Chapter 98 Yellow Sparrow, Controlling Zhao Haifeng! White Jade Mouse! Big Harvest

"Zhao Haifeng, this old guy, is actually eyeing me?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of intelligence, squinting his eyes.

This old guy never changes; he enjoys seizing other people's things. When he sees someone easy to bully, he plots to kill them. However, this time he might be miscalculating.

My true cultivation base is not at the Fourth Level of Qi Refining but at the Seventh Level, higher than that old guy!

"Ancient Demon Dialectian Heaven left an Infant Inheritance in the Great Yu Xian Dynasty of Jiuyu Shenzhou?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of intelligence, feeling shaken.

An Infant Inheritance from ten thousand years ago.

If there's a chance in the future to go to the Mount Wanzu of the Great Yu Xian Dynasty, he definitely wants to go and take a look.

"Tianbao Pavilion is auctioning Foundation Building opportunities?"

"The Black Broken Sword, named Heavenly Gang Sword?"

"Mysterious Fragment, in the hands of the Golden Pill family, Ouyang family?"

Qin Wang looked at the third, fifth, and eighth pieces of intelligence, showing a pensive expression.

He also wants the Foundation Building opportunity, but for now, he's only at the Seventh Level of Qi Refining, and there will definitely be many strong participants in the auction. It's not appropriate to get involved at this time.

The mysterious fragment in the hands of the Golden Pill family can only be slowly planned for.

"Reverse Blood Mad Demon Fragrance!"

"This is a trap, a good thing to deceive people!"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of intelligence, suddenly becoming interested.

Reverse Blood Mad Demon Fragrance: Refined from the essence blood of twelve demonic beasts such as Demon Ape, Blood Dragon, and Blood Armor Scorpion, combined with eighteen refined spirit herbs. When ignited, it can make demonic beasts go berserk, doubling their combat power, attacking indiscriminately, and causing chaos!

Early morning.

"Indeed worthy of Qingyun Immortal City!"

With the rising sun, Qin Wang got up early and couldn't help but sigh.

The spiritual energy of Qingyun Immortal City is indeed incomparable to Xiaodan Mountain, with extremely rich spiritual energy.


It's the day when Gao Yuan, Ouyang Long, and others go into the mountains to hunt demons.

Following the traces of Thousand Miles Soul-Chasing Incense, Qin Wang discovered that Zhao Haifeng was also heading towards the outskirts of the mountain.

"You old bastard, you finally left the city!"

Sensing Zhao Haifeng's direction, a sharp killing intent flashed in Qin Wang's eyes. Immediately, he packed everything up, took ten portions of Yao-drawing Illusionary Incense, bought Barbarian Yong Kill-Demon Rules, locked the door, and headed towards the outskirts of the city.

Eastern City of Qingyun Immortal City, Eastern Gate.

Early morning, numerous cultivators were heading out of the city to hunt demons.

Passing through the towering and thick city walls, Qin Wang followed behind Zhao Haifeng.

He found that Zhao Haifeng was with three others: the seductive female cultivator who was with him the other day, a slightly younger male cultivator, and another male cultivator with a square face whom Qin Wang didn't recognize.

Not long after.

Zhao Haifeng and the other three headed towards the left side of the Man Yong Mountains.

This direction led to a white stone mountain, located on the outskirts of the Man Yong Mountains. There are Blood Demon Frogs in the crevices of the stone, poisonous creatures whose venom sacs are a main ingredient for refining Poison Pills. They aren't communal creatures and are not difficult to hunt.

Qin Wang silently followed.

"Yunyan, Senior Ye, Senior Zhang, let's hunt some Blood Demon Frogs here!"

In a white stone valley, Zhao Haifeng looked at his fellow cultivators Mo Yunyan, Ye Jianhong, and Zhang Yunyou and said.

"Well, it's safer here."

Mo Yunyan nodded, and Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou agreed. The four of them began to search for Blood Demon Frogs and worked together to kill them.

"Four people, two at the Sixth Level of Qi Refining, two at the Fifth Level."

Qin Wang hid behind a huge boulder, watching Zhao Haifeng and the others kill Blood Demon Frogs in the valley, showing a thoughtful look. With his strength, he could easily crush these four, but it's better to be cautious.

Just then.

Three of the four suddenly fell to the ground below, with only Zhao Haifeng standing in place, laughing heartily.

"Senior Zhao, we've been friends for so many years, and you actually attacked us?"

In the valley, the muscular cultivator with a square face looked at Zhao Haifeng laughing heartily and shouted angrily.

"Haifeng, what are you doing?! Quickly give us the antidote!"

Mo Yunyan also looked at Zhao Haifeng with anxious expression. Blood Demon Frogs are around; if one comes, they're dead for sure. On the other hand, Ye Jianhong beside Mo Yunyan said nothing, his eyes darkening.

"Give you the antidote?"

"Hahaha, you scum! You bitches!"

"Behind my back, you conspired with these two bastards! Don't think I don't know!"

"Shameless sluts, you like it big? Today, I'll castrate all of you!"

Zhao Haifeng laughed heartily and walked towards Mo Yunyan, who was lying on the white stone, and the two friends who had been in contact for many years, Zhang Yunyou and Ye Jianhong, with a resentful look on his face.

"No, no, Haifeng, you're wrong about Yunyan."

"We didn't do that at all."

Mo Yunyan's face changed drastically when she heard the words and tried to persuade Zhao Haifeng to change his mind. However, Zhao Haifeng had decided to kill, and his sword turned into two rays of light, piercing the thighs of Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou!

Instantly, two chunks of flesh were cut off!

"Ah!! Zhao, you really have this coming! Really!!"


Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou screamed in agony, their expressions fearful. Although their bodies couldn't move, they were poisoned by Zhao Haifeng, and their mana was sealed, rendering them powerless to resist, watching helplessly as they were about to become eunuchs.

"You scum, still want to argue? If it weren't for it, I wouldn't have known!"

Zhao Haifeng waved his hand, and suddenly, a cute white mouse appeared in his palm.

"This mouse didn't die."

Mo Yunyan saw the white mouse and instantly lost hope, not making a sound.

She knew she could no longer deny it. This white jade mouse was quite mystical; it could communicate with people's divine consciousness and transmit the scenes it saw. Zhao Haifeng had previously claimed it had died during a reconnaissance mission, but he had actually hidden it.

It seems this shrimp has been suspicious of me for a long time.

"You bitch, can't deny it anymore, right? Today, I'll make you enjoy it!"

Zhao Haifeng rolled up his sword and instantly cut a piece of flesh from Mo Yunyan's thigh root.

"Ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Mo Yunyan let out a piercing scream, looking at Zhao Haifeng and cursing loudly. "Old man, I blindfolded Mo Yunyan to find you as a fellow Daoist."

"Huh? Senior Zhao, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Zhao Haifeng heard a slightly familiar voice from behind.

"Xiao Qin, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Haifeng suddenly turned around, only to see a young man in a green robe, holding a black bowl, frowning. This young man was none other than Qin Tiedan from Xiaodan Mountain, whom he had planned to kill in the future. Unexpectedly, this kid had also come here!

It seemed that today he would kill him too, for a big harvest!

"Senior Zhao occupied my spirit field and took advantage of me, how could I not come?" As Qin Wang spoke, his aura suddenly surged, revealing he was actually at Qi Condensation stage 7!

A semi-transparent human shadow flew out from the bowl in his hand, shooting towards Zhao Haifeng with lightning speed and instantly entering his body.

"Qi Condensation stage 7! You..."

Hearing this, Zhao Haifeng's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Qin Wang. He wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.

He never thought that while he was plotting against Mo Yunyan, Ye Jianhong, and Zhang Yunyou, he would become the prey of this Qin Tiedan who had hidden his true cultivation!

The person who called him "senior" actually had a higher cultivation than him!

Zhao Haifeng stood still, his face contorted, his whole body trembling. He made "ugh ugh" sounds from his mouth, as if there were demons devouring him from within!

The next moment, Zhao Haifeng lost his balance and fell to the ground, clutching his head with both hands, his body curled up like a large shrimp, constantly rolling.

At this time, Zhao Haifeng was struggling against the soul seed, while the white mouse in his hand jumped onto a large rock, trying to escape. Qin Wang stepped forward, a surge of spiritual power gushing out, instantly trapping the white mouse firmly. The mouse couldn't move, its eyes showing fear.

Mo Yunyan, Ye Jianhong, and Zhang Yunyou were all seriously injured, lying on the ground in pools of blood, barely alive.

"Big harvest!"

Qin Wang quickly stepped forward, removing the storage bags from all four people's waists and putting them into his own bag. At the same time, Qin Wang also found a blue bag similar to a storage bag in Zhao Haifeng's bosom.