a satisfied smile.

Just then, the steward arrived with water, and I eagerly reached for the glass, hoping to soothe my nerves.

"You look really cute when you're nervous," Daniel teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I immediately choked on my water, drawing everyone's attention.

At that moment, two of Daniel's friends entered. They were stylish but didn't match his level of handsomeness. They introduced themselves as Ryan and Nelson.

"I'm really sorry we're late," Nelson said.

"Where's Jake?" Daniel asked.

"He'll be here any minute. He went to pick up Jessica," Ryan replied.

As they spoke, the sun began to set, casting a breathtaking array of colors across the restaurant's underwater view. The serene scenery helped calm my nerves.

Five minutes later, Jake arrived with Jessica. He was handsome and stylish, though Daniel outshone him. Jessica looked like a real-life Barbie doll—blonde, blue-eyed, with a small, delicate face.

They apologized for their tardiness, and once everyone was settled, dinner began. Jake signaled the steward, who quickly headed to the kitchen. We started chatting, though I remained mostly silent, feeling out of place among the expressive group.

A few minutes later, several stewards arrived with our dinner, led by the chef. He announced a three-course experience featuring the restaurant's finest cuisine. First, we were served appetizers: Maldivian Yellowfin Tuna Carpaccio.

Everyone began feasting and chatting. I remained quiet, eating my meal slowly.

"You're really quiet, sweetie. Aren't you enjoying your meal?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, I am," I replied with a small smile.

"Sasha has always been a very shy person," Kira interjected.

"Oh, I didn't know. Anyways, you're really pretty and cute," Jessica replied warmly.

"She is, isn't she?" Daniel added, agreeing with Jessica. "True, she's very pretty and kind. When I first met her, I thought she was an angel," Kira chimed in, with Rachel nodding.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"By the way, what brings you guys to the Maldives?" Jake asked.

"We're here on vacation. What about you guys?" Rachel replied.

"Same thing," Daniel answered, his eyes never leaving me.

Despite everyone's enjoyment, I remained anxious, struggling to start any conversation. I had been so nervous about meeting Daniel but found myself at a loss for words, nibbling on my meal in silence.

The chef soon returned with our entrée: Pan-Seared Maldivian Lobster. He described the dish with pride, and everyone expressed their excitement. The lobster was delicious, but I couldn't shake the feeling of Daniel's eyes on me.

Dessert was Coconut and Mango Panna Cotta, a refreshing and sweet ending to a lovely dinner. I was completely full, and the meal had been wonderful.

But dinner wasn't the end. We were served cocktails to refresh ourselves, and the chatting continued. Jake began narrating his visit to the Canary Islands, while Daniel's gaze remained fixed on me. The proximity of our seats meant our skin occasionally grazed, heightening my nervousness. I kept sipping my cocktail, trying to hide my flushed face.

Daniel noticed my reaction and chuckled softly. I felt so embarrassed. How would I manage to keep my cool for the rest of the night?