Chapter 119: Heading to Wanling Paradise, the Nanyu Qianlong Immortal Gathering, Third Fragment

[7: Yesterday, you heard that many rogue cultivators are heading to Wanling Paradise to seek opportunities and obtained information that Wanling Paradise is an abandoned spiritual herb garden of the ancient sect Wanling Sanctuary. After nearly ten thousand years of evolution, spiritual herbs are everywhere inside. Every 60 years, its protective formation weakens, allowing entry with the help of a formation guide to seek opportunities for foundation establishment.]

[8: You cultivated in Qingyun Immortal City and learned that Qingyun Immortal City is a mysterious remnant treasure. This treasure participated in the Wanling War and is slowly recovering while waiting for its destined master.]

[9: You wore the mysterious fragment and obtained information that a fragment of the same origin was auctioned but remained unsold. It was taken by Ouyang Canghai, who is heading to Wanling Market.]

[10: You touched two pieces of broken iron and obtained information that in the southeastern part of the Manyong Mountains, at the Monkey King Mountain, thirty miles from a cliff crack, there is a monkey nest containing a piece of the same broken iron. Collecting three pieces of broken iron will bring unexpected rewards.]

"The Si Tuo family is finished!"

Qin Wang looked at the first, second, third, and fourth pieces of information, showing a thoughtful expression.


The benefits of the Si Tuo family have been divided by the other three major Golden Core families. With Lu Yunhai's assassination and subsequent deaths of several Foundation Establishment members, the family is in crisis. Even the Foundation Establishment elders have taken the clan members and fled Qingyun Immortal City, planning to return to the Dayu Immortal Kingdom and revive their ancestral cultivation family. The Si Tuo family is finished.

"I still need to visit the Si Tuo family to take away the items from Si Tuo Yunfei's retreat. I should be able to gather more information about Si Tuo Yunfei and find the Thousand-Year Soul-Nurturing Wood!"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and made calculations in his heart.

Si Tuo Yunfei only had his Nascent Soul left with his storage bag. He needed to find him through the information.

"Wanling Paradise is an abandoned spiritual herb garden of the ancient sect Wanling Sanctuary?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information, deeply shocked.

A mere abandoned spiritual herb garden, after years of change, has become a dreamland for Qi Condensation cultivators! One can imagine.

The peak period of the Wanling Sanctuary's spiritual herb garden must have been magnificent!

"Ouyang Canghai took the fragment and went to Wanling Market?"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information, frowning deeply.

It seems that I can only go to Wanling Paradise.


"In the southeastern part of the Manyong Mountains, thirty miles from a cliff crack at Monkey King Mountain, there is a piece of broken iron. Collecting three pieces will bring unexpected rewards?"

Qin Wang looked at the tenth piece of information, his eyes lit up. The previous information indicated that the third piece of broken iron was in a monkey nest but didn't specify the location. Now, the exact position is revealed.

Before leaving Qingyun Immortal City, it is necessary to go to Monkey King Mountain to get the third piece of broken iron.

"Wait until dawn, visit the Si Tuo family first, then head to Monkey King Mountain!"

Qin Wang made up his mind and thought silently.

After reading the information, Qin Wang continued cultivating, accumulating proficiency until dawn.

The next day.

In the early morning, with the rising sun and golden rays.

Qin Wang prepared everything and was about to leave when he saw Gao Yuan standing at the door. "Xiao Qin, I'm leaving. Take care, and may we meet again in the future!"

"Uncle Gao, take care! May we meet again!"

Qin Wang looked at Gao Yuan and nodded.

Three days ago, Gao Yuan told Qin Wang that he would be going to Wanling Market with Ouyang Long and others. Since Qin Wang's revealed cultivation was only at the sixth layer of Qi Condensation, Gao Yuan suggested that Qin Wang stay in Qingyun Immortal City to cultivate.


Gao Yuan took a deep look at Qin Wang, waved, and left with Ouyang Long and others.

"Uncle Gao has left. I must hurry."

Qin Wang watched Gao Yuan and the others leave, thinking to himself.

In the eastern part of the city, the vast Si Tuo family.

Due to Lu Yunhai killing the Great Elder, followed by the deaths of several Foundation Establishment clan members, everyone was in a state of panic.

The family was deserted.

Even branch family members had left.

Early morning.

The ancestral land of the Si Tuo family, amidst the ruins, was filled with Qi Condensation fourth and fifth-layer rogue cultivators searching for treasures, hoping to find some good things.

"I never expected that the once-prosperous Golden Core family, the Si Tuo family, would be exterminated! The world is unpredictable!"

"Yes, since that mysterious person exposed the Si Tuo family's actions of ambushing rogue cultivators, the Si Tuo family has been declining. I really wonder who that mysterious person is?"

"It must be the Si Tuo family's enemy; otherwise, they wouldn't expose them like this!"

"Si Tuo Yunfei brought this upon himself, daring to kill a Golden Core member of the Saber Blade Immortal Sect. There's no wall that doesn't leak!"


Qin Wang stood in what used to be the ancestral hall of the Si Tuo family, looking at the fallen memorial tablets, overhearing the discussions of the treasure-hunting cultivators around him. He smiled faintly and turned to head to Si Tuo Yunfei's retreat.

Si Tuo Yunfei's retreat was located underground in the Si Tuo family.

On the third underground level, which collapsed during the battle.

At this time, the collapsed underground chamber had been excavated by numerous rogue cultivators. All useful items were taken, leaving only broken stone pillars, tables, and chairs. Even the meditation mats were taken by the rogue cultivators.

"These tables and chairs should have been used by Si Tuo Yunfei. Enough information has been gathered."

Qin Wang waved his hand, collecting the intact tables and chairs, broken ancient paintings, abandoned alchemical furnaces, and discarded magical artifacts into his storage bag, then turned to leave.

Wanhua Immortal Sect.

Located in the Wan Holy Mountains at the border of the Dayan Immortal Kingdom, it is a Nascent Soul Immortal Sect of the Dayan Immortal Kingdom.

In the main hall of the Wanhua Immortal Sect.

On the main seat, a stunning woman in her late thirties looked at the two disciples in snow-white robes standing respectfully in the hall and spoke slowly. "Qianxue, I didn't expect you to have such a talented disciple. With her spiritual roots, cultivating in the upper sect, she will have a brighter future!"

"Master's words are very true."

Mu Qianxue glanced at Qin Xuemei beside her. With Qin Xuemei's talent, cultivating in the upper sect is indeed beneficial for her.


She had finally accepted such a good disciple, but she couldn't hinder her disciple's future.

"You and Qin Xuemei will stay in the upper sect to cultivate. As for the branch sect, we will send Junior Sister Zhang there." The Plum Blossom Fairy spoke slowly.

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

Mu Qianxue was overjoyed and respectfully bowed with Qin Xuemei. Cultivating in the upper sect offered more resources, and staying in the branch sect in Dacang Country was indeed too remote.

"Hmm, after coming out of the Holy Pool, you can take her to Wanling Paradise for training. Exceptional talent is one thing, but tempering the mind is equally essential. To go further, both are indispensable!"


The Plum Blossom Fairy nodded at Mu Qianxue, indicating her departure.


Mu Qianxue led Qin Xuemei to bow and retreat several steps before turning to leave.

"With such a spiritual root, my Wanhua Immortal Sect should secure a top five position in the Nanyu Qianlong Immortal Gathering in thirty years!"

Sui Huizhu watched Qin Xuemei leave, her beautiful eyes filled with anticipation.

At nine in the morning.

Qin Wang saw many Qi Condensation eighth and ninth-layer cultivators in Qingyun Immortal City heading towards Wanling Paradise.

He stood thirty miles outside Qingyun Immortal City, controlling his cultivation to the sixth layer of Qi Condensation, with Zhao Hunyi, Mu Hun'er, and Shi Hun's three puppets following behind at a distance.

"Once I get this fragment, I'll head to Wanling Paradise immediately!"

Thinking of this, Qin Wang, with his three puppets, quickly headed southeast towards Monkey King Mountain.