Chapter one

Seraphina Devereux lounged in her father's opulent study, the flickering fireplace casting a warm glow on the dark mahogany shelves lined with leather-bound books. The room smelled of aged wood and rich tobacco, an unmistakable signature of her father's presence. Vincent Devereux, a man whose reputation was built on power and fear, stood by the window, his silhouette sharp against the city lights.

"Seraphina," he began, his voice low but firm, cutting through the silence like a knife. "You must understand that this marriage is not just about you. It's about securing our family's future and strengthening our business ties."

Saraphina's eyes narrowed, her fingers curling around the armrest of the velvet chair. Her father had always been controlling, but this was a step too far. "I'm not some pawn to be traded for business deals, Father. I have my own life, my plans."

Vincent turned to face her, his expression as unyielding as the concrete jungle outside. "This is not a request. You will marry Alistair Moretti's son, and that's final. The arrangement is already in motion."

Seraphina felt her chest tighten, a mix of anger and desperation rising within her. She had always known her father to be ruthless in business, but this was a new level of control. "And if I refuse?" she challenged, standing up to meet his gaze head-on.

Vincent's eyes darkened, his demeanour growing even more intimidating. "Then you will face the consequences, and they will be severe. Think carefully, Seraphina. This is bigger than your desires."

Storming out of the study, Seraphina's mind raced. She couldn't allow herself to be trapped in a loveless marriage, not when there was another way. As she reached her bedroom, she slammed the door shut, her frustration boiling over.

In an attempt to distract herself, she turned on the TV, flicking through channels until a breaking news segment caught her attention. The screen showed a grainy image of a man, his face partially obscured. The news anchor's voice was serious, almost reverent.

"Lucien Salvatore, the most dangerous and feared criminal from Colombia, is reportedly on his way to New York. Sources indicate that he will be attending the upcoming masquerade ball, a gathering of the city's elite."

Saraphina's heart skipped a beat. Lucien Salvatore. The name was synonymous with danger, power, and the kind of ruthless efficiency that could challenge even her father. If anyone could help her escape this forced marriage, it was him.

Determined, Seraphina hurried to her wardrobe, her mind set on a new plan. She rifled through her clothes, pulling out an elegant, dark blue gown adorned with intricate silver embroidery. It was perfect for the masquerade ball.

She laid the dress out on her bed and began to prepare, her mind racing with thoughts of how to approach Lucien. She knew it wouldn't be easy; convincing a man like him to help her would take more than just desperation. She would need to be cunning, and persuasive, and perhaps offer him something in return.

As she fastened the mask over her face, Seraphine felt a mix of fear and excitement. She was taking a huge risk, but it was one she had to take. Her father's control had gone too far, and this was her chance to reclaim her life.

Sneaking out of the house would be the first challenge. The Devereux estate was heavily guarded, but Seraphina had spent years learning its ins and outs. She knew which doors creaked, and which windows could be opened without setting off alarms.

With her dress and mask ready, she slipped a small dagger into her garter, a precaution against the dangers that lay ahead. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the night to come.

Descending the grand staircase with quiet grace, she avoided the main hallways, moving through hidden passages and back corridors. The sound of distant laughter and clinking glasses from the ballroom below only fueled her determination.

As she approached the side entrance, Saraphine took one last look around before slipping out into the night. The cool air hit her face, bringing with it a sense of freedom she hadn't felt in years. She was on her way to the masquerade ball, and with any luck, she would find Lucien Salvatore and secure her future.

Across town, in a dimly lit penthouse that overlooked the New York skyline, Lucien Salvatore stood by the window, his sharp gaze fixed on the city below. The night was alive with possibilities, and he could feel the electric charge in the air. Lucien's mind was a storm of memories and plans. Returning to New York was a risk, but one he was willing to take. The masquerade ball would be the perfect cover for his true purpose: to exact revenge on those who had wronged him and reclaim what was rightfully his. A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. It was Matteo, his loyal right-hand man, and trusted confidant. "Everything is ready, boss. The car is waiting, and the invitations have been secured," Matteo reported. Lucien nodded, his expression unreadable. "Good. Tonight, we make our move. No mistakes." As Matteo left, Lucien turned to his wardrobe. The black tuxedo he chose was tailored to perfection, the mask a symbol of the anonymity he would maintain.

The masquerade ball was in full swing, the grand ballroom awash with opulence. Crystal chandeliers cast shimmering light over the crowd and the air was filled with the sound of music and laughter. Seraphine Devereux moved through the throng with purpose, her eyes scanning for the one man who could challenge her father.

She wore an elegant, dark blue gown adorned with intricate silver embroidery, the fabric hugging her curves before cascading into a flowing skirt. Her thick, black hair was styled in loose waves that framed her face, and her striking blue eyes glinted from behind a delicate silver mask. She was a vision of beauty and mystery, capturing the attention of everyone she passed.

Across the room, Lucien Salvatore stood, his presence commanding and enigmatic. He wore a perfectly tailored black tuxedo, his mask adding an air of danger to his already formidable demeanour. His dark hair was slicked back, and his hazel eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the room with practised ease. He exuded power, his posture and silence speaking volumes.

As Lucien sipped his wine, a young woman approached him, her smile inviting. "Would you like to dance?" she asked, her voice soft and alluring.

Lucien didn't respond. His attention was elsewhere, focused on the mission at hand. He was waiting for Mateo to return with crucial information. Ignoring the woman, he continued to survey the room, his mind sharp and alert.

Just then, his gaze was drawn to a striking figure making her way toward him. It was Saraphine. Her dress shimmered under the lights, and her eyes, a captivating blue, locked onto his. She moved with grace and confidence, every step deliberate and unyielding. Lucien couldn't help but be intrigued.

The young woman standing beside him noticed Seraphina's approach and tried to regain his attention. "Are you even listening to me?"

Lucien remained silent, his eyes now fixed on Seraphina as she stopped in front of him, ignoring the other woman entirely.

Saraphina's heart raced as she stood before Lucien. Up close, he was even more intimidating and handsome than she had imagined. Gathering her courage, she looked up at him and said, "Can I have this dance?"

For a moment, Lucien stared at her, his gaze intense and unreadable. Then, to her surprise, he offered her his hand. "Of course," he replied, his voice smooth and controlled.

Seraphina took his hand, feeling a jolt of electricity at the contact. As they moved to the dance floor, she decided to test the waters. "I've heard a lot about Lucien Salvatore. Do you know him well?"

Lucien's lips curled into a slight, enigmatic smile. "You could say that."

Seraphina continued, oblivious to his true identity. "I need to speak with him. I have a proposition that could benefit us both. Do you think you could introduce me?"

Lucien's eyes flickered with amusement, but he maintained his composure. "Lucien is a difficult man to reach. What makes you think he would be interested in your proposition?"

Seraphina met his gaze, determination shining in her eyes. "Because it involves a significant sum of money, and I know men like him appreciate such offers."

Lucien's grip on her hand tightened imperceptibly, but he remained outwardly calm. "Interesting. And what makes you think I can help you?"

Seraphina leaned in slightly, her voice lowering. "Because you seem like a man who knows how to get things done. Help me, and we both get what we want."

For a moment, they danced in silence, the world around them fading into the background. Finally, Lucien spoke, his voice a mere whisper. "Perhaps we should discuss this further in private."

Seraphina nodded, feeling a surge of hope. As they moved towards a secluded alcove, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was stepping into the unknown. Little did she know just how true that was.

In the quiet corner, away from prying eyes, Lucien stopped, his eyes locking onto hers. "I'm afraid I can't help you meet Lucien tonight," he said, his tone cool.

Saraphina's brow furrowed. "Why not?"

Lucien paused, then gave a slight, enigmatic smile. "Let's just say he values his privacy."

Frustration flickered in Saraphine's eyes. "Then can I know the name of the person I danced with?"

Lucien considered her for a moment, then removed his mask. "My name is Bob," he lied smoothly, his handsome face now fully visible.

Seraphina froze, captivated by his striking features. She removed her mask as well, her ocean-blue eyes meeting his. "My name is Seraphina."

They stared at each other, the tension between them palpable. Lucien was taken aback by her fierce determination and beauty. 

Seraphina smiled a hint of challenge in her expression. "I won't give up on speaking with your boss, Bob. Until we meet again." With that, she turned and walked away.

Lucien stood there, watching her retreating figure, captivated by her boldness and resolve.