
Blake helplessly rolled his eyes and lazily said, "Hello, Director, I wanted to ask you about when we entered earlier, you were standing in front of the French window like that."

Blake imitated Nick Fury's posture with his back to everyone, hands clasped behind him.

"Did you stay here like this waiting for us, or are you hiding some surveillance system here and only put on this cold look when we reached the door?"

Nick Fury: "..."

Overall, meeting Nick Fury was relatively pleasant. 

Next, allowing Blake to join S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury never intended for him to enter the organization normally. Instead, he restrained Blake with a document, ensuring that he would be the first to join when the Avengers initiative started.

As for Dr. Banner, after initial communication with Nick Fury, he used his personal resources to place him in a mountain forest in northern Canada. 

The area was remote, beautiful, and spacious enough for even the Hulk to roam freely. 

Nick Fury provided a laboratory for Dr. Banner to continue his research and stationed numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel around the perimeter to ensure he wouldn't be disturbed, or for that matter, the Hulk wouldn't cause any disruptions.

Resolving the conflicts with S.H.I.E.L.D., Blake didn't return to Los Angeles to find Tony. Instead, he stayed in a hotel in New York.

He prepared to take the Hulk Mutation Serum first. 

Having consulted the system previously, the serum intake process was expected to cause only slight discomfort. 

However, it might result in the elimination of impurities from the body, including blood and even bone marrow.

Sitting in the circular bathtub, a clean Blake picked up a small bottle emitting a fluorescent green liquid nearby.

"The Hulk Mutation Serum, the color makes it look like a biochemical weapon from a movie."

Blake muttered to himself, and then he tilted the bottle back and drank the contents directly. 

"Huh? Seems like no reaction- Ah, Ah!!!!"

Before he could finish speaking, Blake suddenly let out an extremely desolate scream.

The sensation felt as if a C4 explosive detonated inside his body. 

It seemed as if the whole body was mercilessly crushed by a hydraulic press, with all muscles, bones, and organs instantly pulverized.

The momentary extreme pain exceeded Blake's tolerance. 

However, this pain came and went quickly. 

In just two or three seconds, the pain in the body disappeared completely.

Blake, now lying motionless in the bottom of the bathtub, found himself unable to move his body.

Yet, every nerve in his body began to twitch involuntarily.

Every part of his body began to twitch continuously like having epilepsy.

After the convulsions, itching began.

Blake could feel himself slowly regaining control over his body.

His bone marrow, muscles, and organs were rearranging and reconstructing.

An itch, countless insects crawling around in your body, blood vessels, and bone crevices, causing unbearable itching worse than the momentary pain.

"Ah!" Blake shouted meaninglessly.

His body twisted irregularly, with his head banging crazily against the ceramic bathtub.

"Bang! Bang!"

An ordinary bathtub couldn't withstand his turmoil, with a few strikes causing it to be destroyed.

Fortunately, the hotel was high-end enough, and the soundproofing was beyond imagination.

Otherwise, with Blake making such noises, someone would have called the police long ago.

The intense itching lasted for about five minutes.

Blake, with a look of despair, lay among a pile of ceramic shards and filth that had flowed out of him.

In the last minute or so, almost all the blood and bone marrow in his body had been drained.

In their place, the bone marrow and blood regenerated by taking the Hulk Mutation Serum.

As the system stated, there seemed to be no visible changes on the surface of his body.

However, the explosive power contained in his muscles had far exceeded human limits.

He casually picked up a piece of ceramic shard nearby.

Blake took a deep breath and fiercely slashed his arm.

It felt like a gently scratched nail on a well-polished fingernail of an ordinary person.

There was an extremely faint tingling sensation on the skin.

Apart from that, not even a white mark was left on the skin.

Instead, Blake exerted too much force and directly crushed the ceramic in his hand.

"It looks good!!!" Blake muttered, then began shouting frantically in his mind.

'System, come out! Is this what you call a slight sense of pain?'

[For a true iron-blooded Man, yes!]

The system's indifferent voice echoed in Blake's mind.

"I..." Blake was almost choked by this statement.

"Fine! I can't afford to provoke you, I won't deal with something that's not human!"

Grumbling fiercely, Blake looked at the mess on his body, reached out to gently open the water valve to wash off the filth.

Although he tried to touch the valve as gently as possible.

But he still managed to flip the metal at once.

"Don't need to be so exaggerated, right?"

Blake chuckled bitterly, trying to stand up by supporting himself on a relatively intact surface of the bathtub.

Before he could exert any force, the only intact piece of ceramic directly turned into shards.

"Ah! Looks like I need to adapt carefully for a while."

Since it had come to this, Blake simply violently twisted off the water pipe at the valve.

Allowing two streams of hot and cold water to rush onto his body.

He discovered an additional benefit.

The cold water was fine, as it was just the beginning of autumn.

But the hot water, that was boiling, sprayed onto his body, and Blake felt no burning sensation at all.

Just a slight warmth.

It seemed that not only his defense had improved, but also his resistance to high and low temperatures.

Invulnerable to weapons, impervious to fire and water, that's the situation.

Blake happily cleaned his body.

He hid in the hotel for several days.

Even meals were delivered by the hotel staff opening the door themselves.

There was no choice, everything he touched turned to pieces!

Every time he finished eating and saw the mostly destroyed cutlery that was unrecognizable.

If Blake hadn't directly handed his credit card to have a substantial deposit swiped.

The hotel would probably have kicked him out directly.

After a full five days, Blake finally learned to control the surging power in his body.

Ignoring the hotel staff's strange looks, after paying and checking out, he boarded a plane to Los Angeles.

Obadiah was still under secret surveillance by S.H.I.E.L.D., and the details of this matter had not been properly discussed with Tony yet.

This was Blake's task, concerning points, he had to personally resolve it.


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