Chapter 2 - Amusement Park Adventure

The weekend has arrived. Aruna and Bima are getting ready to go to the amusement park together. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time and they couldn't wait to spend some fun time together.

That morning Aruna woke up very early and got ready with enthusiasm. She wore her favorite clothes and did her makeup beautifully. He wanted to appear perfect in front of Bima.

Bima was no less enthusiastic. He had already planned all the activities they wanted to do at the amusement park. He wanted to make Aruna happy and make her feel special.

After breakfast, Aruna was surprised to see Bima already in front of her house. The two of them went together to the amusement park in Bima's car.

The trip to the amusement park takes about an hour. Aruna and Bima enjoyed the trip by listening to music and joking.

Arriving at the amusement park, Aruna and Bima were immediately greeted by crowds and a festive atmosphere. Colorful lights twinkled, the sound of laughter and screams came from all directions and the smell of popcorn and hotdogs filled the air.

Aruna and Bima started exploring the amusement park. They tried various rides such as roller coasters, Ferris wheels and bumper cars. They laughed and screamed with joy when they felt the adrenaline-pumping sensation.

After trying various rides, Aruna and Bima decided to watch a magic show. The magic show is very interesting and full of amazing illusions. Aruna and Bima were amazed to see the magic tricks performed by the magician.

After watching the magic show, Aruna and Bima wanted to try water games. They played bumper boats and got wet together. They laughed and had fun, forgetting all the embarrassment and doubts.

When it was getting late, Aruna and Bima sat in the beautiful flower garden. They enjoy the calm and romantic atmosphere. They told each other about their dreams and hopes for the future.

Aruna told about her dream of becoming a famous writer. He wants to write stories that can inspire and entertain other people.

On the other hand, Bima talked about his dream of becoming a doctor. He wants to help other people who are sick and need help.

Aruna and Bima support each other's dreams. They believe that they can achieve all their goals if they work together and work together to support each other.

When the sun began to set, Aruna and Bima left the amusement park. They both felt tired, but they also felt happy and satisfied. They spend a fun day together and strengthen their relationship.

On the way home, Aruna and Bima held each other's hands. They feel comfortable and safe with each other. They know that they have found someone special in their life.

When he arrived at Aruna's house, Bima took him to the front door. "Thank you for today," said Bima with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome," answered Aruna. "I'm happy too."

Bima wanted to kiss Aruna, but he was hesitant. He didn't want to rush and wanted to make sure Aruna was really ready.

Seeing the doubt on Bima's face, Aruna dared to kiss him. Their kisses were soft and full of affection. They both felt extraordinary happiness and love.

Bima smiled and waved at Aruna. He then left Aruna's house feeling happy and full of love.

Aruna entered the house feeling happy. He doesn't believe that he has found true love. He is sure that he and Bima will always be together, whatever obstacles they face in the future.

However, Aruna also realizes that their relationship will not be easy. There are many differences between them, and they will face many obstacles in the future.

Aruna comes from a simple family, while Bima comes from a rich and respectable family. Bima's parents might not accept Aruna because she comes from a different background.

Apart from that, Bima's friends also don't like Aruna. They think Aruna is too cheerful and active, and they prefer that Bima hang out with quiet and bookish people like them.


In the weeks following their adventure at the amusement park, Aruna and Bima developed an increasingly close relationship. They spend a lot of time together, share stories, and support each other in various ways.

Aruna felt happy and loved by Bima. He felt that Bima was the right person for him, the person who always understood and was always there for him.

Bima also felt the same way. He felt that Aruna was an extraordinary woman, a woman who could make him smile and be happy

But their happiness did not last long. One day, Aruna received bad news. His father was seriously ill and had to be hospitalized.

Aruna was very sad and worried. He never imagined his father would be so seriously ill. He wanted to immediately visit his father in the hospital.

Bima found out about the bad news and immediately came to Aruna's house to accompany her. He wanted to help Aruna in this difficult situation.

They both went to the hospital to visit Aruna's father. Aruna's father looked weak and pale, but he still tried to smile when he saw Aruna and Bima. Aruna and Bima accompanied Aruna's father in the hospital for several days. They tried to cheer him up and encourage him.

One day, Aruna's father called Aruna and Bima near his bed. He wanted to talk to both of them.

"Aruna." Aruna's father said in a weak voice.

"Dad wants you to be happy. Dad wants you to find someone who can love you and dad is also looking forward to your graduation day."

Aruna was moved to hear her father's words. He knew that his father wanted the best for him.

"Dad" answered Aruna, "I have found that person."

Aruna's father looked at Bima who was standing next to Aruna. "Is that true?" his father asked.

Bima nodded. "Yes uncle. I love Aruna with all my heart."

Aruna's father smiled. "Daddy is happy to hear that," he said. "Daddy hopes you two are happy together."

"Sorry Aruna, dad can't accompany you on your school graduation day." Aruna's father said in a low voice, "I really want to see you get married, but I probably don't have much time left."

Aruna cried for her father while giving him support so that he would fight to live longer so he could see him grow up until he got married.

However, fate said otherwise. Not long after his words, Aruna's father breathed his last breath and died beside Aruna and Bima. That was the last day Aruna heard her father's voice.

Aruna was very sad and devastated by the death of her father. He felt like he had lost the only person he loved the most.

Bima continues to be by Aruna's side to comfort her and give her strength. The death of Aruna's father became the first obstacle in their relationship. Aruna needs time to heal her wounds and recover from her sadness.

Bima patiently waited for him. He knew Aruna needed time to accept everything, even though in his heart he wanted to always be by Aruna's side.

Several months later, Aruna started to feel better. He still feels sadness over his father's death, but he has been able to accept the reality.