Chapter 129: Second-Level Golden Bell Talisman! Yin-Yang Illusion Formation Disk, Zhang Fujiang's Soul Blood!



"Ah! Uh!"

A series of screams and groans echoed in the forest!

Qin Wang issued a command through his divine sense: Mu Hun'er would handle the lead Qi Refining stage twelfth-level cultivator, while Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian would deal with the other three robbers.

After giving orders to his four soul-bound puppets, Qin Wang didn't just stand by—he struck with his "One Sword Across Worlds" technique!

In the blink of an eye, three of the four robbers were heavily injured and fell to the ground.

The lead Qi Refining stage twelfth-level cultivator hastily summoned a golden talisman, which produced a golden bell-shaped barrier about ten feet tall, enveloping him and emitting ripples of light.

Mu Hun'er, using Foundation Establishment-level strength, struck the golden bell barrier with a sword, sending the cultivator flying more than thirty feet, crashing through over ten towering ancient trees!

The golden bell barrier flickered and dimmed considerably from the impact.

Despite the barrier's protection, the Qi Refining stage twelfth-level cultivator's face turned pale, his complexion deathly white.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qin Wang commanded Mu Hun'er to strike three more times!

The cultivator was smashed into the ground, his golden bell barrier dissipating. He lay in a pit, blood flowing from his nose, mouth, eyes, and ears, looking utterly miserable.

"Spare me, senior! I am willing to offer all my possessions in exchange for my life."

"Please, senior, show mercy."

Zhang Fujiang, seeing Mu Hun'er about to strike again, was terrified. Despite his injuries, he crawled up, kowtowing continuously and pleading while respectfully placing his storage bag before Qin Wang.

At this moment, Zhang Fujiang was utterly horrified.

He had only wanted to understand why Lin Shengbing and his wife failed their task and didn't explain. But unexpectedly, it led to an encounter with a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator's strikes were terrifying. Without the protection of a top-grade second-level golden bell talisman, he would have already perished.

Now, he understood.

Lin Shengbing and his wife were silent because they were under the control of a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Facing a Foundation Establishment cultivator, even activating the golden bell talisman again would be futile. It would break, and he feared the next impact would kill him.

Apart from begging for mercy, he had no other choice.

Unless he had a teleportation talisman to instantly move dozens of miles away, he couldn't escape.

At this moment, apart from Zhang Fujiang, another Qi Refining stage tenth-level cultivator had died from a single sword strike by Qin Wang, and the remaining two were left with one leg each, lying on the ground howling in pain, hastily stopping their bleeding.

"Kill them!"

Qin Wang, holding his magical sword, stepped forward and issued orders to Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian, and Shi Hun San.

"It's actually him!"

Zhang Fujiang was stunned to see 'Mei Changxin' giving orders while the Foundation Establishment cultivator followed his lead. He was incredulous.

He had thought Mei Changxin was a target for his robber team.

But now, he realized they were the real prey.

If he had known Mei Changxin had a Foundation Establishment cultivator as a subordinate, he wouldn't have provoked him.

"Heh... Killing you means your belongings are mine!"

"What right do you have to negotiate with me?!"

Qin Wang approached Mu Hun'er, looking at the miserable Zhang Fujiang, and spoke indifferently.

When refining Lin Shengbing's soul, Qin Wang learned the names and appearances of several members of the robber team. This person was Zhang Fujiang, the vice-captain of the team, second only to the captain, Li Shentong.


Zhang Fujiang, hearing this, was terrified, hurriedly knelt, and crawled forward, kowtowing continuously. "Daoist Mei—no, master! I was foolish to covet you. I deserve to die... Please, master, spare me."

"I am willing to serve you from now on, no matter the cost!"

Zhang Fujiang pleaded, taking out another storage bag from his robe and respectfully placing it in front of Qin Wang.

At this moment, he was desperate. With Mei Changxin having a Foundation Establishment cultivator as a subordinate, he had no chance of escaping.

"Serve me? Very well!"

"Then hand over your soul blood!"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up, and he nodded.

Having a Qi Refining stage twelfth-level subordinate was excellent.

Though he preferred soul-bound puppets, a willingly surrendered soul blood was also good. Zhang Fujiang's life would then be in his hands, unable to betray.


Zhang Fujiang, helpless, glanced at the Foundation Establishment cultivator nearby and sighed inwardly. He forced out a drop of soul blood, which floated from his forehead to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang's divine sense wrapped around the soul blood and refined it.

In an instant, Qin Wang sensed a pigeon-egg-sized white light floating in his consciousness sea, Zhang Fujiang's soul blood. He could sense Zhang Fujiang's soul, knowing that with a thought, he could kill him.

It was incredibly magical.

"Mu Hun'er, gather the talismans and all the storage bags!"

"Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian, clean up the scene!"

After refining Zhang Fujiang's soul blood, Qin Wang instructed Mu Hun'er and the others.

Mu Hun'er flashed forward, picked up the talismans, and gathered all the storage bags, handing them to Qin Wang.

Lin Shengbing, Shi Hun San, and Ye Qian used explosive spells to clean up the scene.

"This time, we really hit the jackpot..."

Zhang Fujiang watched as Qin Wang and his three subordinates efficiently cleaned up, his heart filled with turmoil.

Half an hour later.

Qin Wang led Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun'er, Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian away.

Back at the cave where he had cleaned Lin Shengbing's storage bag.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged, with Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun'er, Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian meditating and guarding him. With more people now, Qin Wang had Zhao Hun Yi expand the cave to ten feet wide, with stone pillars for support.

At this point, Zhao Hun Yi, being at Qi Refining stage six, was only suitable for digging the cave.

"Five more storage bags! Great!"

Qin Wang looked at the five storage bags in front of him with anticipation.

He first picked up Zhang Fujiang's talisman.

This talisman was three inches long, with a golden bell drawn on it, and a faint golden line flashing on it.

"Zhang Fujiang, does the golden line on this bell mean it can still be used once?"

Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang, holding the talisman.

This golden bell talisman had excellent defense.

Mu Hun'er, with Foundation Establishment-level strength, needed four strikes to break it. Its defense was remarkable!

"Yes, master. Infusing it with mana will activate a golden bell barrier that can withstand several attacks from a Foundation Establishment cultivator."

Zhang Fujiang looked at Qin Wang and quickly nodded.


Qin Wang nodded, putting away the golden bell talisman, and then said to Zhang Fujiang, "Take out all the spirit stones and treasures from your storage bags!"

"Yes, master!"

Zhang Fujiang opened one of his storage bags with his divine sense, and a pile of spirit stones, materials, and books filled the cave!

Instantly, the cave was brightly lit!

"My heavens! We've hit the jackpot!"

Qin Wang couldn't help but gasp. Zhang Fujiang, this robber, was incredibly wealthy.

The pile of spirit stones alone amounted to at least 5,000 pieces!

There were nearly a hundred bottles of Consolidation Pills and other pills, along with beast materials and spiritual herbs filling most of the cave.

Zhang Fujiang then emptied his other storage bag.

Another nearly 2,000 spirit stones, nearly a hundred bottles of pills, and a heap of spell and cultivation technique books.

"What's this?"

"A formation disk?"

Suddenly, Qin Wang noticed a formation disk and a set of formation flags among the items Zhang Fujiang had taken out. He recognized them, having seen similar items in Wanbao Building.

This formation disk was red, about three feet in diameter, with five-colored ring patterns etched on it, and five small words below: [Yin-Yang Illusion Formation].

"An illusion formation?"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up as he examined the formation disk.