Chapter 111: Slaying Ren Tianchi! Fusing the Soul Seed, A Familiar Object

Qin Wang left the city, using his divine sense to control Zhao Huny, letting him walk ahead. He himself stayed about a mile behind, following from a distance.

At the same time, in the east side of Ascending Immortal Garden, a young cultivator, around twenty-three or twenty-four years old, hurried into a central room in a courtyard filled with spiritual plants. He respectfully cupped his hands and said, "Boss Ren, that old Zhao Haifeng just left the city. I've already sent San Shui to follow him!"

"Damn it, he finally left the city!"

"Last time, he was lucky. He didn't die in that fierce beast tide! This time, we must kill him!"

Ren Tianchi, the small leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, stood up upon hearing the news. His eyes suddenly opened, glinting with cold light. He grabbed the sword beside him and said, "Call the others! Let's go!"

Tang Meng had repeatedly instructed that after killing Zhao Haifeng, they must retrieve a small white mouse from him. Today, Zhao Haifeng finally left the city.

"Yes, Boss Ren!"

The young cultivator responded and followed Ren Tianchi outside.


Time passed.

Qin Wang had already left more than ten miles from Qingyun Immortal City. Looking back, Qingyun Immortal City was shrouded in thick immortal mist, resembling a fairyland.

At this moment, Qin Wang's heart skipped a beat.

He noticed that three miles behind, five cultivators seemed to have followed him all the way!

Qin Wang became alert. He continued walking while observing, and discovered that the highest cultivation among the five was only at the seventh layer of Qi Refining. He immediately relaxed.

Although he displayed his cultivation as the fifth layer of Qi Refining, his true cultivation was already at the ninth layer!

Moreover, with Zhao Huny ahead, he naturally had nothing to fear.

"Are they following Zhao Huny?"

Qin Wang walked another three miles and realized that the five people were not targeting him, but Zhao Huny ahead!

"Demon Slaying Alliance!"

Qin Wang suddenly remembered the intelligence that Zhao Haifeng had killed Zhang Yunyou and Ye Jianhong. Tang Jianzhong, who bore grudges, had ordered the Demon Slaying Alliance members to kill Zhao Haifeng at the first opportunity.

For over a month, Qin Wang had not left the city. It seemed the Demon Slaying Alliance had been monitoring Zhao Huny, waiting for him to leave the city!

"Since you seek death, I won't be polite!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with cold killing intent. He controlled Zhao Huny with his divine sense to move southeast.

Meanwhile, Qin Wang went southwest, separating from Zhao Huny. The five followed Zhao Huny, while Qin Wang hid in a grove.

Inside the grove, there was an open space about ten feet square.

Standing in the middle, Qin Wang waved his hand, taking out the remains of Purple Cloud True Person from his storage bag. He also summoned the soul seed refined from Purple Cloud True Person's soul from the Soul Gathering Bowl.

As soon as the soul seed appeared, it entered the remains of Purple Cloud True Person under Qin Wang's control.

The remains of Purple Cloud True Person trembled for about sixty breaths, then suddenly opened its eyes and floated in front of Qin Wang, hopping on one leg.

"As expected, the soul seed made from the original soul is very compatible."

"From now on, you'll be called Mu Hun Two."

Qin Wang looked at Mu Hun Two, satisfaction in his eyes.

Mu Hun Two stood still, exuding a strong aura of the Foundation Establishment stage.


Qin Wang's figure flickered, heading towards Zhao Huny's direction.

Mu Hun Two followed, wielding the Purple Sun Spiritual Sword, hopping two feet with each jump like a zombie.

Three miles away from Qin Wang.

Zhao Huny stood by a small stream, holding a sword. He looked at the five approaching Demon Slaying Alliance members, silent and calm.

Ren Tianchi and the four other members slowly spread out, blocking Zhao Huny's retreat.

"Zhao, why don't you run?"

"Made us wait for over a month! How do you want to die?"

A member of the Demon Slaying Alliance glared at Zhao Huny, his sword glowing red with killing intent.

"Zhao Haifeng, you shouldn't have killed Zhang and Ye!"

"Prepare to die!"

Ren Tianchi ordered, "Brothers, attack together and kill him!"

With that, his sword unleashed a fierce green light towards Zhao Huny, and the four others attacked simultaneously.


At that moment, a blazing red sword light pierced through three Demon Slaying Alliance members like lightning. They looked down at the blood holes in their chests, eyes filled with disbelief.

The attack dissolved the alliance's encirclement, and Zhao Haifeng darted out.

"You... ninth layer of Qi Refining!"

Ren Tianchi turned, seeing a young man in blue with a black bowl in hand standing a foot away. His pupils contracted!

He had seen this person earlier when they were following Zhao Haifeng. Back then, he thought the man was only at the fifth layer of Qi Refining and ignored him.

Unexpectedly, the man's true cultivation was at the ninth layer!

At that moment, three shadows flew out from the dead cultivators and entered the young man's black bowl!

"No... this is a misunderstanding..."

Ren Tianchi, terrified, tried to escape, but was lifted like a chick.

Simultaneously, his magic power was sealed, rendering him immobile.

"Foundation... Foundation Establishment!"

Sensing the strong Foundation Establishment aura behind him, Ren Tianchi pleaded, "Mercy! I'll serve you as a slave... just spare me!"

"A slave?"

"Your cultivation is too low. I don't need you, but your soul might be useful."

Qin Wang's indifferent voice made Ren Tianchi pale with fear. Mu Hun Two crushed him, and his soul was absorbed into the Soul Gathering Bowl.

The last Qi Refining fifth layer cultivator was also killed by Zhao Huny, and his soul collected.

Qin Wang cast a few fire spells, burning the bodies to ash. After cleaning up, he left.

An hour later.

Twenty miles away, on a cliff, Qin Wang dug a cave three feet high with his sword and sat inside, sorting his gains.

"Five storage bags!"

"This trip was worth it!"

Qin Wang's eyes gleamed with joy as he examined the five storage bags.

Ren Tianchi and the others were dead. His strong divine sense quickly opened their storage bags.

Inside Ren Tianchi's bag, he found 360 spirit stones. The other four bags contained a total of 280 spirit stones, over twenty bottles of low-grade pills, a few solidifying pills, and various low-grade spiritual herbs and beast materials.



Suddenly, Qin Wang found something familiar in Ren Tianchi's storage bag!

It was amidst the beast materials, clearly not valued by Ren Tianchi.