Black Widow

Black Widow is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agent, and Blake knew she wouldn't appear in this bar for no reason.

But as long as she wasn't here for him, Blake wasn't afraid of trouble.

Setting aside the fact that she was a major character, her angelic face and devilish body were more than enough reason not to miss this opportunity, right?

Blake's thoughts spun rapidly.

Seeing that Blake wasn't speaking, Black Widow parted her red lips and spoke again.

"What's wrong? Do you not understand English, or do you not want to talk to me?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking about how I could convince such a beautiful lady to come back to my apartment and spend the night with me!" Now that his mind was at ease, Blake smiled slightly and sat back down.

"Well, that depends on your skills!" Black Widow smiled sweetly.

"Waiter, get a drink for this beautiful lady that matches her elegance!" Blake snapped his fingers and handed the waiter a hundred-dollar bill.

"Keep the change as a tip!"

"Thank you, sir!" The waiter, rarely encountering such generous customers, bowed slightly and thanked Blake.

"No need to thank me. If the drink doesn't suit this lady's taste, I'll crush your balls into Mexican tacos!" Blake had been coming here every day recently, always sitting at the bar, so he had become quite familiar with the bartender.

The bartender shivered slightly, smiled, and hurried to prepare the cocktail for Black Widow.

"Mexican tacos, huh? You're quite humorous, handsome. Bonus points for that." Black Widow said with a smile.

Blake noticed that Black Widow's eyes occasionally glanced at a table with three burly men in the far corner.

He didn't pay much attention and instead looked into her enchanting eyes and said.

"I have many qualities that would earn me bonus points. You have plenty of time to discover them!"

"All the Asians I know are quite reserved, unlike you."

"That's because you haven't met enough Asians..."

The two of them chatted casually.

After about ten minutes, Blake noticed that the men were getting up to leave.

Black Widow glanced at them nonchalantly. "I'm going to the restroom!"

She excused herself and left the bar.

Blake knew she was going after those three men, but he didn't expose her and just smiled, signaling her to go ahead.

[System Task: A true gentleman shouldn't let a lady do the fighting. Help Black Widow subdue those three men and make a lasting impression on her.

As one of the founding Avengers, knowing her will help with future tasks in this world.

P.S.: From a man's perspective, how could you let such a beauty slip away? Good luck, host!]

Great! What was supposed to be a casual flirtation now involved trouble.

But since it's a task with a reward, Blake had no choice but to get involved.

He quietly followed Black Widow out of the bar through the back door.

He saw the three men almost at the end of the alley.

Black Widow stood in the middle of the alley and said something to the three men.

Blake could only make out that it was in Russian, but he didn't know what she said.

However, it probably wasn't anything good because one of the men immediately reached for a gun inside his coat, only to be stopped by another man.

The gun didn't have a silencer, and they didn't want to cause trouble.

Clearly, they didn't take a single woman like Black Widow seriously.

As for Blake, who had just come out of the bar, they automatically dismissed him as a non-threat.

The three men didn't speak but sneered and charged at Black Widow.

But Black Widow, being who she is, wouldn't take these three men lightly.

She smiled slightly, did her signature head tilt before a fight, and prepared to rush at the three men.

But before she could move, a black shadow zoomed past her.

At that moment, Blake, not only equipped with the super soldier serum but also wearing the E-level combat suit, moved with the speed and skills comparable to the world's top soldiers.

With a few quick moves, he reached the men, grabbed the face of the foremost man with his right hand, and, without stopping, used his body's momentum to slam the man's face.


The back of the man's head slammed accurately into the nose of the guy behind him.

Blake let go and delivered a sideways elbow strike to the last man, who didn't have time to stop.

The man collapsed instantly from the blow to his temple. Blake then delivered a knife-hand strike to each of the two men holding their heads and noses.

It all happened in less than two seconds—from charging past Black Widow to taking down the three men—smooth as flowing water.

As he finished, he smiled slightly and turned around, preparing to strike a cool pose.

Unexpectedly, he almost bumped into the barrel of a gun.

"F*ck! What are you doing?" Blake was startled by the gun pointing at him.

"Who are you?" Black Widow's expression was somewhat serious. Those three men were not ordinary people. Even for her, it would take a few rounds to bring them down.

Yet Blake had taken them all down before she could even see what happened.

"I'm a man!" Blake raised his hands helplessly.

"Look, I mean no harm. I just saw you going out to fight, and I thought I should show some gentlemanly manners, right?"

"You don't offer me a drink, and instead, you point a gun at my head?" Blake said with a playful smile.

Even if Black Widow had intention of killing him, he was confident he could dodge the shot at this distance. Besides, his clothes were bulletproof.

Black Widow didn't sense any hostility from Blake, but she still cautiously stepped back two steps, keeping the gun pointed at his head.

"Step back. I need to take these three men away."


Blake looked at Black Widow and slowly stepped back with his right foot.

Just as Black Widow breathed a sigh of relief, Blake's right leg suddenly pushed off.

In a zigzag movement, he avoided Black Widow's aim and was beside her before she could react.

His right hand already had her mini pistol.

In the movies, Black Widow was just an ordinary person with exceptional combat skills and physical fitness, unlike the genetically enhanced version in the comics.

With super soldier serum, Blake's speed and reflexes had surpassed human limits. Taking advantage of the situation, Black Widow had no chance.

He pressed the gun against her head, pinning her against the wall.

"What do you want?" Black Widow looked at Blake expressionlessly, but her right hand was slowly moving toward her thigh.

"Punish you for repaying kindness with hostility!" Blake smiled slightly and quickly disassembled her small gun into pieces.

(Basic combat skills included general firearm usage. He might not shoot accurately, but he could handle and understand them.)

He threw the pieces on the ground, holding a bullet ejected from the gun.

He flicked it gently into the middle of Black Widow's outfit, where it landed perfectly between her breasts.

"You know, Cupid doesn't just use a bow and arrow; sometimes he plays with guns too."

He chuckled, gave her a light pat on the waist, and quickly retreated, laughing as he headed back to the bar.

"That damn bastard!"

Only when Blake was back inside the bar did Black Widow's right hand slowly emerge from her skirt, holding a small taser.

She was just a moment away from attacking. Whether Blake had planned it or it was a coincidence, he turned and left at the last moment.

Though she was curious about who Blake was, her mission took priority. As for Blake, she could investigate him later.

With a mix of annoyance and an indescribable feeling, Black Widow took out her phone to call for backup to handle the aftermath.

Blake didn't know what Black Widow was thinking. He had completed his task.

Personally, he had left a lasting impression on her. The rest could wait.

It was time to leave before encountering any S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Thinking about the bullet slipping into Black Widow's outfit, Blake felt a surge of excitement.

He returned to the bar, only to find that the girl he had been watching for days was already gone.

"Sigh! Time to go to sleep!"


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