Chapter 126: Unexpected Move! Great Harvest! Another Qingyou Small Sword!

"Daoist Mei! I was kind to you!"

Ye Qian widened her eyes in disbelief as she looked at Qin Wang in the distance, holding a broken sword. Slowly lowering her gaze, she saw a bloody hole in her chest, blood gushing out. Ye Qian felt her strength ebbing away and collapsed with a crash.

A faint shadow flew out from her corpse and was absorbed into Qin Wang's Soul Gathering Bowl with a flicker.

"You beast!"

"I'll kill you!"

Hearing the commotion, Lin Shengbing, who was walking ahead, turned around, his eyes almost popping out in anger. He immediately flung out three talismans, which transformed into three sharp wind blades, slashing towards Qin Wang's chest!

At the same time, as Lin Shengbing attacked Qin Wang, a shadow darted out from behind a nearby tree, crashing into Lin Shengbing!


With a loud noise, Lin Shengbing felt as if he had been hit by a rock. He was sent flying, heavily crashing to the ground, creating a large pit and then rolling over, breaking several large trees in the process!


"A Foundation Establishment...Real person..."

Lin Shengbing, looking at Mu Hun No. 2 standing expressionlessly beside Qin Wang, widened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood!

He hadn't expected it.

What they thought was a fat sheep turned out to have the protection of a Foundation Establishment cultivator!

They had kicked a steel plate!

"Mu Hun No. 2, kill him and leave the body intact. I want to refine it into a puppet!"

Qin Wang instructed Mu Hun No. 2 beside him.

Mu Hun No. 2's figure flashed, instantly charging towards Lin Shengbing and thrusting a sword. The sword aura shot out, instantly piercing Lin Shengbing's chest!


Although Lin Shengbing was at the tenth level of the Qi Refining stage, he stood no chance against the Foundation Establishment Mu Hun No. 2. He screamed in agony, his eyes gradually dimming, and eventually, a faint soul shadow rose from his body, flying towards Qin Wang's Soul Gathering Bowl.


Qin Wang's figure flashed, instantly stepping forward and taking the storage bag from Lin Shengbing's hand, feeling its weight with great anticipation.

Having killed these two, he obtained two storage bags and two souls, as well as two late-stage Qi Refining bodies for puppets!

Qin Wang waved his hand again.

He collected Ye Qian's and Lin Shengbing's bodies, cleaned up the surrounding traces, and then sped towards a large mountain to the west, with Mu Hun No. 2 and Shi Hun No. 3 closely following.

These two bodies needed to be refined, and then, with the right soul seeds, they could be controlled. Maybe they could even take down some of their accomplices.

According to the intelligence.

Lin Shengbing had gone to discuss the details of ambushing Qin Wang with a fellow named Li Shentong.

Those who plotted to kill him would not be spared!


He was currently in need of spirit stones. By counter-ambushing them, he could reap great rewards!

Thirty miles away.

On a hundred-foot-high mountain peak, by a cliff, Qin Wang directed Mu Hun No. 2 and Shi Hun No. 3 to dig a hole. In no time, they had carved out a two-zhang square cave, creating a new cave dwelling.

The excavated stones were all stored in the storage bag, and the outside was covered with vines, leaving no trace.

After setting everything up.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the stone cave and first took out Ye Qian's storage bag.

"My heavens!"

"No wonder they were bandit cultivators!"

With Ye Qian dead, Qin Wang used his divine sense to open the storage bag in no time. Seeing the contents, he couldn't help but click his tongue!

The storage bag was about ten zhang in size.

There was a huge pile of spirit stones inside, no less than two thousand pieces!

There were also a large number of beast materials, spiritual herbs, pills, and a bunch of middle-grade and high-grade magic tools!

There was even a bookshelf filled with books, talismans, and cultivation techniques.

Qin Wang then took out Lin Shengbing's storage bag. Seeing its contents, he took a deep breath and murmured, "I've truly struck it rich this time!"

Lin Shengbing's storage bag was the same size as Ye Qian's.

There were even more spirit stones in it than Ye Qian's!

There were also plenty of beast materials, pills, and spiritual herbs, with talismans being the most numerous, along with talisman books.

An hour later.

Qin Wang had sorted through the two storage bags.

There were 5230 spirit stones, 36 bottles of Guyuan Pills, 33 bottles of Ju Fa Pills, and 25 bottles of Zhu Mai Pills.

There were also 33 Fireball Talismans, 24 Wind Blade Talismans, and 18 Exploding Flame Talismans, along with over ten books on Qi Refining techniques such as the Five Elements Gathering Technique, Spirit Rain Technique, Fire Arrow Technique, and Fire Knife Technique. There was also a map of the Southern Region's sect forces.

In addition, there were 6 high-grade magic tools, 17 middle-grade magic tools, and 15 low-grade magic tools.

In Lin Shengbing's storage bag, Qin Wang also found a Qingyou Small Sword!

"It's exactly the same as the Qingyou Small Sword obtained from Elder Chen's box!"

Qin Wang took out the Qingyou Small Sword he had obtained from Elder Chen's box, comparing the two. The intelligence revealed that these Qingyou Small Swords were part of a mysterious sword array. This meant he had acquired two pieces of the mysterious sword array!

Qin Wang tried to probe these two small swords with his divine sense but found no response!

"It seems my divine sense isn't strong enough."

Qin Wang put the two small swords into his storage bag.

With his current divine sense, he couldn't use these small swords. He would have to wait until he established his foundation to find out more.

"First, let's refine the souls of these two into soul seeds!"

After sorting out the storage bags, Qin Wang took out the Soul Gathering Bowl.

While Qin Wang was sorting through Ye Qian's and Lin Shengbing's storage bags, three Qi Refining tenth-level cultivators appeared in the forest where Qin Wang had killed Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian.

The three, one in gray clothes and two in blue, were middle-aged men with sharp eyes, clearly seasoned and ruthless!

"There was a brief fight here. It seems Daoist Ye and Daoist Lin's plan was exposed..."

"I wonder what the outcome was?"

The gray-clad middle-aged cultivator, tall and bony, squinted his eyes and speculated, "It seems that the Qi Refining tenth-level cultivator Mei Changxin is no simple character! If we can kill him, our gains would be substantial!"

Zhang Fujian's heart was filled with anticipation.

From their experience as bandit cultivators, the more powerful a person was, the richer their possessions!

"Currently, both Daoist Ye, Daoist Lin, and that Mei Changxin are missing."

"Let's go to the hut and check."

One of the blue-clad middle-aged cultivators agreed.

"Yes, let's head back!"

Zhang Fujian nodded, and the group quickly headed towards Wanling Market.

Qin Wang, seated in the mountain cave, took out the Soul Gathering Bowl, his divine sense entering it.

"Surnamed Qin, I brought you soup, yet you ambushed me halfway... you will die a horrible death! Ahhhh!"

As Qin Wang's divine sense 'figure' appeared in the Soul Gathering Bowl space, Ye Qian's soul rushed up, glaring at Qin Wang, gritting her teeth, wishing she could bite him.

"Surnamed Qin! My wife and I treated you well, yet you suddenly struck us down!"

"Are you even human!"

Lin Shengbing's soul also charged forward, his eyes full of hatred. He had already learned from other souls in the Soul Gathering Bowl that the cultivator they wanted to ambush was not named 'Mei Changxin' but was actually Qin Wang!

"Heh heh..."

Qin Wang glanced coldly at Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing, sneering, "You plotted with Li Shentong to lure me to Tianhu Mountain and kill me. Don't think I didn't know! I merely turned your scheme against you and killed you both!"

"As bandit cultivators, you should always be prepared to be bandited yourselves!"


Hearing Qin Wang's words, Ye Qian's and Lin Shengbing's souls were stunned, speechless.

Indeed, they had plotted to ambush Qin Wang.

As bandit cultivators, they had always been cautious and had never failed with their multi-person ambush tactics. However, they hadn't expected to run into Qin Wang, hitting a steel plate!

This Qin Wang actually had the protection of a Foundation Establishment cultivator!

If they had known this earlier, they wouldn't have dared to scheme against Qin Wang at all!