Chapter 107: Taking Initiative! Updated Information! Jiang Ping's Frustration!

In the early hours of the morning:

[Daily Information Update!]

[Today's Information!]

1) Yesterday, you encountered Jiang Ping, the third daughter of the Jiang family head. According to the information, Jiang Ping believes Mu Zhen wouldn't pay attention to you without reason. She left a mark on the invitation card she gave you, and at an opportune moment, she will follow the clue to find out what's special about you.

2) Yesterday, you placed the tracking card Jiang Ping gave you into the belly of the Golden Flower Serpent. The serpent has taken the card deep into the Manyong Mountains.

3) Yesterday, you encountered Li Qiye. According to the information, Li Qiye and Tang Linghua are deeply in love, and he has acquired the method to craft Qi Refining puppets from Tang Linghua.

4) Yesterday, at the Lingdan Pavilion's Beast Handling Workshop, you met the steward, Situ Chenggang. According to the information, Situ Chenggang saw the greed in everyone in his family and joined in, becoming more and more corrupt. He has extended his reach to robbing rogue cultivators. Today, he has you on his list, but since you converted all your spirit stones into pills and won't be leaving the city soon, he has temporarily given up on targeting you.

5) Yesterday, you learned that Situ Chenggang has a fragment of a map related to the Taiyi Heavy Water, and he has had illicit relations with Jiang Qing, the wife of his eldest brother, using illusion incense to seduce her three times.

6) Yesterday, you filled seven storage bags with beasts. According to the information, one of the second-tier Golden-backed Eagles had visited a cave deep in the Manyong Mountains, where there seems to be a spirit stone mine.

7) You wore the mysterious fragment yesterday. According to the information, obtaining another piece of the same fragment will greatly enhance your divine sense, and having five fragments will bring unexpected benefits.

8) Yesterday, you received help from the sword prodigy, Wu Su. According to the information, Wu Su's primordial spirit needs a soul-nourishing wood to recover, and the Situ family has a five-foot-long piece of thousand-year-old soul-nourishing wood in their treasury.

9) Yesterday, you orchestrated a beast tide. According to the information, a fourth-tier Golden-backed Eagle is breaking through to the fifth tier deep in the Manyong Mountains.

10) Yesterday, you wore the mysterious fragment. According to the information, the Immortal Jubaoxian, who carried the mysterious fragment, has been reincarnated for the ninth time in the Nine Domains.

"This wretched woman! I knew she wasn't up to any good!"

"Just because the Zixia True Immortal showed interest in me, she thinks she can profit from me?!"

"Truly, ugly people cause the most trouble!"

"It seems I must take the initiative and not be so passive!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with a killing intent as he read the first two pieces of information.

"Li Qiye acquired the puppet crafting technique?"

"Let's see how I can get my hands on it."

Qin Wang pondered over the third piece of information.

"Situ Chenggang is plotting against me? Seeing I've converted all my spirit stones into pills and won't leave the city, he has given up for now? And he has information about the Taiyi Heavy Water?"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with a murderous gleam as he read the fourth and fifth pieces of information.

"The Situ family has a five-foot-long soul-nourishing wood?"

"This would be perfect for Wu Su!"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up upon reading the eighth piece of information.

This needs to be acquired as soon as possible.

Restoring Wu Su's soul would greatly benefit him as well.

"I'll first focus on improving my cultivation proficiency and simultaneously deal with Situ Chenggang and Jiang Ping!"

After reading the information, Qin Wang immediately prepared. He summoned a cute little white mouse into his palm, wrote down some information, and instructed the Spirit-seeking Mouse to deliver it to Zhao Hunyi for him to handle.

[Situ Chenggang of the Lingdan Pavilion's Beast Handling Workshop has illicit relations with Jiang Qing, his eldest brother's wife, using illusion incense to seduce her three times, and he robs rogue cultivators outside the city, causing their deaths. Today, he plans to target you.]

[Jiang Ping, the third daughter of Jiang family head Jiang Rui, has a seductive body, an extreme bedroom addiction, and her previous four husbands all died from having their cultivation and blood essence drained. She once killed Ouyang Qing, the eighth son of the Ouyang family head, fifty miles into the Manyong Mountains.]

Qin Wang instructed Zhao Hunyi to secretly inscribe these two pieces of information on some walls in the east city using magical power.

Qin Wang had calculated that even if Zhao Hunyi were caught, it would only result in the loss of a soul seed and wouldn't be traced back to him.

On the fourth day:

North City, Qingyun Immortal City.

"Xiaomei, go tell Elder Su that I need to leave the city for a while."

In an elegant and quiet courtyard, a robust woman in a pink immortal dress looked outside Qingyun Immortal City and then spoke to the delicate girl beside her.

Just now:

Jiang Ping discovered that the card she had given was still outside the city, indicating that the young man Mu Zhen was interested in was still outside. It was the perfect time for her to capture him.

"Yes, Miss!"

The maid Xiaomei turned and left.

Before long:

The maid Xiaomei returned with a worried look on her face.

"Xiaomei, what's wrong?"

Jiang Ping asked, puzzled. "Is Elder Su not available?"

"Miss, Elder Su is available, but the master has asked you to see him in the study."

Xiaomei hesitated before speaking.

"Father wants to see me?"

Jiang Ping frowned.

In her memory, her father Jiang Rui was always busy with affairs and would only summon her for important matters.

"Okay, have Elder Su wait for me. I'll be back soon to leave the city!"

Jiang Ping instructed Xiaomei and then left.

In the Jiang family, Jiang Rui, the head of the family, wearing a white immortal robe, paced back and forth in the large study with a dark expression.

"Father, you wanted to see me?"

At that moment, a robust woman in a pink immortal dress entered, respectfully bowing to Jiang Rui.

"Look at the trouble you've caused!"

Without a word, Jiang Rui waved his hand, and a large stone tablet flew out from his storage bag. The tablet had many words carved with magical power.

[Jiang Ping, the third daughter of Jiang family head Jiang Rui, has a seductive body, an extreme bedroom addiction, and her previous four husbands all died from having their cultivation and blood essence drained. She once killed Ouyang Qing, the eighth son of the Ouyang family head, fifty miles into the Manyong Mountains.]

"This... how..."

Jiang Ping was stunned, standing motionless and pale as she read the words on the stone tablet.

"Did you kill Ouyang Qing or not?! Tell me the truth!"

"Did you or did you not?! Speak!"

Jiang Rui glared at his daughter, his face dark and his voice angry, his features twitching.

Like a lion about to erupt in rage!

"Father... I encountered a young man in the mountains, absorbed his essence to improve my cultivation, and later found out he was from the Ouyang family..."

Jiang Ping lowered her head, clutching the hem of her dress. She had never seen her father so furious.

"You... sigh! Killing Ouyang Qing isn't the issue. Why didn't you eliminate all traces?!"

"What have I always taught you? Leave no roots! Leave nothing behind! Even the slightest possibility must be eradicated!"

"Ouyang's family head will come soon. How should I explain this?"

Jiang Rui was furious. His daughter's scandal not only brought shame to the Jiang family but also exposed the killing of Ouyang Qing.

If the Ouyang family were a small clan, it would be different, but they were a Golden Core family as powerful as the Jiang family!

"Father, I cleaned up all the traces back then. Whoever did this has evil intentions!"

"I will definitely catch this person!"

Jiang Ping raised her head, her eyes filled with hatred. She wanted to find the person responsible and tear them apart, slice their skin, and destroy their family!

"Stay at home and don't go anywhere!"

"I'll handle this!"

Jiang Rui warned her and sighed, leaving the room.

He didn't know who was inscribing these messages around the city, but he knew they couldn't admit to it, and his daughter couldn't leave the family grounds. If she did, the Ouyang family would capture her and search her soul, rendering her seductive body useless.

The most urgent task was to catch the "rumormonger" and provide an explanation to the Ouyang family.