Chapter 131: Li Shentong's Frustration, Qi Refining Stage Level 11, Wanling Blessed Land Opens!

"Wanling Commerce Association also has a mysterious fragment?"

"That makes three fragments if you include Situ Yunfei's!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of intelligence, his heart filled with anticipation.

One fragment had already greatly enhanced his divine sense, far beyond those of the same level. Having three fragments would amplify the effect even more.

"Next step is to enhance my strength and wait for the Wanling Blessed Land to open!"

After reviewing the intelligence, Qin Wang checked the elixirs in his storage bag, finding enough for his needs.

With the treasure bowl's refining ability, he didn't need to worry about the quality of the elixirs. The treasure bowl purified them, removing impurities and leaving only the pure medicinal essence.

Five miles away from Qin Wang and Lin Shengbing's hut:

A handsome young man, around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, frowned deeply as he faced a blue-robed cultivator. "Lin Qi, have Zhang and his friends not returned yet?"

"No, I went to Tianhu Mountain to look for them but found nothing, as if they vanished into thin air," Lin Qi replied, equally puzzled.

"Ten days have passed, and they still haven't returned."

"They must have encountered some trouble."

A bad premonition arose in Li Shentong's heart. He recalled something and asked, "By the way, have Mei Changxin, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian returned to their huts recently?"

"They haven't come back either."

Lin Qi shook his head. As a member of the robber squad, he had gone to the Wanling Commerce Association with the leader to offer tribute. Zhang Fujiang and the others stayed behind to investigate Lin Shengbing's affairs.

Upon returning, Zhang Fujiang and the others were missing, and Mei Changxin and Lin Shengbing's couple were also gone.

"Lin Qi, the Wanling Blessed Land is about to open. Stop targeting rich cultivators for now. Keep an eye on them and notify me immediately if you find anything."

Li Shentong was quite frustrated.

He had painstakingly assembled the robber squad to make a mark in the Wanling Blessed Land, but with six members missing, his five years of effort were half ruined.


Lin Qi nodded.

Fifty miles away from Wanling Blessed Land:

At an ancient tree-covered cliff, there was a vine-covered cave with a stone door at the entrance, concealing a spacious interior.

Qin Wang, along with Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun II, Shi Hun III, Zhao Hun I, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian, had found this secluded spot and dug out a new cave to cultivate.

Inside, the cave was like a maze, with Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang cultivating separately.

The lowest-level cultivator, Zhao Hun I, was responsible for digging the cave.

One day:

Qin Wang sat in the central stone chamber, surrounded by a pile of white porcelain bottles, exuding a powerful aura that fluctuated as his body trembled.


Suddenly, Qin Wang felt a surge within him, as if clouds parted to reveal the moon. His dantian expanded, and his meridian's spiritual energy surged into it like rivers merging into the sea.

At the same time:

Qin Wang's cultivation level dramatically increased!

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 20/155]

[Stage: Qi Refining Stage Level 11 (1/11000)]

"Finally reached Qi Refining Stage Level 11!"

Three hours later, Qin Wang stabilized the turbulent spiritual energy in his dantian, satisfied with the 'Qi Refining Stage Level 11' displayed on his panel.

Advancing to Qi Refining Stage Level 11 doubled his strength and increased his lifespan by 8 years, reaching 155 years.

"Next, while improving cultivation proficiency, I must master the Boundary Sword Technique to perfection!"

Qin Wang plotted silently.

The Boundary Sword Technique was incredibly lethal, focusing spiritual energy into a single point for a devastating strike, ensuring a kill.

With the proficiency panel, he could quickly enhance his proficiency in the technique by consuming elixirs and practicing, receiving corresponding cultivation experience at each level: minor, proficient, advanced, and perfected.

Meanwhile, as Qin Wang cultivated in seclusion, many Qi Refining stage cultivators from all over the Southern Domain flocked to Wanling Market, awaiting the opening of the Wanling Blessed Land.

In a ten-zhang square hut to the south of the market:

A handsome young man in green, Li Shentong, sat cross-legged, silently cultivating.

"Boss, the Wanling Blessed Land is about to open, but there's still no trace of Zhang and the others, nor Mei Changxin," Lin Qi respectfully reported from the doorway.

Li Shentong was silent for a while before saying, "Understood, tell the others to rest and conserve their energy for the opening of the blessed land."

"Yes, boss!"

Lin Qi agreed and left to inform the other two robbers.

"Mei Changxin must be involved in the disappearance of Lin Shengbing, Zhang Fujiang, and the others. He's no ordinary person."

Li Shentong narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the distant huts.

Mei Changxin's ability to make Lin Shengbing and Zhang Fujiang vanish indicated his hidden strength. In future encounters, Li Shentong would have to be cautious.

His success thus far relied on prudence and avoiding danger. That's why he formed the robber squad, using numbers to gain advantage.

In Wanling Market:

Yaxian Lingzhan was a small courtyard with rich spiritual energy, set up with a micro spirit-gathering array for cultivators to rest and cultivate.

In room 48:

"Finally broke through to Qi Refining Stage Level 11 before the blessed land opens!"

A lean, black-clad cultivator slowly opened his eyes, showing a hint of joy.

"Congratulations, Young Master, on advancing your cultivation! This time, you will surely gain great rewards in the Wanling Blessed Land!"

Feeling the powerful aura in the room, a middle-aged cultivator in his fifties appeared at the door, respectfully congratulating him.

This middle-aged cultivator was at the Qi Refining Stage Level 12!

"Of course!"

Murong Chenggao was satisfied and asked, "Uncle De, any news on the cultivator who bid against me for the fragment?"

"Young Master, the person wore a mask that day and left no trace."

"The Wanbao Tower refused to provide any information, no matter the price."

Murong De looked ashamed as he reported.

"With just three fragments, the shield's defense was so strong. That person must have at least three fragments, and with the auctioned fragment, four in total. If I could find him and gather seven fragments, the defense would be even stronger!"

"Forget it, Wanbao Tower won't risk its reputation."

Murong Chenggao waved his hand and continued, "Uncle De, inform the young lady to prepare. The blessed land is about to open. We might encounter that person inside."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Murong De respectfully bowed and left.

That day:

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the cave.

Suddenly, he felt the earth tremble.

"The Wanling Blessed Land is about to open?"

Using his divine sense to communicate with the hidden spirit-seeking mouse, Qin Wang 'saw' a giant white light barrier rising in the distance, his eyes filled with anticipation.

The hidden spirit-seeking mouse had grown larger after consuming five golden spirit fruits, now the size of a strong man's fist. Its fur was even whiter, and its speed had increased.

At that moment:

It was outside the cave, holding several spirit fruits and keeping watch.

"Zhang Fujiang, get ready. We're leaving!"

Qin Wang said to Zhang Fujiang beside him.

Zhang Fujiang had also sensed the external disturbance.

"Yes, master!"

Zhang Fujiang respectfully agreed.