Awakening of the Past

Sect Master Hall.

Liu Ming and Su Yan walked through the halls of the sect master's abode.

Expensive paintings hung on the walls, and decorative items were placed on pedestals and in small display cases.

Liu Ming looked around, but didn't recognize the place, as he had never met the sect master of the Sacred Cloud School, or at least didn't remember meeting them.

"So, considering the title of the sect master, he must be very strong…" Liu Ming said.

He was trying to break the uncomfortable silence. For the past three minutes, all he had heard were the sounds of their footsteps echoing back and forth. He was certain they were having a more interesting conversation than he was.

Su Yan's face remained business-like, but she answered nonetheless.

"Master Maomao is currently acting as our interim sect leader. The original sect master left to join a rival sect not long after some key areas in our sect were sealed off. This includes places where we keep our cultivation resources and the core locations where we practice cultivation."

She didn't look back once. The doors to the interim sect master's cultivation room were just a few meters away.

Liu Ming stayed silent, processing what she had said.

'It still doesn't make any sense. Grandfather always said it's normal for patriarchs to leave their sect and continue their cultivation journey in a higher realm. What I don't understand is why he would seal the core elements that the Sacred Cloud School needs to stay relevant in the Yuande Continent. Did he offend some heavenly being or deity and get punished? Maybe sealing those areas was part of a divine decree or an attempt to mitigate the punishment's impact. Hrmm...'

knock! KNOCK!!

A knocking sound disrupted his thoughts.

He looked up and saw Su Yan with her fist against the sizable ornate doors.

"Sect Master, I've returned with Sect Father's successor."


A cat's meow could be heard. "Come in!" said the voice behind the door. It wasn't imposing, but it wasn't tender either. It was somewhere in between.

Su Yan pushed open the doors to reveal the cultivation room.

Liu Ming braced himself.

Great Demon Immortal Dragon Emperor, Maomao.

Anyone with such a name surely possessed a cultivation base that could shake the entire cultivation world. Liu Ming had already decided to show respect the moment he walked in.

"Greetings, Great Demon Im…" Liu Ming mumbled the remaining words he couldn't remember, bowing his head respectfully.

Maomao chuckled, "Haha, you're as respectful as Patriarch Heavenly Sword said."

Liu Ming lifted his head and was surprised to see not a towering figure behind the desk, but a small cat sitting on a very small wooden chair atop the desk. "HUH?!" His eyes widened.

Maomao was indeed a small, blue, anthropomorphic cat with large, expressive eyes and a big head. He had stubby legs and a dark-tipped tail. What surprised Liu Ming the most was how Maomao was dressed in pristine white robes and even sat with crossed legs like a king.

"Hm? What's the matter?" Su Yan asked Liu Ming.

Liu Ming pointed at Maomao and stuttered, "Th-, that's the Great De-, whatever?"

Maomao hopped off his chair, stumbling a bit, but then held out a paw dramatically. "How dare you?! Pay respects to I, the Great Demon Immortal Dragon Emperor, Maomao!" His voice was indignant as he flashed his tiny fangs.

Liu Ming tilted his head. "Uhh… no," he replied.

Maomao sighed heavily and turned away. "Worth a try." He walked across the desk and jumped into a small wooden box, just to start rummaging through its contents.

Liu Ming and Su Yan stood in silence, watching as Maomao's little butt swung from side to side while he searched.

"Master Mao, do you need help?" Su Yan offered.

Maomao shouted from the box, "NO! The Great Demon Immor… cough! COUGH! Doesn't need help!"

He continued rummaging.

Shuffle~! Ruffle~!!



Maomao shouted triumphantly, having finally found what he'd been searching for.

With a powerful leap, the cat jumped out of the wooden box and back onto the desk. He held a secret scroll and a jade slip in his paws, then walked over to where Su Yan and Liu Ming stood.

"Hm?" Su Yan uttered as she examined the items Maomao held.

Liu Ming asked cautiously, "Are these for me?"

Maomao nodded vigorously, waving the items in excitement. "Yes, you bumbling idiot! Who else would they be for?!"

"Oh..." Liu Ming took a closer look at the items.

Maomao decided to explain for clarity's sake.

"A few months after your grandfather forbade you from cultivating and sent you to the most remote parts of the Eastern Reaches, he entrusted these to me, saying to pass them on to you when you turned eighteen. I always wondered why he didn't do it himself, but I figured he might have wanted to pursue higher realms of cultivation. I never imagined he'd disappear like this."

Liu Ming remained silent as Maomao held out the items to him.

"Take these and see what happens. The jade pendant likely contains information he left for you. I believe he foresaw something like this and made preparations."

There was a moment of hesitation from Liu Ming.

He stared at the two items, uncertain of what to do next.

'Jade slips are for recording and transmitting information among cultivators. If there's info in there for me, there's no turning back. Honestly, I've always dreamed of mastering cultivation, but when Grandfather sealed my cultivation base and sent me out of the Sacred Cloud School, I grew bitter about it all. Still, deep down, I long to follow the Dao… but now, I'm not sure if I'm ready to take that leap.'

Out of nowhere, Su Yan placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He looked at her, and she gave him a tender look, which was unusual for her but meant to encourage him to proceed.

Liu Ming nodded at her.

He took the secret scroll first, but nothing happened.

Then, he picked up the jade slip.


Immediately, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body and soul. A powerful chill ran down his spine, and a cold, blue energy burst forth from the jade slip, causing time to come to a complete standstill.

Everything froze… the sunlight streaming through the windows, the people, and objects within the Sect Master Hall.

Only Liu Ming could move.

It was like time had stopped, yet one could also say Liu Ming's consciousness had transcended that moment, entering a blank period where events awaited his awareness to be inscribed.

"What's happening…?"

He glanced around, bewildered.

Suddenly, the air rippled and twisted, as if tangible threads were being pulled. An elderly man materialized before him, clad in flowing black robes contrasting sharply with his long, snow-white hair and neatly trimmed beard. Though he didn't exude a dominating aura, there was an unmistakable air of power around him. No spiritual energy emanated from within, yet pools of it swirled around him, enough to make Liu Ming's soul tremble.

This figure was Liu Changsheng.

Not truly himself but a memory fragment infused into the jade pendant, now appearing before his grandson.

"Liu Ming…" the old man spoke softly.

The sound of his voice carried a surge of spiritual energy that knocked Liu Ming off balance, forcing him to stagger back.

"I entrust these words to you alone, my precious grandson. May you wield them as you see fit, for they are meant only for your ears, away from prying eyes."

It had been ages since Liu Ming had seen his grandfather.

Despite any lingering resentment, hearing him call Liu Ming "my precious grandson" melted away whatever bitterness remained.
