
The Ten Rings gang doesn't appear much in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

At least, that's the case up to the point where Blake traveled through time. As for the comics, Blake's understanding is limited to the Mandarin and the ten rings.

However, it now seems that this Ten Rings gang is extremely powerful in the Middle Eastern region.

At least, that's how it is in the Asian part of the Middle East.

The distance from the desert camp where they rescued Tony to Afghanistan isn't very far.

Along the way, they not only encountered six fully armed off-road vehicles in pursuit.

And now, they are surrounded by nearly twenty off-road vehicles.

Even with two top agents and Blake, a super soldier, in the vehicle.

They were still suppressed by the enemy's powerful firepower right from the start, unable to lift their heads.

Let alone fight back, under such circumstances, they wouldn't get far before being shredded by heavy machine guns.

When they came, to prevent accidents and block pursuers, they had two six-barreled Gatling heavy machine guns mounted on their vehicle.

As the vehicle crossed three sand dunes in succession.

Blake shouted for a stop.

He grabbed one of the Gatling guns and jumped out of the vehicle.

With two Gatling guns, Blake held one, and Tony set up the other on the ground beside him.

Hawkeye still held his bow and arrow, while Black Widow and Yinsen held automatic rifles.

"Once they cross these dunes, they can spread out and encircle us. This is our last chance!"

Blake also lay prone on the back of the dune, glancing at the other side as he spoke.

"The terrain here can indeed hold them off for a while, but not for long. There are too many of them, and we don't have enough ammo to last a few minutes."

Hawkeye quickly assessed the ammunition and weapons and said.

"A few minutes is enough. As long as we stop them first, it'll be easier to handle."

Blake stared intently at the dunes opposite, waiting for their vehicles to completely cross the dunes.

Entering the natural basin between the two dunes would trap them in place.


Natasha began to speak, but before she could finish, the sound of vehicles roared from the other side.

One off-road vehicle after another leaped over the dunes, speeding downhill toward them.

"Get ready!"

Blake watched the vehicles slowly come into view.

When most of the vehicles had entered the lowest part of the basin.


Blake fired first. Although the others didn't know what his plan was.

They followed his lead and started shooting.

Two Gatling guns and two automatic rifles.

Creating a deadly barrage of bullets.

With Hawkeye occasionally taking out a few drivers with his arrows.

The off-road vehicles in the basin began to react.

Several vehicles formed a line, with more vehicles lining up behind them.

The terrorists on the other side could only hide behind two vehicles and return fire.

The firepower of the Gatling guns was overwhelming; one vehicle was not enough to guarantee their safety.

"Alright! Cease fire!"

Seeing the enemy set up their formation on the spot, Blake gestured for everyone to stop firing.

"Barton, if anyone tries to drive, shoot the driver with your arrows. If they don't move, neither do you!"

There were only five people on this side, hiding behind the dune, occasionally changing positions to take a look.

If anyone moved on the other side, Hawkeye would shoot an arrow.

If several people moved or started driving.

The guns on this side would immediately create a crossfire.

This strategy effectively pinned the enemy in place.

"This is your plan? We're running out of ammo. What next?"

Black Widow changed a magazine and asked.

"Next, watch my performance. Leave me some supplies. When they move again, hit them with another round, and then you all leave!"

Blake looked at the people below and said calmly.

"No way, what about you?"

Tony was the first to object. Blake had come to save him, and Tony couldn't leave him alone in the desert.

"You don't know, but they should. You leave first; I have a better chance of surviving alone. We're not far from Afghanistan. If you move quickly, I can definitely wait for reinforcements."

Blake looked at Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Black Widow and Hawkeye exchanged a glance, realizing this was indeed the best solution for now.

Stalling the enemy here was essential. Not just because of the ammunition issue, but because no one knew which side's reinforcements would arrive first.

They were still too outnumbered. If more enemies arrived and attacked from another direction, they would be surrounded.

"No way, I object. There must be another way!"

Tony saw that Hawkeye and Black Widow seemed slightly swayed and quickly voiced his strong objection.

"Tony, listen to me, look here!"

Blake motioned Tony over with his finger.

As Tony turned his attention, Blake quickly struck the side of Tony's neck with a hand chop.

"Damn it, why did you hit me?"

Tony clutched his neck, questioning angrily.

Blake felt a bit awkward. He was afraid of hitting Tony too hard and injuring him, so he didn't use much force, resulting in an awkward situation.


Blake scratched his head, but before he could say anything, Hawkeye stepped up and delivered a hand chop to the back of Tony's neck.

Tony grunted and collapsed.

"And you? Do you want to come with us or be knocked out too?"

Blake glanced sideways at Yinsen.

"I'll go with them, I'll listen!"

Yinsen raised his hands cooperatively. Watching Tony get knocked out with two hits looked painful, and Yinsen thought it must have hurt a lot.

Just then, two vehicles on the opposite side attempted to move in another direction to circle around.

The two Gatling guns whirred, forcing the vehicles back to their original positions.

Hawkeye even shot an arrow, taking out a driver from one of the cars.

"Now! You all leave, hurry!"

Hawkeye didn't say anything, just bent down and picked up the unconscious Tony.

Black Widow looked at Blake with some concern.

"Don't tell me you're about to confess your feelings now. For God's sake, get moving, bring reinforcements to find me, quickly!"

Blake said fiercely, giving Black Widow a slap on the butt as he spoke.

This time, Black Widow wasn't angry; she just rolled her eyes at Blake.

"Don't push yourself too hard, fight them guerrilla-style. We'll find you."

"Got it!"

Blake nodded heavily.

Later, the convoy of off-road vehicles came directly from the Iranian desert.

Leading them was a bearded, chubby man.

He had commanded the surprise attack over the sand dunes and formed a temporary fortress with his vehicles.

Despite the fierce firepower from the other side, the chubby man wasn't worried.

He had more men, and the enemy couldn't possibly have brought enough ammunition.

This was the desert, their territory. They could simply outlast the enemy.

But the prolonged standoff made him uneasy, fearing the U.S. military might intervene.

He tried sending two cars to break through, only for them to be forced back by Gatling gunfire.

There was also the terrifying bow and arrow, which could take out a man with a single shot.

"Damn it! We can't keep this up. If we drag this out any longer, the U.S. military will get involved."

The bearded man anxiously slapped the sand.

He tried sending men to flank the enemy twice, only to have them either driven back by a hail of bullets or killed by Hawkeye's arrows.


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